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Oddest Job for a ship?

Spinward Scout

SOC-14 5K
Hey Everyone!

I was wondering, what's the oddest thing someone has used a starship for? The travelling poker game on my Scout missions post sounded interesting and got my mind started.

Odd Job?
Star traffic control Beacon leaps to mind. ( It would function like a Lightship. a floatling lighthouse) Any ship with working communcations and sensors Could perform such a task. Sure it could be done easier and cheaper with a robot beacon but you did ask for an odd job for a ship.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ScoutCadet469:
Hey Everyone!

I was wondering, what's the oddest thing someone has used a starship for? The travelling poker game on my Scout missions post sounded interesting and got my mind started.


Many years ago I had a group of players hold a rock concert in their merchant ship. I thi nk it was an A2.

Rock Concert?

Sure, you could set up a stage in the hold and have lots of room left over for a whole bunch of seats, but the metal walls would have just ROTTEN acoustics!

Then again, the PC's could just say it was Performance Art and they intended for the acoustics to be so bad.
I had a merchant character in one of my GURPS Traveller games. He had lots of merchant skills and such, but no shipboard skills. I always thought he would get fairly bored each time they spent a week in jump space.

After a while, I noticed that we never actually filled up the hold on our ship (we had a 400 ton Fat Trader with no subsidy). One time, after the GM awarded XPs, I asked the GM if there was a department store in the Spaceport. Cautiously, he said, "Yes." I told the GM I was spending 100 Credits in the department store on "Character Development" items.

Later when we were all abord ship I reminded the GM of my purchase. I told him I was taking my items to the hold. This got all the characters, and the players, attention. they all followed my character to the hold.

From my "bag" the character pulled a can of white spray paint. The character painted white lines on the floor of the hold. Then from the bag he pulled a tennis racket and a can of balls. I then informed my GM I was spending some of my XPs on Sport:Tennis and that I intended to spend my time in jump space whacking tennis balls against the bulkhead.

The GM was impressed, and gave me an additional XP bonus.