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Oops and uh oh!


Here's what's happenin. In my newest campaign my PCs will find them selves on board a very big lab ship. the former occupants of this ship were conducting research and experiments on genetic manipulation. Every thing was just peachy until, Oops one of the experiments got loose, and uh oh so did the mutation virus. Buy the time my guys get there the place will be crawling with mutated version of every form of life imaginable, including humans. :eek:

In short, I need a lot of monsters. Anything you can come up with.

You can have a field day with this one.
Welcome to to Gamma World* / Metamorphosis Alpha* / Generation Ship Woden*.

(*Copyright by TSR / Hasbro / Wizards of the Coast / whatever...)

There are nice monsters in the challenge adventure "To Sleep, Perchance to Dream" and the old judges guild adventure "Darathon Queen". The Queen also has a complete cast of useless NPCs suitable as misc crew and passengers (all those idiots from the airport / posidon adventure type films, although they don't have the singing nun with the guitar).

Darathon Queen (seconds the motion!)- Useless passengers- Or true Bio-freight at large (Or, Why some people dinnae want folks like these on YOUR Player ship! LOL);
ANy Gamma Woprld stuff is good (if ye have it), aye.
Need monsters, use AdnD3e Spelljammer critters (gots some nice blob-like thingys with eyes and mouths, yuk stuff but fun!)..yer Dn D slimes molds, and jellies make icky things to throw at Sci Fi Travellers with Guns!(Harooo!)
There are several older sources of monster manufacture that may be available via olg game shops or ebay. If I remember correctly, the old D&D dungeonmasters book had monster creation tables. All you need to do is to create the alteration and apply it to traveller. There is a program called "Impossible Creatures" that can generate genetically engineered creatures and can possibly be utilized by you in your campaign. Good luck and happy gaming.
There is a good deal of P.A. material out there so you should be in luck. Gamma World and M.A. were mentioned in a previce post. I haven't seen all the material for some of the monsters in Deadlands but that might also be a good source to draw from.

Another good bet would be to think of how long the ship has been drifting (a decade or two hundred years). Since the mutations would have been artificial you can figure on it making the first few generations born to fill eco-niches in the ship.
A worm may feed on waste or it may live outside the ship eating asteroids. An insect that eats the hydraulic fluids from leaks. :eek: runwolf007@hotmail.com
Green Ronin Publishing has a d20 book out called "Bastards & Bloodlines, A Guidebook To Half-Breeds".

This book has rules for combining a pair creatures with each other, along with a good number of examples.

Not a source of critter stats, but probably a good read to put your brain into the proper state:

Tuf Voyaging, by George RR Martin
Originally posted by Glee:
There are several older sources of monster manufacture that may be available via olg game shops or ebay. If I remember correctly, the old D&D dungeonmasters book had monster creation tables. All you need to do is to create the alteration and apply it to traveller. There is a program called "Impossible Creatures" that can generate genetically engineered creatures and can possibly be utilized by you in your campaign. Good luck and happy gaming.
Another great source for assorted ET nasties is the old "Star Frontiers" system.The Sathar (read that as evil bipedal worm like bad guys) and their knack for genetically engineering such things as reptilian riding beasts with lasers in place of eyes might be a good place to start....