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{NEWS} T20 Current Status


Ancient - Absent Friend
T20 is *not* at the printer yet. We are still in playtest, and will likely run one more pass over it before we call it a done deal. It will still have to be layed out before being sent to the print, and some artwork will still be needed (although I have been commissioning some specific pieces for awhile now).

I appreciate everyone being supportive of our upcoming release, and I really apologize for the delays. We want to make sure we do as good a job as possible, and there is a LOT of material to review!

As soon as the playtest is closed I will make the announcement here, and let you know the book is in final layout before printing.

I promise we are as eager to get T20 into the stores as anyone!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hunter:
T20 is *not* at the printer yet. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So what we are looking at is more like May/June? Or will you hold it for a GenCon release?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dafrca:
So what we are looking at is more like May/June? Or will you hold it for a GenCon release?


We aren't going to hold it for anything. As soon as it is done it prints! We are actually shooting for next month.

The delay rests squarely on my shoulders. Everyone else in the process is waiting for me to finish tweaking and cleaning up the rules systems. The draft I am currently working on is damn close to done on my part. I hope to post it for the playtesters by this weekend for a final run through, then turn it over to Martin for final editing.

Once the editing is done we turn it over to Steve Bryant for layout and artwork. From there it goes straight to the printer.

Well, I'm pleased to see we have a Space Hamster on our side. That'll make all the difference.....
Keep up the great work. I am so glad that it will still in this month's release date. I think, I speak for everyone, we want to see a quality product (which it seems that you have made every effort - which will be rewarded) than a quick release with tons of errors. We all remember the T4 fiasco...

But, Hunter do open up the playtest files and correspondence (between Marc, MJD and yourself). Us gamers, like to peer into mind's eye and see what secrets may be revealed.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kafka47:
Keep up the great work. I am so glad that it will still in this month's release date. I think, I speak for everyone, we want to see a quality product (which it seems that you have made every effort - which will be rewarded) than a quick release with tons of errors. We all remember the T4 fiasco...

I'll never say there won't be errata. I'd be lying. But I think we'll be able to avoid missing table, charts, and serious issues. Of course that can screw up during layout so we still have to keep a sharp eye out!

But, Hunter do open up the playtest files and correspondence (between Marc, MJD and yourself). Us gamers, like to peer into mind's eye and see what secrets may be revealed.

The playtest files I may release, at least the earlier versions. The forums I will also likely open up.

Emails are not likely to be opened. They tend to be either business related, or deal with OTU campaign ideas that we don't want to reveal just yet.

To be brutally honest, I'd rather you take your time, and try to shoot for an error-free core rules.

If you can't make it for next month, then you can try to compete with the SW Revised Rulebook in May. Because right now, I don't agree fully with a few rules changes that will be incorporated in both Revised Rulebook and d20 Modern.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hunter:

Emails are not likely to be opened. They tend to be either business related, or deal with OTU campaign ideas that we don't want to reveal just yet.



Don't get me wrong we don't want to know all the secrets straight away. But, I think gamers like to know some of background story which goes into a particular product.

I can't speak for everyone but those snipets that Loren provides in GT, for example about the origin of the terms Solomani and Vilani were great. Also the sidebars that question the canonocity of certain topics are just enough to tweek our interest and cause us to speculate endlessly. A process which hopefully that can be reflected in this esteemed forum thereby give you (Herr Game Designer) many more ideas. These ideas in turn will fuel sales as people see themselves reflected in the discussion of the story arc.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Reginald:
To be brutally honest, I'd rather you take your time, and try to shoot for an error-free core rules.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

With respect to Reginald, shoot for a error free product yes, but do not take much longer please. The product has been coming for quite some time, but people can only wait for so long. At some point a product must come out or the audience will be lost.


Who has seen his group buy Dragonstar already