As I understand a Noble Campaign sourcebook is planned for D20 and I was wondering how this might be developed.
IMO Traveller has never really got to grips with the quasi feudal system in terms of tangible adventure plots and the Imperial nobility have always been distant deus ex machina type patrons. TNE on the otherhand deconstructed the Imperial nobility with all that guff about noblesse oblige (i.e. DN couldn't be bothered!).
In my conception, the Imperial nobility are very much like the nobles found in seventeenth century European tragedy and history - i.e. always plotting to increase their influence and position with the Sector Duke, Archduke or Emperor.
In terms of campaigns, I envision that the PC's fit in as courtiers or retained men, or as lesser nobles committed to the fortunes of a particular house.
For example here are a few plot lines:
One PC is a baron whose family has become bankrupt through the vice of a (now dead?) brother. The other players are his friends or followers. In order to recover the family honour [and its impounded estates] the baron must do the bidding (not always wholesome) of his world's politically ambitious marquis or the cluster count. The marquis/count 'likes' the barons sister. The marquis/count's wife is the sister of the sector duke. She (and her brother) are not impressed.
R is the son of Count C, J is the daughter of Count M. The two families are involved in a subsector wide feud. The duke tries to maintain the peace but cannot do so. R loves J. R (or the duke) approaches the players (one of whom is a baron/marquis who is neutral to the feud) to help him make peace between the families so that he can marry J. Later this does not work and a more desparate solution is called for. . .
H is the son of a subsector duke who has been away at Capital studying at the University. H returns to find that his father is dead and that his mother has married his uncle. H wants revenge, he is not that sane. The players are his friends enlisted to help him/to prevent him.
P is a subsector duke much taken with the study and practice of psionics. He was deposed in a coup by his brother and exiled to an interdicted system. He wants to get his dukedom back. Thats where the players come in . . .
IMO Traveller has never really got to grips with the quasi feudal system in terms of tangible adventure plots and the Imperial nobility have always been distant deus ex machina type patrons. TNE on the otherhand deconstructed the Imperial nobility with all that guff about noblesse oblige (i.e. DN couldn't be bothered!).
In my conception, the Imperial nobility are very much like the nobles found in seventeenth century European tragedy and history - i.e. always plotting to increase their influence and position with the Sector Duke, Archduke or Emperor.
In terms of campaigns, I envision that the PC's fit in as courtiers or retained men, or as lesser nobles committed to the fortunes of a particular house.
For example here are a few plot lines:
One PC is a baron whose family has become bankrupt through the vice of a (now dead?) brother. The other players are his friends or followers. In order to recover the family honour [and its impounded estates] the baron must do the bidding (not always wholesome) of his world's politically ambitious marquis or the cluster count. The marquis/count 'likes' the barons sister. The marquis/count's wife is the sister of the sector duke. She (and her brother) are not impressed.
R is the son of Count C, J is the daughter of Count M. The two families are involved in a subsector wide feud. The duke tries to maintain the peace but cannot do so. R loves J. R (or the duke) approaches the players (one of whom is a baron/marquis who is neutral to the feud) to help him make peace between the families so that he can marry J. Later this does not work and a more desparate solution is called for. . .
H is the son of a subsector duke who has been away at Capital studying at the University. H returns to find that his father is dead and that his mother has married his uncle. H wants revenge, he is not that sane. The players are his friends enlisted to help him/to prevent him.
P is a subsector duke much taken with the study and practice of psionics. He was deposed in a coup by his brother and exiled to an interdicted system. He wants to get his dukedom back. Thats where the players come in . . .