Here are my maneuver drives plus the Traveller Maneuver drives all on one chart.
The traveler Maneuver Drives are all reactionless and I bumped them up to higher tech levels to make room for my reaction maneuver drives. The main difference is this, the reaction maneuver drives require a certain amount of reaction mass per hour, listed under RMC to throw backwards in order to accelerate forward at the listed rate. The reactionless maneuver drives only require electrical input and provides a push forward on the ship without the use of reaction mass, this begins at Teck Level 9 and utilizes some previously undiscovered laws of physics, these reactionless drives also provide artifical gravity for the ship and inertia control so the occupants in the ship don’t feel the acceleration provided by the maneuver drives. Reactionless drives all require separate power plants to provide the electricity, some reaction drive do too, such as the Mass Driver, but others are their own power plants and provide excess EP for use by the rest of the ship’s systems as listed below. If the EP number is preceded by a ‘-‘ it’s a power requirement, if it’s a ‘+’ its excess power output. Each example of the drives below is listed as per drive unit of each type.
Type ________________ TL Cost _____ Size EP __ Mass_ RMC _____ ISP Thrust
Chemical Rockets
-Metal-oxygen _______ 07 MCr 1.0100 2.53 00000 10.13 253.00 MO 274 6-G (405 tons)
-Kerosene-oxygen ____ 07 MCr 0.2050 1.02 00000 4.091 220.00 KO 395 5-G (337.5 tons)
-Hydrogen-oxygen ____ 07 MCr 0.1640 0.82 00000 3.273 540.00 HO 514 4-G (270 tons)
Laser Rocket ________ 08 MCr 0.2025 1.01 0000* 4.050 40.500 P 1500 3-G (202.5 tons)
Mass Driver _________ 08 MCr 4.0500 10.1 -40.5 40.50 0.2025 RD 720 0.015-G (1.0125 tons)
Fission Drive _______ 08 MCr 2.0000 2.50 +2.50 10.00 235.00 H 1034 1-G (67.5 tons)
Fusion Pulse Drives
-High-impulse (HI) __ 08 MCr 3.3750 8.44 +8.44 33.75 0.3375 N 30,000 0.5-G (33.75 tons)
-High-thrust (HT) ___ 08 MCr 6.7500 8.44 +8.44 33.75 1.3500 N 15,000 1-G (67.5 tons)
Fusion Torch Drives
-High-impulse (HI) __ 08 MCr 6.7500 8.44 +8.44 33.75 0.3375 H 36,000 0.05-G (3.375 tons)
-High-thrust (HT) ___ 08 MCr 6.7500 8.44 +8.44 33.75 2.1094 H 18,000 0.125-G (8.4375 tons)
-Fission Air-Ram ____ 08 MCr 8.1000 10.1 00000 40.50 n/a ____ n/a __ 3-G (202.5 tons)
-Turbo-Scramjet _____ 08 MCr 2.0250 5.06 00000 20.25 1.0000 J 13,333 3-G (202.5 tons)
1-G _________________ 09 MCr 1.5000 1.00 -0.5 ______________________ 1-G
2-G _________________ 09 MCr 1.7500 2.50 -1.0 ______________________ 2-G
3-G _________________ 10 MCr 2.0000 4.00 -1.5 ______________________ 3-G
4-G _________________ 10 MCr 2.7500 5.50 -2.0 ______________________ 4-G
5-G _________________ 10 MCr 3.5000 7.00 -2.5 ______________________ 5-G
6-G _________________ 10 MCr 4.2500 8.50 -3.0 ______________________ 6-G
Mass (in tons), Size (in dtons),
EP (1 EP = 1 MW; + indicates power output, - indicates power requirement),
RMC: Reaction Mass consumption to provide one hours worth of given thrust
ISP: The drives specific impulse; to calculate total change in velocity capable of:
Delta-V = 0.003 x ISP x ln[Loaded Mass (in tons)/Dry Mass (in tons). The symbol “ln” means natural logarithm, a function found on most scientific calculators.
* The laser rocket has no onboard power requirements, but must be energized by an external 20-GW laser beam per dton of drive (20-GW laser requires 40,000 EP of energy to operate at ground installation)
Reaction Mass, Coolant, and Fuel Table (per dton)
Type _______________ Mass Cost
Ablative Plastic (P) 12.0 MCr 0.001
Hydrogen (H) _______ 01.0 MCr 0.00035
Hydrogen-oxygen (HO) 3.50 MCr 0.0003
Kerosene-oxygen (KO) 14.0 MCr 0.005
Metal-oxygen (MO) __ 21.0 MCr 0.005
Jet Fuel (J) _______ 10.8 MCr 0.01
Nuclear Pellets (N)_ 12.0 MCr 0.006
Rock Dust (RD) _____ 26.0 Free