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Need more classes already...


Okay, as some of you have been around here a while, I lamented a while back that the multiclass restriction on Mercenary prevented you from creating a guard/enforcer type who worked in another non-service career.

Yesterday I was thinking we also lack a law enforcer type. Realistically, the security type guy and law enforcer type guy could spring from the same class, which I tenatively call "enforcer."

Another character type that I used to have a lot in my game is the intelligence agent/spy. I had rules for these in MT and T4 had an agent career type (CT also had SolSec).

Accordingly, I am toying with the idea of making these two classes and corresponding careers. Anyone interested in seeing that? Anything like this already in the works?
Under a few of the earlier playtest drafts, the Rogue and Merc were a little more generic, and sat at the "active" end of the core classes, perfect for the roles you are looking for. With their final forms, there is room for an active core class or three. The Core/Service/Prestige trio of "Enforcer"/Police/Ministry of Justice certainly makes sense, as does something in the Athlete/Martial Artist area...
I see some overlap there but... yeah.
I think you could make a good cop out of army/merc with maybe some levels of professional.

no need for an actual class. maybe just make Merc easier to get into?

but a prestige class of MOJ that would be cool.

and the Athlete/ Martial Artist chain has pottential too.
The other way to achieve Law Enforcement is to actually use the Army class and Prior Service, mixing in Professional or Traveller or Academic among the levels taken depending on the department (Detective, Forensics, SWAT, Undercover, Beat, etc).
Here's a Prestige class that's missing: Engineer. The Montgomery Scott type. Or the McGyver type. Always able to rig up something that's held together with gum and coat-hangers but works better than the off-the-shelf replacement...

Then again, that seems to be a belter....
I'ld be interested in seeing any new classes, either core classes or prestige. I have about 8 new classes on the drawing boards myself. I have just finished a Prist and Mystic type. Sorry to interject that sort of thing into Traveller but the group wanted them. I just modified the MU and Cleric core classes and used psionic instead of magic. I also have a playing who is a sleep agent. I am nearly done with my special ops class. I'll send that along if anyone is interested.
I would like to see the corsair core class. For generating NPCs if nothing else. ;) We can hold off worrying about the Diplomatic Corp until later.
Originally posted by Herodotus:
I would like to see the corsair core class. For generating NPCs if nothing else. ;) We can hold off worrying about the Diplomatic Corp until later.
I had a fun NPC Patron in a CT game that spent some time in the Diplomatic Corps. Son of an Imperial Noble (a behind the scences, mover & shaker, Friend of the Emperor), IN Academy, a few tours in the IN, retired a Lt. Cmdr in INI, entered the Imperial Diplomatic Corps. Last assignment was to the Imperial Embassey to the Darrians. This is the kind of fellow who's old Academy roommate is now a CruRon commander.
Actually, Montgomery Scott is covered fairly well by *feats*. Look at Gearhead, Jury Rig and Miracle Worker, specifically. He also has Naval Architect, I suspect...

MacGyver has multiple levels of Jack of All Trades (not possible as general feats; you have to get them via the Scout or Traveller classes) as well as Jury Rig (at least).

You can certainly do a Corsair core or service class, but Navy mixed with Rogue works fairly well in that regard.

Your garden variety Diplomat will be a Professional, possibly with a little Traveller mixed in (since a good diplo is NOT clueless). Diplomats of the Jaime Retief variety are Travellers, Rogues, or worse with just a little Professional veneer over the top.

Diplomat would actually make a good Prestige Class, as the skills and connections take time to develop properly. I would want to lean the entry requirements toward Professionals, Travellers, and Nobles.
Originally posted by xloop:
I also have a playing who is a sleeper agent. I am nearly done with my special ops class. I'll send that along if anyone is interested.
The covert Intelligence operative would be nice.
I'd like to see it Xloop. :D :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by xloop:
I also have a playing who is a sleeper agent. I am nearly done with my special ops class. I'll send that along if anyone is interested.
The covert Intelligence operative would be nice.
I'd like to see it Xloop. :D :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
</font>[/QUOTE]I would just take a look at the Song & Silence Prestige class, Spy Master and then adjust appropriately for a Sci-Fi scetting.

Start the PC off in any of the core classes and throw in some levels of rogue or professional to hit the reqs.
I have to say in CT/MT I like to play a diplomat character - my main character was a baron who joined the diplomatic core and focused on administrative skills.

