Hey there guys and gals,
I'll be starting a game of Traveller in the next few weeks. Its going to be my first campaign either using the Traveller ruleset or universe but I'm looking forward to it.
Essentially the setting is going to be slightly changed from the canon with the characters the first Solomani to have contact with alien lifeform. Basically Earth-bound humanity is making its first steps out in to the rest of the Galaxy having colonised Alpha Centauri A and B. Their jump drive capabilities have only given them access to stars 10ly out at this point (Barnard's Star, Alpha Centauri etc). The game starts with them aboard a prison ship with no explanation (thats up to them to discover/decide) or sign of their captors. What I'm curious about is the original Starmaps that plot the Vilani and Solomani territory around this era (First Imperium?). Do these kind of maps exist? I want to plonk them somewhere inside Vilani Territory and give them the "Journey Home" setup.
Secondly, I'll be using T20 somewhat begrudgingly as I also own the Megatraveller books which I was interested in running. Does anyone have any comments with regards to T20 vs MT rulesets? I thought that the character generation was a lot more satisfying in MT but wasn't too sure of the combat system. Is this a common complaint and how complicated is the MT system *in-play* (I play The Riddle of Steel a lot for reference).
anyway, looking forward to your collective advice.
I'll be starting a game of Traveller in the next few weeks. Its going to be my first campaign either using the Traveller ruleset or universe but I'm looking forward to it.
Essentially the setting is going to be slightly changed from the canon with the characters the first Solomani to have contact with alien lifeform. Basically Earth-bound humanity is making its first steps out in to the rest of the Galaxy having colonised Alpha Centauri A and B. Their jump drive capabilities have only given them access to stars 10ly out at this point (Barnard's Star, Alpha Centauri etc). The game starts with them aboard a prison ship with no explanation (thats up to them to discover/decide) or sign of their captors. What I'm curious about is the original Starmaps that plot the Vilani and Solomani territory around this era (First Imperium?). Do these kind of maps exist? I want to plonk them somewhere inside Vilani Territory and give them the "Journey Home" setup.
Secondly, I'll be using T20 somewhat begrudgingly as I also own the Megatraveller books which I was interested in running. Does anyone have any comments with regards to T20 vs MT rulesets? I thought that the character generation was a lot more satisfying in MT but wasn't too sure of the combat system. Is this a common complaint and how complicated is the MT system *in-play* (I play The Riddle of Steel a lot for reference).
anyway, looking forward to your collective advice.