I've been watching the new BSG series, and I really like it. I was thinking about creating a T20 campaign set in the BSG Universe - here are some of my thoughts on how to set it up:
* The colonies were capable of TL15, but the average TL is closer to 13-14. The Galactica is TL12, except that all computers on the Galactica are purposely kept to TL10, with no networking capabilities. Ships in the "ragtag" fleet range from TL9 to TL13, and have various capabilities.
* The Colonial "Mark V" Viper is TL14. The Galactica only has a couple left (most were annihilated during the opening engagement of the war in the series pilot). The "Mark II" is TL11. Both are light fighters in the 10-15 dTon range, and mount two pulse lasers (in the show they use autocannon, so you could state they are auto cannon with the same damage stats as a pulse laser; shorten up the range and give it a finite ammo supply) and a single missle rack.
* The Colonial Raptor is a 30-40 dTon recon/electronic warfare craft designed to scout ahead of the fleet, and to support the fighter squadrons by providing tactical jamming and EW suppression. It has FTL capability (which requires some changes to OTU FTL rules).
* The Cylons are generally TL14-15, but in the area of computer systems they are TL16-17. The typical Cylon Centurion is a TL16 Robot with limited AI capability. The human-looking Cylons are TL17 Pseudo-biological constructs with full AI equivalent to high-intelligence humans (INT 15-18).
* The FTL drive system in BSG is significantly different from the OTU. It seems that jumps do not use a significant amount of fuel, and happen instantaneously. They do seem to be shorter distance than in Traveller. It seems Jump-1 would be the maximum Traveller-equivalent jump distance. So you'd have ships that could jump often, and pretty much instantaneously, but not far. In fact, most jumps appear to be in-system jumps.
Is anybody else intrigued by this setting, as it relates to Traveller?
* The colonies were capable of TL15, but the average TL is closer to 13-14. The Galactica is TL12, except that all computers on the Galactica are purposely kept to TL10, with no networking capabilities. Ships in the "ragtag" fleet range from TL9 to TL13, and have various capabilities.
* The Colonial "Mark V" Viper is TL14. The Galactica only has a couple left (most were annihilated during the opening engagement of the war in the series pilot). The "Mark II" is TL11. Both are light fighters in the 10-15 dTon range, and mount two pulse lasers (in the show they use autocannon, so you could state they are auto cannon with the same damage stats as a pulse laser; shorten up the range and give it a finite ammo supply) and a single missle rack.
* The Colonial Raptor is a 30-40 dTon recon/electronic warfare craft designed to scout ahead of the fleet, and to support the fighter squadrons by providing tactical jamming and EW suppression. It has FTL capability (which requires some changes to OTU FTL rules).
* The Cylons are generally TL14-15, but in the area of computer systems they are TL16-17. The typical Cylon Centurion is a TL16 Robot with limited AI capability. The human-looking Cylons are TL17 Pseudo-biological constructs with full AI equivalent to high-intelligence humans (INT 15-18).
* The FTL drive system in BSG is significantly different from the OTU. It seems that jumps do not use a significant amount of fuel, and happen instantaneously. They do seem to be shorter distance than in Traveller. It seems Jump-1 would be the maximum Traveller-equivalent jump distance. So you'd have ships that could jump often, and pretty much instantaneously, but not far. In fact, most jumps appear to be in-system jumps.
Is anybody else intrigued by this setting, as it relates to Traveller?