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news flash news flash news flash!!!!!!!

trader jim

SOC-14 1K
a disaster of EPIC perportions has struck the Empire from within!! bevis & butthead AND bart simpson has enlisted in the Imperial Marines!!!


nothing this serious has happened since curly, moe and larry were accepted into O.C.S. (which caused the 5th frontier war)
more to follow.............
:D ;) :cool:
Originally posted by trader jim:
a disaster of EPIC perportions has struck the Empire from within!! bevis & butthead AND bart simpson has enlisted in the Imperial Marines!!!


nothing this serious has happened since curly, moe and larry were accepted into O.C.S. (which caused the 5th frontier war)
more to follow.............
:D ;) :cool:
Don't have a cow man...

we could have bart and the gang "spay" a few vargar.....bevis & butthead would make "pets" of
them!! HEY...heres a thought...ever wonder how vargar tast??...kinda like dog mayby??
Woof Woof Woof!!! :D
lol. What do you get when you cross a human who's worked all his life for his ship and cargo and a vargr?

One rich vargr.

guess i been told!!! whats lol???
question do you wear a collar - have you had all
your shots yet?? does your master let you out of the house by yourself yet?? woof woof :D :D :D
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
enough of this "stuff" vargr. lets call a truce, join forces and "loot" one of the central subsectors. with our combined fleets we could get rich quick!! what a team!! i could sell the loot
for a great profit and we will split the take
50/50 right down the middle. hows that for a plan?? of course we will have to iron out the details, like what do you think of mixed crews?? ;) ;) ;)
70/30, after all, we're doing all the work. You sit in your nice cushy office. I'll talk to the crew about letting a few mon...Humans on board.
because bevis & butthead AND bart played vidio and arcade games all their young lives - they are
now outstanding heavy weapons gunners- crack shots- now if they ever get off KP, they will be sent back to duty but that wont happen for another 6 months!!! the problems started when all
3 blew the admirals gig away - thats a great story for another time!! ;) ;)
OK furball thats it!! i have to go to work now -
but you just watch this forum. ill be back with my answer to your 70/30 offer - you DONOT insult
a TRADER by offering crumbs from the table - thats
for DOGS - get it woffer!! man are you gonna get it now!!! and to think i offered a truce!!! you gotta come up with a better offer than that!!!
:cool: :rolleyes: