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Natural Stamina Healing


page 216:

Natural Stamina Healing:

"Stamina is automatically recovered at a rate of (1 point + Con modifier per character level) per hour of rest...For example a character with a 16 Con (+3 mod) would recover stamina at a rate of 4 points per hour of rest..."

the "per character level" doesn't seem to make sense here, as the example doesn't mention it, unless the PC is 1st level...

(1 + Con mod) per level would seem to heal Stamina fairly quickly - maybe that's the intention?


We saw that too. I think the "per character level" is a misprint, because it is not mentioned anywhere else, and the example in that same paragraph doesn't use it.
Originally posted by Ellros:
We saw that too. I think the "per character level" is a misprint, because it is not mentioned anywhere else, and the example in that same paragraph doesn't use it.
Yes, I think you're right. D&D uses 1hp/character level overnight, but D&D hp are certainly different to Stamina, so I guess that 1+CON mod is a reasonable amount.
Since an Autodoc can heal ALL Stamina in one hour, the amount seems reasonable for natural healing. We have not had any problems with it so far in my campaign.
The description for natural stamina healing is given as follows:-

"Stamina is automatically recovered
at a rate of (1 point + Constitution modifier per character level) per hour of rest. If the character has a negative Constitution modifier, the character will require a number of hours equal to (numeric value of Con modifier +1) to heal 1 point of Stamina, that it takes the character to recover a single Stamina point. For example character with a 16 Con (+3 modifier) would recover stamina t a rate of 4 points per hour of rest, while a character with a 6
Con (-2 Modifier) would heal at a rate of 1 point per 3 hours of rest."

Taking the first "equation" of (1 point + Constitution modifier per character level) per hour of rest, I believe that the constitution modifier per character level part is just written confusingly and is intended to be just the constitution modifier..!! (A character with a 16 Con has a constitution modifer of level of +3, which is used to add +3 to the total available stamina for each of character levels, hence the modifier could be referred to as bonus per character level.

Therefore the character natural healing per hour rate for 16 Con would be:-

(1point base + 3point for modifier) = 4 points per hour.

This would apply whether the character was 7th level or first.

Nowhere in the manual examples does it state that natural healing will be more rapid for higher character levels. Also consider other healing aids such as the personal medikit. This boosts natural healing base of 1 point/hour to 2 points.

If the other method of calculating stamina was used

(1point base + (+3 modifer x character level)

then at 7th level this would give (1+21) = 22points per hour, but using a medikit would only change this to

((1point base +1point boost for medikit)+21)=23

which is clearly unbalanced, as it would indicate that higher level characters with any constitution bonus would not get any significant bonus whatsoever to stamina from a medikit, or likewise from medical care given by a trained medic which also boosts the natural healing base point by one point. Using a medikit I believe should give the following natural healing for ANY character with 16 Constitution:-

(1 point base + 1 point for medikit +3 points for 16 Con) = 5points/hour.

I would appreciate anyone elses views on this.

It would be nice if the authors (RPG Realms etc), could clarify this one, by possibly providing a suitable contact mechanism (e_mail or FAQ etc) as does Wizards of Coast for DnD).
I have to disagree. Healing more damage based on higher character level is a standard d20 System rule, and I'm inclined to believe that the remaining inconsistencies are due to simple errors on the authors' part (I've noticed that RPGs converted from other rule systems, such as Traveller or Legend of the Five Rings, tend to be particularly bad about such slip-ups).

Think of it this way: A 1st level character with a 12 Con and 9 Stamina will completely heal from 1 Stamina to full in 4 hours of rest. If you ignore the "per character level" clause, that same character at 20th level with, say, 90 Stamina would require forty four and a half hours of rest to fully recover from 1 Stamina! There's no logical reason why a character should require that long to recover from the effects of fatigue, bruises, and minor wounds. With character level factored in, the 20th level character heals 40 Stamina per hour, and is fully recovered in about two and a quarter hours; a much more reasonable time frame.

Lifeblood, on the other hand, should not be based on character level since the value of a character's Lifeblood is fixed.
You guys need to think

1st LVL PC with 12 CON (+1) and 9 stamia
20th LVL PC with 12 CON (+1) and 180 stamia
Both PC's rest 4 hours.

Using Formula on pg. 216
((1+CON) per charater lvl) per hour of rest

1st LVL PC:
[(1+1) x 1] x 4 = 8 points of stamia healed

20th LVL PC
[(1+1) x 20]x 4 = 160 points of stamia healed

1 Lvl PC is able heal 89% (8/9=88.9) in 4 hrs.
20lvl PC is able heal 89% (160/180=88.9) in 4 hrs.

Note the above: my ERRORs

1: Stamia should spelled be Stamina.
2: Most of you would agrue that a 20th lvl PC would have around 105 stamina points if all hit dice where d8 [9 + (19x5) = 104].

But my aguement is that a 1st & 20th lvl PC should recover stamina at same rate with respect with their lvl.
Originally posted by oldcolt:
Note the above: my ERRORs

1: Stamia should spelled be Stamina.
2: Most of you would agrue that a 20th lvl PC would have around 105 stamina points if all hit dice where d8 [9 + (19x5) = 104].

But my aguement is that a 1st & 20th lvl PC should recover stamina at same rate with respect with their lvl.
That's the idea. Otherwise a 20th level character would take 20 times as long to 'catch their wind' than it would a 1st level character.