His weapons were blade, shotgun, hunting rifle and gauss pistol - the first three learnt in the sporting pursuits common to his class and calling, the last an artefact of being an ambassador in the Trojan Reaches during the Aslan expansion.

Of course, he was weedy, tweedy and seedy - but his knowledge of Imperial legal and administrative practice and his ability to talk to people got the other muscle bound FGMP'd players (after all he used to admiringly watch the jocks playing football at his elite private school!) out of as many scrapes as their big guns and small brains did.

So don't dis the diplomats
Right now I am using a mix of Rouge and Navy to make a coursair. It kinda works but I'd still like to see it as a really core class. Hmmm, maybe we should come up with a section where people can post the way they are making other classes for T20? They should be more than just hints like, "Mix these classes". Perhapes set up like the classes are in the book. Just an idea.
Originally posted by Herodotus:
Right now I am using a mix of Rouge and Navy to make a coursair. It kinda works but I'd still like to see it as a really core class. Hmmm, maybe we should come up with a section where people can post the way they are making other classes for T20? They should be more than just hints like, "Mix these classes". Perhapes set up like the classes are in the book. Just an idea.
Originally posted by Herodotus:
Right now I am using a mix of Rouge and Navy to make a coursair. It kinda works but I'd still like to see it as a really core class. Hmmm, maybe we should come up with a section where people can post the way they are making other classes for T20? They should be more than just hints like, "Mix these classes". Perhapes set up like the classes are in the book. Just an idea.
There was a seires of articles in Dragon mag that covered this very concept called class combos.

It made a progression path of the different classes and feats one would take to emulate a particular character archetype.

Example; Skald = barbarian and bard.
Bounty hunter = ranger and rogue.

As an aside, I think the Corsair would be better served as a prestige class.
That makes sense.

set multiclass requirments like BAB, Leadership, Bridge/engineering skills etc... then make up a template like Ace pilot or Big game hunter... but this one represents a Corsair a professional pilot. You can get there from the rogues or merchants or scouts or even the army... Then you level up... that sounds cool.
Originally posted by Herodotus:
Right now I am using a mix of Rouge and Navy to make a coursair. It kinda works but I'd still like to see it as a really core class. Hmmm, maybe we should come up with a section where people can post the way they are making other classes for T20? They should be more than just hints like, "Mix these classes". Perhapes set up like the classes are in the book. Just an idea.
What do you think is missing that you can not make this character from a mix of the other core classes?

One of the "problems" with 3ed DnD right now is the proliferation of Classes (mostly prestiege but a good deal of core) A "Core" class should not be a specialist. And Prestiege classes should be Campaign specific, or do something that a standard multi-class could not do.

I dont have my copy of T20 yet. So I am not familiar where the "service" class fits in to all of this, or how open/generic the careers are.

-The Luddite
All classes in t20 are somewhat... fluff specific.

Barbarians and Belters for example acquire their class because they come from specific enviroments and as a result have to do one term in the prior history that shares their class name before they even reach 18.

Service classes are ONLY availeble during a specific prior history term (the one with the same name) OR during 'active service' campaigns were they players a presumed to be still within the hierchy of an appropriate 'service'

There are core classes that have closely similar abilities however.

Mercenary is a match in BAB increase and skill points for Barbarians and Marines (The other two 'combat monkey' classes.)

Belter, Professional, Navy, Scout, Traveller, Rogue have similar (I think there's a step of difference between some of them but I can't remember the break down) BAB vs. Skill point increases and quite a few overlapping skills.

There are curently THREE prestige classes: Big game hunter, Ace Pilot, and TAS reporter.

I think MOST types can be covered by the classes listed.

Now that I have my copy....

It seems that creating a new "Class" is fairly simple. Pick a BAB vs Skill points, and select one good save and two poors, or two moderate saves and one poor. Figure out what should be the "bonus feats" and if there should be any class special feats.

A Prior History is optional.

One thing which I found sort of odd was the one-to-one matching of class to prior history. I was sort of expecting the Careers to be somewhat class agnostic. Granted that is the case. An Character could spend all his prior history with the rogues and get all his class levels as a academic.

Personaly, I am working on using the T20 rules for a Fading Suns Game. (I did not like parts of the d20 Fading Sun rules.) So my goal is to create as little as possilbe. Maybe change the names of few things, but nothing major.

-The Luddite