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My current house-rule design philosophy


SOC-14 1K
Admin Award
Lately I've been introducing my girlfriend to RPGs (Shadowrun and, in a lesser degree, Traveller). She's an excellent storyteller, very open-minded and very imaginative, and would probably make a great roleplayer. The thing is that she likes to focus on a story and not the rules, and has a phobia of complex formulae (being force to go through two ultra-difficult differential and integral calculus courses as part of her BSc degree in zoology is probably responsible for that). She has no problem with grasping simple rules, but I don't think they'll ever be the focus of her play. She's a naturally talented roleplayer, but she's anything but a wargamer/gearhead.

Why am I telling you all of this? Because the whole proccess of introducing my girlfriend to RPGing has made me think about the underlying design philosophy of my house-rules. Another contributing factor to this was my bad experience with the 3rd edition of Shadowrun, with combat being too cumbersome and too page-flipping for a flowing game (now mostly solved by the 4th edition).

A good RPG rule-system has two major parts - an underlying inrastructure and an interface.

The infrastructure is the major part of the system, the "ground rules" that help the Referee/GM (or experienced players) describe things and construct situations. This is where the gearheading fun (for those, like me, who likes it) goes - it is mostly "invisible" in play but a good design helps the referee describe the world/system/ship/vehicle/robot in detail during gameplay, especially if the referee is experienced and could quickly use a data-string (UWP, USP, URP and so on) as a very compact "cheat sheet". For example, the players might ask "would our ATV be able to cross the rickety bridge without collapsing it?"; the referee could use the ATV's Striker/MT/T20 design's weight as a basis for "winging it" about this situation. A UWP, for another example, could provide the referee with several cues that will help him describe a world to the players.

By interface I mean the rules that the players interact with in the regular course of play. This includes combat, starship operation and task resolution; chargen is somewhewre between infrastructure cand interface, as it is done once per PC and should be fairly detailed, varied and interesting (and, in Traveller, is a very vfun game-of-chance by itself). The interface should be a tool of storytelling, not the other way around. On one hand, it should provide results that are as close to reality as the ease of play allows, but, on the other hand, should worky smoothly, be easy to use and not take too much time in "bare" die-rolling. UGM fits here very well - the entire system fits in one A4 page, is very easy to learn and to use, takes one 2D6 roll per task, and lists each task in a few words.

Combat is a usual time-trap and in some RPG systems is more of a time-consuming chore than an acienting piece of action. My feeling is that a good "rule of a thumb" for combat should be no more than 3 die rolls per attack - 2 being the optimal comprimise and 1, if possible with enough realism/variety is the best. Also, page-flipping during combat is a big "no-no" as it destroys the thrilling action and consumes time. A good combat system is one that is conducted using three A4 pages during combat itself - the combat system summery, the PC's character sheet, and the Referee's NPC/animal group sheet. Sure, tables and lists (of weapons, armor, skills, attribute effects etc) would be consulted at chargen or when purchasing, but not during combat.

Using vectors during starship combat is good in two cases: either when the players and referee are comfortable with them (usually from being engineers or having another math/physics related proifession) or when a computer program is used to do the "dirty work". Otherwise, realism would have to be partially sacrificed and a range-band system be used.
Well said.

I'm willing to take on up front detail work to free players from having to reference rules.

One advantage I've seen from consideration of realism is it makes it easier for a player who doesn't want to learn the rules to be able to play the game. They can draw on real world experiences to determine a course of action instead of having to understand an artificial construct that may be counter-intuitive to real world experience.
Rules light for me too these days.

UGM (simplified) for tasks, combat in 2 dice rolls (with an occasional additional d6 roll on an exceptional success to determine characteristic injured)- one to hit (modified by movement and range) and one for damage (armour subtracts damage dice)

Ship combat using range bands...
Space-comabt wise, I'd like a system in which each of a small starships' crew (say a Type-S' or a Type-A2's) has an active role in combat, so no one gets bored and a more 'conversative' atmosphere is fostered (i.e. watch any starship chase scene in Firefly/Serenity). The Pilot should make manouver rolls (i.e. to try and close the range to an evading ship or get some distance from a pursuer [sp?]), the Gunner(s) should roll attack rolls, the Engineer should make Damage Control rolls, and the medic would treat wounded crew (I'd also like personal injuries from ship combat rather than total "crew" hits); but what would the Navigator or Steward do?

