• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Omer Golan

Omer, I know you're over there in Israel. Haven't seen any posts by you in a while. Everything OK? Have you evacuated? Give us an update.


[ July 21, 2006, 02:49 PM: Message edited by: Sigg Oddra ]
(my name is Omer, not Omar

Everything is ok with me, I've moved from Kiryat Shmona (on the Lebanese border; under relatively heavy rocket fire) to my mother's house at Kiryat Tivon (17km to the southeast from Haifa (Kiryat Tivon is far safer than either Kiryat Shmona or Haifa) because my college (at Kiryat Shmona) is closed due to the war. Yes, we get air-raid alarms from time to time, but those are regional - if the radar picks a launch at Haifa or Akra, we get an alarm, but we aren't at much risk.

I have internet access, but I haven't posted due to a reason that has nothing to do with the War - I still have two very nasty college term papers to finish, war or no war, and these are eating away my time; so I could only post occasionally in the forum. But soon enough (a week or two at most) these will over and I'll be back with my renewed chargen system

But anyway, thanks for your concern
Greetings and salutatons,

I'm glad that you are relatively safe, 2-4601. May you and your family stay safe during the war. And good luck with the term papers.
Those term papers. Nothing stops them, nothing. They are like a TL-15 terminator in full battledress piloting an Imperial battleship.
EDIT: Post edited by me, since the mods seem to have been busy here and cleared out the suspect material
Omer --stay safe, and finish your schooling. Mind the drills, as they're for public (and yours) safety.

[ July 21, 2006, 06:55 PM: Message edited by: The Laughing Policeman ]
Hey, we're loyal members of the Traveller community Omer, of which you are an indelible irreplaceable part dude..so stay in touch, and remember to duck!
Back to work, grr. Friends of ours just brought back their 11yr old from Haifa. Stay safe and away from those damn people who are walking their dogs as the sirens go off. They are the same that walk out in a thunderstorm with metal poles.