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Organized Crime

Ran Targas

SOC-14 1K
Peer of the Realm
I've always had a certain amount of organized crime IMTU and recently, I was challenged to create a background for a Mafioso type character. This opened up a huge world of possibilities for me; a history, an organization, their rivals, their activities, the efforts to disrupt their activities, and their influence in Imperial economics and politics.

I don't believe there is any OTU canon on this subject and I'm curious if anyone has speculated on the subject. If so, I'd be very interested to hear it.
Well, as it happens, I was working over an idea for a slavery smuggling organization. They kidnap people, transport them out of the Imperium, and sell them to Megacorporate offices outside the scope of Imperial law, where anything can happen to them (and often does). The end-purpose drives the costs, but the most lucrative is selling people into medical experimentation slavery.

I hadn't gotten any further than the idea.

However, there has always been the "idea" of organized crime IMTU in the back of my mind, but I've never really developed anything specific (I spend too much time on other stuff).
RAN! As a matter of fact, I have...

I created a 'retired' mobster, former made man after a long distinguished career of crime, to settle him down on a small low pop world..

One where his influence and wealth from past gains was put to use, like, he owns the repair yard for the C-class downport the world has (they only have 1), to running the best resturaunt/ club in town. (world pop is 60,000).

There are of course a few skeletons running about--relatives of theformer regime of hoods--the Gruvnaarsh cousins.. (whose remains its rumored are mixed with one of the many extra blast berms on the starport pad); two former partners in crime from the Vilani-style run syndicate outfit he began in. One framed him for murder 30 years ago, and he dropped out of sight for six years and changed his name and face. Joned the Imperial Marines. The Other rival made off with the proceeds of the robbery they'd pulled, ditching the shooter(first chap), and him.

Then one day,he saw some "action", and took cover behind a downed grav vehiclle where a wounded marine officer handed him the comms and said, "call in the airstrike" before passing out. Our poor lad, did so, and directed orbital artillery down on some nasty folks ruining the Imperial Marine's day at this client state's embassy. the Ambassador put him in for a medal.
Two years later, they were fixing to award him with it, he vanished again...

when he returned to Ley Sector, he set about looking to put his talent to use. Working in the Diamond Prince subsector wasn't too tough, and th gruvnaarsh syndicate was small potatoes, easy to get into, and work one's way up. Then One day, they wised to him. But our lad, already had their number fixed.
12 years after their demise/ sudden departure from the realm of the warm and breathing, Our Man is the Guv'ner of this small world. A Man who makes things happen, and keeps the crime to an acceptable level (an old fashioned thug, he likes smuggling, money laundering, offworld currency schemes, simple robbery, protection rackets, and gambling. He doesn't hold with narcotics, or slavers, or prostitution rings--and has had six-seven attempts on his life since he took over from offworld gangs trying to capitalize on the lack of the Gruvnaarsh machine.

Then one day, he realizes the lady surgeon whose been pulling lead and knives from his hide these past 12 years is kinda nice, and attractive. He sets up an nice evening dinner, and invites her over--and wham.
IMOJ Imperial Marshal shows up, with his niece in cuffs. And says--"lets make a deal."...

and thats a rough sketch of Hogan "Call-me-Harry" Murphy (Saaltar)'s life, and then, we started the COLD FUZION caper.
The Gateway Adventure in the Gateway Domain Pdf does let onto the narcotics smuggling aspect of interstellar crime in the COLD FUZION adventure.
I had version 1 with me at Gencon 2003. I extrapolated the red herring angled Opposition gang, aka the "Red Talent" as a powerful offowrld group out of the said Crucis margin region. Well, looking THERE, I found the Mercantile Concord--such a Lovely place for a polity with byzantine politics, and an "anything-goes" commerial attitude.
As it was, I added to the adventure that a lot of "suit breach" missing folk hadn't not only wound up at the secret drug lab, but many had also been shipped off world and into white slavery--Quaran isn't far away (Law level 0). That, and the Pharmacom Medical Examiner was also part of the ring.
Seems they had a market for red-haired folks (both genders). They weren't nice folk, and my players weren't kind to them when they got to the bad guys either.

