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names for planets in astron colony


in "100 parsecs" they gave names to the four planets they hoped to colonize
Where are those from?
Originally posted by jatay3:
Where is huiting from?
A variation or typo on Hrunting was my guess. See:


Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
Google is your friend.
A classical education/interest doesn't hurt either ;) I bet you knew the names and googled for the reference to save typing just like me
Not your fault, Andrew, but I hate web-pages that do that. "What?", you ask - every time I un-minimized the page or switched back from another tab (in Opera) it reloaded the page. Makes it impossible to multi-task. :mad:

EditOh, and I would have to google all the references to have any idea what they were talking about - but I could if I wanted to, because it's the Internet!
"A classical education/interest doesn't hurt either I bet you knew the names and googled for the reference to save typing just like me"

Oh, of course.

Excuse me, I have to get back to reading Beowulf in the original Old English...