Add any Pros/Cons/Recommendations or missing sites.
For the most part, I have excluded product sites non-tool product/ game manufacturer and store sites.
Traveller Discussion Boards/ RPG Tools Lists
1. COTI - http://www.travellerrpg.com
Pros- Far Future owned, Imperial Starport links to fansites &. blogs, Polls, File library, PBP and Art gallery.
2. Mongoose http://www.mongoose.com Pros MT focus
3. Steve Jackson's GT http://forums.sjgames.com/forumdisplay.php?f=16 - Pros GT focus,
4. Google+ Traveller Community: http://goo.gl/1j9rN
Pros: Good amount of lively discussions about all aspects and versions of Traveller, excellent forum in which to organize Google Hangout based games, as well as other virtual tabletop solutions. Google+ is a very popular gaming venue. Cons: Some might not find the feed-like format to their liking.
5. Yahoo Groups - Pros Very old CT/MT groups focused on Traveller.
6. RPGGeek http://rpggeek.com
8. Facebook pages for many products and companies
PBEM - Cons requires distribution of email address to players.
1. http://www.shoestring-graphics.com/traveller/ - fan site and game
2. http://www.urbin.net/t20pbem/ - fan site and game
3. http://www.pslccl.com/traveller/pbem/pbem.html - fan site and game
4. http://cyberboard.brainiac.com/index.html - Pros Effort to simplify PBEM boardgames.
Game Master Documentation WebSites
1. http://www.ObsidianPortal.com - Referee Game Websites library & PBP.
2. http://travellerwiki.org/ - Traveller canon outside of printed and electronic documentation.
Game Play Websites
2. GRIP - Pros Traveller centric, Cons - (2000s) CT/T20 only, unsupported?
3. Roll20 http://www.Roll20.com - Pros support for various dice systems, might work well with T20/SCIFI20.
4. Tabletop Forge(found on Kickstarter) - Pros Google+hangout app. Cons Halted! Kickstarter resources focused on Roll20.
5. OpenRPG http://www.openrpg.com - Pros appears to have Traveller groups Cons Requires chat tool
6. Fantasy Ground http://www.fantasygrounds.com - Pros Work was going on 2 years ago for a CT/T5 extension. COTI play groups have used this site.
7. EpicTable http://www.epictable.com - Pros easly to use, MS tools compatible, Supported, Flexible dice tool, chat sessions and handout features. Cons Windows Only. Ref must license but players are free.
8. Maptool http://www.rptools.net - Pros US and EU (French/German) sites, some Traveller games Cons requires Chat tool
9. VTable (Game Table Project) at Sourceforge http://Gametableproj.sourceforge.net - Cons requires configuration alterations for Linux systems
10. Klooge http://kloogeinc.com/ Pros Klooge Good, very versatile. You can do almost anything with it. Ben Bell build a Traveller definition for his campaign. Cons: It can be complex for a newbie to get into. Doing your own definitions and tweaks is daunting to those not experienced in doing it. You have to have a map, and character icons on the map. Also this is a commercial product... License fee.
11. http://www.battlegroundsgames.com/
12. http://itabletop.com/ Pros - Claims the most sophisticated 3D tabletop tool for any tabletop game. Feature rich. Cons License fee
13. ??
14. ??
Play By Post
1. COTI - Pros NEW dice roller feature. Character sheets/messages can be privately shared in private messages. No advertising.
2. Guild Portal http://www.guildportal.com/ 3. Roleplay Online [url]www.rpol.net
Con: You need a board admin to set up a thread for a new game. No functionality beyond normal forum posting tools.
5. Obsidian Portal http://www.ObsidianPortal.com - Player Websites library & PBP. Planning a major upgrade before August 2013.
6. RPGGeek http://rpggeek.com
- Pros Play by Forum or Geeklist, comprehensive dice roller
7. Skype - Pros widely used personal, business visual/text communications tool. Can share files, have group discussions. Cons Fee for group users. Not directly intended/supported for gaming.
