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new B5 rpg coming out; D20 (sorta)


SOC-14 1K
Just in case you've not heard, Mongoose got the license for a new B5 RPG. It'll be D20 (sorta) so hopefully there'll be lots of goodies to use for a T20 game.

Their site is being updated now so here's the original threads.


And the release schedule

Hope they can stick to it, though the companies done pretty good so far with their other lines.

They did a great job on the Slaine RPG and Judge Dredd looks good.

Only problem is this will likely be expensive. :(

Also, in case you need some stats on the station itself, someone made a nice pdf . The website also has links to plans for the actual sets. Would make a nice space station for a T20 game IMO.

I must say that, since nobody stepped in to combine the licenses for both T5 AND B5 (I was waiting to win the lottery :D ), and given that to be commercially successful on a scale commensurate with the cost of the B5 license d20 was the only option, I think Mongoose are one of the few companies I would trust to do this well. They have a good reputation with their 2000AD licenses (Slaine and Judge Dredd) and have yet to seriously miss a date on their frankly awesomely agressive production schedule as far as I am aware.

I await the first releases with considerable interest...
Not to be a party pooper, but shouldn't this be discussed somewhere else, like the Random Static forum? I mean it is d20 and it is science fiction, but I don't see how this news relate to T20.
Originally posted by Reginald:
Not to be a party pooper, but shouldn't this be discussed somewhere else, like the Random Static forum? I mean it is d20 and it is science fiction, but I don't see how this news relate to T20.
Well, should be good for ripping stuff from and putting into T20 IMO. And there's at least one other thread about another D20 space game below in this forum. Apologies if this is the wrong place, lemme check with the mods...

I don't see a problem with it. He's just recommending it as a source for T20 stuff. If it devolves into a Bab5 thread, I'll move it.

How about a Goa'uld-infested Aslan?

We just got words out of GAMA Trade Show that AEG have secured the license to publish Stargate RPG.

Why travel through space when you can just send goods through a portal?
You could probably work up a nice stargates conspiracy for Trav. Maybe the Zho's have one and the whole Core Expeditions thing is just a front?
BITS even played with something similar to stargates in their Long Way Home adventure for T4.
There's a preview up, the only really useful thing for a T20 game IMO is the first page. It's a decent full color cross section of the station itself.


It's almost 4mb Adobe Acrobat pdf file so it may not be worth the download if you have a slow connection.

There's also a map of the B5 universe which is nice for free if you wanted to run a game in that universe using T20 or use it for a wacked out misjump.

The scary thing about B5 in the T20 universe is its size. It's got an enclosed volume of around 200 million displacement tons. :eek:

Of course, that's nothing on a true O'Neill Island Three-style colony, which has a volume of around 70,000 million displacement tons (times two, since they have to come in pairs). :eek: :eek:
Originally posted by Gallowglass:

They have a good reputation with their 2000AD licenses (Slaine and Judge Dredd) and have yet to seriously miss a date on their frankly awesomely agressive production schedule as far as I am aware.
I don't know. This is the last week of May, and so far no sighting of the main rulebook. Here's hoping that they shoot for Early June.

Damn, this is definitely the year of d20 Sci-Fi. Blood & Space is in print and in store now. I have just seen Mongoose (yes, Mongoose) released a mecha-based game and setting titled Armaggedon: 2089. And we're anticipating the debut of B5 (from Mongoose) and SG-1 (from AEG) using the d20 System.

Did I miss anything? Oh yeah. DP9 have released the first supplement to Guardians of Order's upcoming d20 Mecha Rulebook titled d20 Mecha Compendium. Not to mentioned the Fantasy Flight Games' Dragonstar line is still going strong.