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Northampton/Milton Keynes/Aylesbury (UK) Game


SOC-14 1K
Anyone in the vicinity of Milton Keynes/Northampton/Aylesbury interested in joining a new game? I have adventures/background, will provide transport to/from home if needed + scoff during the game.....

PM me or reply here if you're interested :D
Not me, but maybe you can answer me a question. Is Eaglestone a street, section, township, or none of the above in Milton Keynes?
Thought I'd got a player there for a moment :(

It's a distinct area of the town, where the local hospital is located (both general and psychiatric). Why d'ya ask?
Well, 'cause that's my last name. My grandfather was born in London, and the family comes from Kent "originally".
Whereabouts in Kent?

Eaglestone in Milton Keynes is a "made up" name, originally it was just some old farmer's fields (back in the 1970s) before it was built on. Sorry it's not some long lost, ancient ancestral village...............
Beats me... my great-greats and great-great-greats and so on were "park rangers" in Kent for several generations. I can probably dig up specific locations. Anyhow, there are a dozen or so Eaglestone's in the London phonebook...
It's certainly an unusual surname - I've never met anyone with it before. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.................. :(
Apparently (?) comes from the phrase "East Anglia", though I'm not positive. It seems to crop up more than I expect (but then, I don't expect it to crop up at all).

Anyway, sorry for hijacking your thread. We now resume the correct thread, already in progress...

Were I near Milton Keynes, I'd join up.
Cheers Robject! I can't believe, though, that there are no Traveller players who are members of CotI in my area.....
Originally posted by Gruffty:
Cheers Robject! I can't believe, though, that there are no Traveller players who are members of CotI in my area.....
Hi. I'm in MK at the moment (nr Stony Stratford). What did you have in mind? And are you going to Gencon UK this year?

Regards PLST
How strange.....!! I'm just down the road at New Bradwell!

I just had a straight forward campaign in mind, once a week. I'm able to tweak what I've got to suit most eras. I use CT and MT mainly. I won't be going to Gencon UK - too much on at work, but I'd be really interested in setting up regualr gaming session.


I can do any evening except Tuesdays (I've just joined a non-Traveller club that meets then). (Obveously Gencon weekend (Thu-Sun) is no go.)

How many players do you have so far? Do you want to get together over a pint somewhere?

Regards PLST
So far there's only me and yourself interested - I would like to see 3 or 4 players, preferably.
Originally posted by Gruffty:
So far there's only me and yourself interested - I would like to see 3 or 4 players, preferably.

Are you aware of the Milton Keynes Role-Playing Games Club? I know of one BITS member who has recently joined and is probably also looking for a game. I'm not a member but I know a couple of them and they seem jolly nice chaps.

Their site can be found at http://www.zen27227.zen.co.uk/mkrpg/index.html Hope this helps. Shame I'm moving in a weeks time.
Originally posted by Nellkyn:
Are you aware of the Milton Keynes Role-Playing Games Club? I know of one BITS member who has recently joined and is probably also looking for a game.
Yes, that would be me. MK-RPG meet every Tuesday evening (8-11) in Stony. They seem a friendly enough bunch but they have a fairly rigid game structure: as their wiki site explains they have 6-8 week 'long' games followed by 2-4 weeks of short games or miscellaneous stuff. Currently they are in the middle of a long game block but they hope to end on numerous weeks of miscellaneous stuff over xmas. I'm seriously thinking of running a long block Traveller game in the new year (and was going to post that fact here if/when it is a go).

There's a Hero Quest game that's a bit lite in players at the moment, or you could wait until December to introduce yourself. (First 2 visits are free, thereafter you have to pay a nominal membership fee.)

Meanwhile I'm available any other night if you fancy a pint.

Regards PLST
Indeed, RPG talk and alcohol are a good mix... :D

I shall review my busy social schedule and let you know when I'm free (i.e. not working nights!)