Mapping and Campaign Data Generation-Tracking Tools
1. Campaign Cartographer/Cosmographer - http://www.profantasy.com/products/cc3.asp
Pros addresses mapping and deckplans, Con Windows only
2. Starbase - Release date TBD
3. Universe1 - (v2 release date TBD) - Pro Extensive game data tracking
4. Heaven and Earth - http://www.downport.com/wbd/HEAVEN_&_EARTH.htm (1990s) Cons: Windows only
5. www.travellermap.com - Pro Very good view of known space. API uses GM's defined information.
6. Traveller Navigator - 1980s Windows product automating navigation.
BLOGS/ Player sites with community tools
1. Galactic- http://www.mypbem.com/Vassilakos/index.html First generation mapping. Replaced by H&E, travellermap.com, and others. Jim Vassilakos also has an MT Character Generator and other tools. Cons DOS based.
2. http://zho.berka.com/stuff/
LLB cover tool, map generators, counter generators and more...
3. http://eaglestone.pocketempires.com/
4. Group Dice Roller http://www.catchyourhare.com/diceroller/
Add any Pros/Cons/Recommendations or missing sites.
For the most part, I have excluded product sites non-tool product/ game manufacturer and store sites.
Traveller Discussion Boards/ RPG Tools Lists
1. COTI - http://www.travellerrpg.com
Pros- Far Future owned, Imperial Starport links to fansites &. blogs, Polls, File library, PBP and Art gallery.
2. Mongoose http://www.mongoose.com Pros MT focus
3. Steve Jackson's GT http://forums.sjgames.com/forumdisplay.php?f=16 - Pros GT focus,
4. Google+ Traveller Community: http://goo.gl/1j9rN
Pros: Good amount of lively discussions about all aspects and versions of Traveller, excellent forum in which to organize Google Hangout based games, as well as other virtual tabletop solutions. Google+ is a very popular gaming venue. Cons: Some might not find the feed-like format to their liking.
5. Yahoo Groups - Pros Very old CT/MT groups focused on Traveller.
6. RPGGeek http://rpggeek.com
Pros Comprehensive database with discussions at the Family, RPG, and product levels. Cons Limited amount of Traveller traffic.
7. http://www.battlegroundsgames.com/links.html Pros - An extensive list of Win/Linux/Mac gaming tools8. Facebook pages for many products and companies
PBEM - Cons requires distribution of email address to players.
1. http://www.shoestring-graphics.com/traveller/ - fan site and game
2. http://www.urbin.net/t20pbem/ - fan site and game
3. http://www.pslccl.com/traveller/pbem/pbem.html - fan site and game
4. http://cyberboard.brainiac.com/index.html - Pros Effort to simplify PBEM boardgames.
Game Master Documentation WebSites
1. http://www.ObsidianPortal.com - Referee Game Websites library & PBP.
2. http://travellerwiki.org/ - Traveller canon outside of printed and electronic documentation.
Game Play Websites
2. GRIP - Pros Traveller centric, Cons - (2000s) CT/T20 only, unsupported?
3. Roll20 http://www.Roll20.com - Pros support for various dice systems, might work well with T20/SCIFI20.
4. Tabletop Forge(found on Kickstarter) - Pros Google+hangout app. Cons Halted! Kickstarter resources focused on Roll20.
5. OpenRPG http://www.openrpg.com - Pros appears to have Traveller groups Cons Requires chat tool
6. Fantasy Ground http://www.fantasygrounds.com - Pros Work was going on 2 years ago for a CT/T5 extension. COTI play groups have used this site.
7. EpicTable http://www.epictable.com - Pros easly to use, MS tools compatible, Supported, Flexible dice tool, chat sessions and handout features. Cons Windows Only. Ref must license but players are free.
8. Maptool http://www.rptools.net - Pros US and EU (French/German) sites, some Traveller games Cons requires Chat tool
9. VTable (Game Table Project) at Sourceforge http://Gametableproj.sourceforge.net - Cons requires configuration alterations for Linux systems
10. Klooge http://kloogeinc.com/ Pros Klooge Good, very versatile. You can do almost anything with it. Ben Bell build a Traveller definition for his campaign. Cons: It can be complex for a newbie to get into. Doing your own definitions and tweaks is daunting to those not experienced in doing it. You have to have a map, and character icons on the map. Also this is a commercial product... License fee.
11. http://www.battlegroundsgames.com/
12. http://itabletop.com/ Pros - Claims the most sophisticated 3D tabletop tool for any tabletop game. Feature rich. Cons License fee
13. ??
