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Need TA1 Errata ASAP


Ancient - Absent Friend
We have decided to go ahead and begin printing and distributing the Traveller's Aide Series. The first out the door will be TA1-Personal Weapons of Charted Space. Accordingly I will need any errata for these issues before we print them, so if you spot an error please let me know.

We are pushing kind of fast on these, I hope to have TA1 shipping around the end of the month. The sooner I can compile the errata, the sooner I can push it to the printer! So if you have anything please shoot an email to travaide@RPGRealms.com with ERRATA in the subject line. Or alternately, post your errata as a reply to this message here. Please only post errata for TA1 for now.

The plan is to continue to release each new TA as a PDF and have it available in that format for 2-3 months before we go to print with it. We are also looking at providing a discount on the print version for those who by the PDF and vice-versa.

Two requests, if I may.

The gauss rifle got left off the revised table in TA1.

Also, could there be an addition of a sound suppressor sometime in the near future?

Thank you.
Maybe correcting the burst fire for weapons and the table in TA1 to change 6-round bursts to 4-round bursts in order to match the T20 rulebook?
Not really errata, but formatting.

I've found the sentence format used for the d20 weapon stats to be very difficult to use. If you could put the d20 weapon stats into columns on a table it would be much easier to use. This was done for the CT weapon stats, and you can readily see how much easier those are to follow.

Also, will the errata'd version of TA#1 be put into pdf form and be available for download by those who purchase the pdf?

Originally posted by Captain Zoom:
Also, will the errata'd version of TA#1 be put into pdf form and be available for download by those who purchase the pdf?
Yes it will.

The only one I can give you right now is on pg 25 for light/sporting cross bow under damage it lists damage as 4-. It should be 2D (I think, based on other CT sources).

There are others I noticed previously but it will take me a couple of days to find then again.

Hope it helps

Found another one. On pg 29 on the line for Body Pistol it lists the modifier for Reflec as -4. It should probably be +1 like the other pistols listed.

Hope it helps,

Originally posted by Ranger:
Found another one. On pg 29 on the line for Body Pistol it lists the modifier for Reflec as -4. It should probably be +1 like the other pistols listed.

Hope it helps,

Hmm that's straight out of CT Book 1

Hmmm indeed. You are correct. I just assumed it was a typo because reflect only protects against energy weapons and it didn't seem to make sense for reflect to have the same protective value as cloth for any slug thrower. It also just looks odd on the table the way you arranged it with body pistol imbeded with all the other pistols. On the original tables body pistol seems to be the first entry, so you don't see the difference so dramatically.

I did a little more research which leads me to beleave that the -4 is an 'embeded error' in Traveller second edition. The first edition rule book has the modifier listed as 4 with no plus or minus (clearly a typo of some sort). The old Judges Guild referee screen has the combined to hit number for body pistol the same as other pistols for close range, then increasing slightly as the range increases for all armors, rather than using the cloth to hit numbers for reflect in the case of the body pistol (they would be the same as the mod for both is -4 in the table in book 1). Maybe you should ask Avery which is correct, the table in book 1 second edition or the JG ref's screen?

I'm not sure any of this really helps you out, but it was fun tracking down the discrepancy.

Laser Weapons have a couple of errata, either in TAI or in the THB.

1) The belt power pack in TA1 has 50 power factors, which is 50 pistol shots (TA1, p. 19, 23). In the THB, the laser pistol power pack holds only 25 shots.

2) The laser rifle doen't specify the number of power factors required per shot (TA1 p. 19) THe THB gives the laser rifle 100 shots wiht the 4kg power pack, so it uses 3 power factors per shot.

Is your e-mail working okay? I got a bounce on an e-mail I sent to the errata address (mail just over a day ago and the bounce response just came back now).

Originally posted by Shane Mclean:

Is your e-mail working okay? I got a bounce on an e-mail I sent to the errata address (mail just over a day ago and the bounce response just came back now).

I got an email from you on TA1 errata. Did you send another?

I am having a problem with massive SPAM hitting my mail server each day around 6am. It is killing our mail boxes until I can reset them each day. That is probably what you are running into. I am working on a solution, but so far have not found one. One of these days they will make this crap illegal and I can start sueing these bastards...

Another set of possible errata, though I'm not sure exactly how it should be resolved.
The range increments for handguns in TA1 are really optimistic. The worst offender is the Gauss pistol, which outranges every long-arm in the THB except the Gauss rifle. The increments for Autopistols and Magnum handguns are also excessive. There's no way they should be able to match or exceed the range of assault rifles.
Originally posted by Tom Schoene:
Another set of possible errata, though I'm not sure exactly how it should be resolved.
The range increments for handguns in TA1 are really optimistic. The worst offender is the Gauss pistol, which outranges every long-arm in the THB except the Gauss rifle. The increments for Autopistols and Magnum handguns are also excessive. There's no way they should be able to match or exceed the range of assault rifles.
Yes and no. Remember that a modern weapon has a maximum number of range increments of 10. This is usually tech 5-8, which covers most pistols and some of the long guns. Tech 9+ has 15 range increments. Remember, each range increment after the first is a cumulative +2 to hit (T20 rules, anyways). :D
If you're talking about the rule on p 154, that seems to apply to vehicle-mounted mounted weapons. No mention of TL at all. Is there a different rule I'm missing?

Even if there is a rule that changes the number of increments by TL, it's no help here. A TL 7 Assault rifle and a TL 6 Magnum revolver have the same range increment and would (I assume) have the same number of increments. This fails a basc realiy check; anyone who has done even basic shooting knows that even a small-caliber rifle will outrange any handgun. Hits with pistols at even 100 yards are almost unheard of in combat.

IMO, handguns ought to have range increments around 10-20 meters, at most, and should probably be limited to about five increments unless special preparation is taken.
"Hey, you got your peanut butter in my chocolate!"

"No, you got your chocolate in my peanut butter!"

The T20 weapon stats need to be re-checked, as in numerous cases terms that don't exist in d20 are used (for example, the laser dot pointer gives a +2 at "close range;" d20 doesn't use any designation like that, weapons simply have 5-15 range increments with correspondingly increasing penalties) or rules from CT are used instead (for example, AP rounds and buckshot under Special Ammunition Effects reference bonuses and penalties to PV).

Also, there are no prices given for weapon permits--it would also be nice to see rules on using Bribery or P/Administration to "grease the wheels" and get permits that you might not ordinarily qualify for.