What type of new material would you, the Traveller community, like to see produced?
What I would like to see the return of grand adventures in the flavour of Knightfall, The Traveller Adventure, Flaming Eye. Traveller seems to have lost its way. Gateway was good in parts.A book with some details about several worlds in a cluster including some NPC's and adventure hooks or mini-adventure/ campaign set on those worlds.
I'm not denying that setting-free adventures can be useful, but to me they seem a bit hollow.Originally posted by Bill Cameron:
Nearly setting free adventures are another kettle of fish entirely. Written correctly, you can drop them in anyhwere with a minimum of effort. Just what the busy GM needs for a few sessions.
The old Gamelords' supplement Lee's Guide to Interstellar Adventure was a good example of this. Each adventure was 'set' within a range of UWP factors; i.e. size X to Y, atmo X to Y, etc. Each adventure also listed which worlds in the two published sectors of the time, Marches and Rim, the adventure would 'fit' into with minimal effort.