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Now I've heard everything...

If I had te money for them, I would get them, mostly for traveling in the car.

A lot of distance commuters love audio-books. Me included.
I like the idea but the music was too loud and in the way in the trailer for me. Not having any music would be better than that IMO.

Audiobooks are also good for having something on in the background, especially serial type dramas. I like Audible.com since I can listen to the files on a computer or on cd and they have a decent monthly plan if you know you'll be purchasing audiobooks.

There are a lot of Dr. Who audiobooks; some are in historical/alt.historical settings. Wow I had no idea they're on Audible! :cool: Hmmm only the BBC ones I think; no Big Finish stories. :(

I will consider buying the Space 1889 audiobooks but I have a good number of Doctor Who audiobooks already on my list.
Originally posted by Aramis:

A lot of distance commuters love audio-books. Me included.
I spend aprox. 5-6 hours a day travelling to and from work. The battries wear out quickly in my headset (I take a 1 1/2 hour train ride each way). I also enjoy books on tape, biographies or westerns.