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New Player Intro Material Req'd


SOC-14 1K

I have a PBeM going and need some links or info that I can easiliy distribute to a new player. The game is MT rules, but I'm set in 1114, so we aren't quite in rebellion era.

The player in question has never played traveller. But he is an experienced RPGer so explanations of what attributes are, how task systems work, etc. are just a waste of time. What I need is the kind of piece that describes a bit about the traveller universe, its themes, and its technology, politics, history and timeline without delving too much into game mechanics which he really doesn't need to know for a PBeM. But it has to have enough detail to let him get a feel for the game.

Any thoughts? I've run across a few intros but they are either too 'game mechanic specific' (and not MT!) or they are 'too brief' or they are 'for new players who've never played and RPG before'.

Any help much appreciated. I could write this myself but.... maybe someone already has.
This brings to mind a question: How do you explain Traveller (Our Favorite Game, tm) to someone who doesn't speak English very well?
I've found this file to be helpful:


It covers the basics of the technology, civilizations, and cultures IMO. You could run it through Babelfish to make a hopefully non-insulting translation into another language.

Or just say 18th c. Colonial in space with shotguns. ;) Oh and cutlasses. And Chinese acrobats ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H

Casey making sure Asu doesn't take over the keyboard
Originally posted by kaladorn:

A good piece (already sent this one!) but short about one frontier war from my campaign time frame (1114... this one ends at 1105).
Well just tack on a Imperial Library Data entry on it from one of the online versions mebbie.

Originally posted by Jame:
This brings to mind a question: How do you explain Traveller (Our Favorite Game, tm) to someone who doesn't speak English very well?
Speak slowly and use small words.
Originally posted by theSea:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jame:
This brings to mind a question: How do you explain Traveller (Our Favorite Game, tm) to someone who doesn't speak English very well?
Speak slowly and use small words. </font>[/QUOTE]Or is that speak syl-lab-le by syl-lab-le in a REALLY LOUD voice going S-L-O-W in the hopes that this is equivalent to a language translator.....

Tough milieu to explain...when I was in Prague, I usually tried to bring in local traditions. But here goes...

A single shot kills trillions. Perishing the light of 11,000 suns into darkness. The cry rings out for: blood, revenge, trade, aid. Traveller is game about the fate of humanity that has endured an empire of a thousand years. Now various factions wish to claim that heritage as their own.

Technology that allows humans to leap from star to star. Allows for great weapons of terrifying potential. Medicine can extend life beyond brain death by transplanting memory into computers or even new bodies.

This is the worlds of Traveller. Come and see the universe.