Yes, some worlds will pay enormous sums of cash for other people, or their body parts! I worked up charitable Foundation that sponsored legal organ cloning. Trouble was, several systems away, they took those clone samples and were making worker-genotype folk to work in the mining industry, in order to avoid having to fret about Unions. The Mining Corporation got cheap manual labor, the governement got its ores to its refineries back to the Industrial world...and the players hit the tip of the iceberg stopping by with an incidental cargo when they noticed, save for hair & eye color, lotsa of the folk at the starport looked alike...in a spooky way....
Just FYI...

A really _great_ science fiction book (actually: trilogy) set in a relativelyTraveller-like universe that also features illegal slavery run by organized crime is...

Flesh and Gold
by Phyllis Gotlieb

The other two books are: Violent Stars, and Mindworlds.

I can't recommend them enough!

(Please note that they are somewhat challenging reads, so if you try it, make yourself read the first half before giving up...)

Having done some research on the web, I've cobbled together a sort of shadow imperium that loosely controls most illegal activities in human space

- A strong history tracing back to Earth mobs like La Cosa Nostra, the Triads, the Yakuza, and the Red Mafia (the Vilani authorities claim organize crime did not exist in their space until contact with Terra)

- Consists of members of nearly every species but is dominated by humans and Vargr

- Structure is extremely fluid; no one boss knows of the detailed activities of others and gangs vary greatly in size and strength

- Culture is heavily influenced by romantic images of the cunning Vargr corsair and the honorable Aslan warrior (to the point that Vargr and Aslan words are used liberally as slang)

- Hiver (think Hutts) influence is strictly behind the scenes (as always) and often limited to fencing of goods, designing capers, laundering funds, and maintaining relations with other organizations

- Individual organizations sponsor piracy, smuggling, vice crimes, white slavery, murder for hire, extortion, narcotics dealing, and racketeering

- Bosses maintain influences in legitimate business such as shipping, construction, mining, investment banking, politics, and organized labor

- The organization as a whole maintains mutually beneficial relations with several Imperial intelligence organizations and numerous mega-corporations; but this doesn't protect the low level operatives from prosecution or worse
Originally posted by Ran Targas:
Having done some research on the web, I've cobbled together a sort of shadow imperium that loosely controls most illegal activities in human space

What is it about that simple statement, "Shadow Imperium", that's so cool from the outset?

It's not like it's original, or anything. It just crystalizes many thoughts and possibilities for me.

Thanks, Ran!

Originally posted by Ran Targas:
- Individual organizations sponsor piracy, smuggling, vice crimes, white slavery, murder for hire, extortion, narcotics dealing, and racketeering
Wouldn't that be "sophont slavery?"

Originally posted by Ran Targas:
- Bosses maintain influences in legitimate business such as shipping, construction, mining, investment banking, politics, and organized labor
Heck, they could be board members of Megacorporations. Isolated by so many layers of insulation that they're untouchable . . . if you look at Megacorporations closely, they resemble organized crime syndicates, anyway, so the connection is just sitting there.

Originally posted by Ran Targas:
- The organization as a whole maintains mutually beneficial relations with several Imperial intelligence organizations and numerous mega-corporations; but this doesn't protect the low level operatives from prosecution or worse
[cut, paste, whirr-hmmmm]

Ran. That was most excellent!
Originally posted by RainOfSteel:

What is it about that simple statement, "Shadow Imperium", that's so cool from the outset?

It's not like it's original, or anything. It just crystalizes many thoughts and possibilities for me.

Thanks, Ran!
With the similarities between the structure of the mob and the Imperial feudal system, it seemed the most appropriate term.
Most organsied crime is very similar to business.

Big crime bosses are no different from CEOs and chairmen. Except they tend to have more morals of course.
Originally posted by Spiderfish:
Most organsied crime is very similar to business.

Big crime bosses are no different from CEOs and chairmen. Except they tend to have more morals of course.
Which ones have the morals again?
Hey, yo, Buddy! C'mere...

Hey, howyadoin? Fugeddahbout names. Names ain't important, here.

