Just watching Discovery Channel "3 Minutes to Impact" and had a thought. (I can hear those 'Oh no, not again!' comments.) In Traveller the potential use of Ort Cloud-Keiper Belt objects for refueling is accepted but watching the show there was a comment by Levy about the tiny amount of gravity influence needed to change the orbit of these objects and change them into comets falling into a system. It is a very small amount of gravitational influence (the thump of a finger). How much gravity influence will a starship exert on the nearby bodies as a ship refuels in an Ort cloud? I know the ship has a very small mass and gravity inherent to it compared to a star but it's close proximity to the bodies might create enough of a disturbance to the orbits of these bodies to transform them into a cometary path plunging into a system. Maybe one the forums more physics educated members could do some rough calculations to determine the changes and it's potential to create comets. If the odds are greatly increased (especially in systems without GG that normally 'cleanse' a system of comets) then there might be Imperial restrictions outlawing Ort Cloud-Keiper Belt refueling.
Thoughts, comments?
Thoughts, comments?