14. ??
Play By Post
1. COTI - Pros NEW dice roller feature. Character sheets/messages can be privately shared in private messages. No advertising.
2. Guild Portal http://www.guildportal.com/ 3. Roleplay Online [url]www.rpol.net
Pros: Built in dice roller with secret or publicly logged rolls. Character sheets that only the GM and the owner see. A character list with details that everyone can see. A map or image area. People post as their character not their log in name. Multiple threads for the same game. Within a post you can insert private lines that only certain people can see. GM can control which players can see which threads and whether or not they can post in it. GM can post "in character" for each of the NPCs. People can send messages to individuals separate from the game threads. The site allows advertising and searching for games also can post GM wanted ads. Not just PbP games, there are RPG forums. No advertising other than on the home page. Multi-rooms as needed, hidden room, NPC's, private messages-off scene. PM as part of in-game messages. Coloring of any typing allowed on posts.Cons: Issues adding custom avatar but there is a fairly large number provided and divided in multiple categories from which to choose from. There is a limit to the number of posts in a thread - but you just start a new one.
4. Mongoose.comCon: You need a board admin to set up a thread for a new game. No functionality beyond normal forum posting tools.
5. Obsidian Portal http://www.ObsidianPortal.com - Player Websites library & PBP. Planning a major upgrade before August 2013.
6. RPGGeek http://rpggeek.com
- Pros Play by Forum or Geeklist, comprehensive dice roller
7. Skype - Pros widely used personal, business visual/text communications tool. Can share files, have group discussions. Cons Fee for group users. Not directly intended/supported for gaming.
Mapping and Campaign Data Generation-Tracking Tools
1. Campaign Cartographer/Cosmographer - http://www.profantasy.com/products/cc3.asp
Pros addresses mapping and deckplans, Con Windows only
2. Starbase - Release date TBD
3. Universe1 - (v2 release date TBD) - Pro Extensive game data tracking
4. Heaven and Earth - http://www.downport.com/wbd/HEAVEN_&_EARTH.htm (1990s) Cons: Windows only
5. www.travellermap.com - Pro Very good view of known space. API uses GM's defined information.
6. Traveller Navigator - 1980s Windows product automating navigation.
BLOGS/ Player sites with community tools
1. Galactic- http://www.mypbem.com/Vassilakos/index.html First generation mapping. Replaced by H&E, travellermap.com, and others. Jim Vassilakos also has an MT Character Generator and other tools. Cons DOS based.
2. http://zho.berka.com/stuff/
LLB cover tool, map generators, counter generators and more...
3. http://eaglestone.pocketempires.com/
- Random animal encounter table generator. Traveller5 rules. http://eaglestone.pocketempires.com/animals/t5animals.pl
- Alien word generator. Handles Ael Yael, Anglic, Aslan, Bwap, Darrian, Droyne, Gurvin, Ithklur, K'Kree, Sword Worlder, Sylean, Vargr (Aekhu, Gvegh, and Vuakedh), Vegan, Vilani, Zhodani, and others. http://eaglestone.pocketempires.com/scripts/vilanitools.html
- Time, Distance, Acceleration Calculator. http://eaglestone.pocketempires.com/scripts/vilanitools.html
- UWP-to-text. http://eaglestone.pocketempires.com/scripts/vilanitools.html
- VehicleMaker. Traveller5 rules. http://eaglestone.pocketempires.com/scripts/omni_vehicle_maker.html
- GunMaker and ArmorMaker. Traveller5 rules. http://eaglestone.pocketempires.com/scripts/armormaker.html
- Vilani language resources. http://eaglestone.pocketempires.com/lang/vilani/Vilani_Grammar.html
- Procedural UWP generator for unexplored sectors. http://eaglestone.pocketempires.com/survey/t5-prog/t5sysgen-cgi.pl
- Starport design and notes. http://eaglestone.pocketempires.com/starports/StarportModuleCatalog.html
- Flash-based starship design program. Traveller5-beta rules. http://eaglestone.pocketempires.com/ships/t5shipyard/T5Shipyard.html
- Starship Registry http://eaglestone.pocketempires.com/ships/register.pl
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