What IS important is that youse lissen up. I am here ta represent da Italian-American Anti-Defamation League, see. An I come here, today, ta tell youse all that there ain't no such ting as uh Mafia, or uh Casa Nostra, or nuthin else like dat. Geddit?

Now, I'm just a friendly business man, see, an I would hate ta see a buncha nice goombah's like youse -- goin 'round talking 'bout this nonsense 'bout Organized Crime -- an, mebbe, wakin up one morinin wit a couple'uh broken kneecaps. Capiche?
For good background material on organized crime I highly recommend the Shadowrun "Underworld Sourcebook." It gives different structures, different businesses that the organizations are involved in, etc. All easily transported off world.

And of course there is always the Classic Star Trek Episode "A Piece of the Action."
They're a bit dated, but Harry Harrison's Stainless Steel Rat books are great stories about a criminal (turned hero). Lots of caper ideas.
There was some mention of an organised band of Vargr smugglers in the Gateway sourcebook. I'd love to know more about that.

On the point of slavery there seems to be almost no mention of it in canon. However, it's implied that the Empire doesn't approve of slaves (else it would be institutional). IMTU the sanction against slavery is Imperial High Law; however, this applies just to the interplanetary trading of slaves. If an Imperial planet has institutionalised slavery when it joins, the local autonomy laws must allow that to continue. It won't be able to either import or export slaves, so the market is internal and 'traditional'. The Imperium would probably then work clandestinely with influence to end the trade.
when thinking of the Sol Rim, slavery does become more common. I'm guessing this is due to associations with the word 'confederacy'. It's probably an economic thing, with the slaves being called "indentured servants". There's probably a futures market in it.

Slavery would be a heinous crime, but with a good economic return (rounding up colonists and shipping them to a hellhole mine for instance). You can see looking at our world that slavery of a sort can exist even in our western societies. Hence the people trafficker, snakeheads, and the fact that 30 Chinese people can be allowed to drown on an estuary not too far from where I live.

Of more concern is the viability of piracy. If pirates need safe havens to sell their ill gotten gains then life's gonna be hard for them in Traveller. If Granicus is such a necessary pirate haven then worlds to coreward/trailing would have little to fear as J4 ships are hard to come by. So IMTU the pirates are backed up by a shadow organisation that handles deep space refuelling, and transfers stolen cargoes to 'friendly' legit traders so it can be sold on an open market. This org is more powerful than any pirate gang, but whether it is a single syndicate or consortium is unknown.

Another possible avenue for interstellar organised crime is in data trafficking. Stock exchange info is highly prized and useful to any investor, so getting the figures ahead of everyone (ie: ahead of the X-boat) would be mighty valuable indeed. So a cartel runs clandestine J-5 or even 6 vessels that take the publicly availiable stock info and jump ahead of the X-boat network, crossing rifts etc. This is marginally illegal, but highly profitable, and the cartel will use extreme measures in keeping their hold on it. It's essentially getting the race results ahead of the bookies, a traditional mafia passtime.

As to other forms of organised crime, the nature of Traveller means they'll be few and far between. More like secret societies than crime orgs, tied by common traditions and rituals rather than economically bound. They'd be more like warlords. Individual 'dons' wouldn't generally have influence over one planet, let alone other systems. Ones that did would be fairly legitimate in the main and be called 'corporations'. Business is after all a form of legalised theft! ;)

thats my input, for what its worth.
As for books that might have some pointers, try anything by Peter F Hamilton (Reality Dysfunction) or Richard Morgan (Altered Carbon)...
Originally posted by Ran Targas:
Having done some research on the web, I've cobbled together a sort of shadow imperium that loosely controls most illegal activities in human space [. . .]
Of course, a Shadow Imperium is going to be ruled by a Shadow Emperor.

Every time an old-school Vilani hears and comprehends this reference, which indirectly impugns the historic Shadow Emperor of the First Imperium, will likely be either irritated or even angry.

Now then, does this Shadown Emperor hold his own Court, and have a shadow network of shadow nobility? Hmmm, I wonder. “The Dark Duke of The Spinward Marches,” hmmm, it has a certain cachet about it.