Also, MT gives each character (Engineer, Navigator, Pliot) something to do during normal starship ops - I like that and I'm going to UGM it!
Did you see my thread about PC scale High Guard combat?

All of the tasks for the different crew could be adapted to UGM and used with LBB2 range band combat.

Here's a copy:
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Captain - Fleet tactics, bonus to initiative
- Ship tactics, bonus to computer model

Pilot - pilot, bonus to agility

Computer Operator - computer, bonus to computer
or penalty to
enemy computer

Gunner - gunnery, bonus to hit or
reset weapons after double fire

Engineer - engineering, bonus to agility
allow double fire
bonus to damage control

Deck hand - mechanical/
electronic - bonus to damage control

Medic - medical, bonus to "crew hit" damage
control.</pre>[/QUOTE]Agility would have to be redefined as evasion, and the computer tasks would have to change.

I'd also expand on the ship's boat skill description for other tasks, e.g. using pilot skill to evade detection etc.
I don't know. I have always thought that some combination of HG and LBB2 would be better. Like adding HG's battery rule and expanded weapons tables to the basics of LBB2. So the computer becomes less important itself rather than the software it is running which is more real world. Have a requirement like a copy of Predict for each battery - bought, installed, and running.

As for Gunners, that's one area where my old Navy buddies and I totally disagree with Traveller. The last time gunners were used in a real shooting war was the Falklands confrontation; the Brit Navy was still using human controlled 20mm and 40mm anit-aircraft weapons and in the suceeding years were replaced by the Goalkeeper system. The French Navy just recently retired the last ships that had gunners and the article mentioned they were the last major power to do so. The US Navy hasn't had a real gunner since the advent of the Mk45 5"/54 cal in 1971 and never had any for missle turrets.

Just not feasible, IMHO.
Originally posted by Employee 2-4601:
*snip* but what would the Navigator or Steward do?
The steward keeps the panicky passengers under control and assists the medic and/or damage control.
The navigator operates the sensors and comm system, keeps track of the enemy, conducts Electronic Warfare and stuff.

Besides, in the more dangerous regions I would expect all crew members not needed in immediate combat roles to be cross-trained to act as gunners and/or damage control crew. Might even press some able-bodied passengers into medic or damage control duties.
Originally posted by BillDowns:

As for Gunners, that's one area where my old Navy buddies and I totally disagree with Traveller. The last time gunners were used in a real shooting war was the Falklands confrontation; the Brit Navy was still using human controlled 20mm and 40mm anit-aircraft weapons and in the suceeding years were replaced by the Goalkeeper system. The French Navy just recently retired the last ships that had gunners and the article mentioned they were the last major power to do so. The US Navy hasn't had a real gunner since the advent of the Mk45 5"/54 cal in 1971 and never had any for missle turrets.
That's exactly why I'm using the HG rule of one "gunner" (that is, targeting-computer-user) per battery, even in designs below 1,000 dtons.
Just as a passing additive, I like the LBB2 concept of the software a computer is running vs the HG concept of a DM based on computer size. Under a HG-style rule, one could require a copy of Predict (or other targeting/fire control program) PER battery.
To hook onto that passing additive, I'd like to see the computer programs put back into High Guard, with some kind of squadron- and fleet- level abstraction.

Would it be feasible to represent the massed computers in a squadron as "one computer" with a calculated average of the programs running on it?

Let me restate that. How about if a squadron was treated as having one computer. The programs it contains consist of the programs which exist only on each ship in the squadron. Thus, building a squadron has the additional interesting constraint of selecting your program loadout carefully.

The computer's rating would be a plain average, or perhaps weighted based on the volume of the computers themselves. The average volume of computer per squadron thus is mapped to the nearest rating, and that's the rating of the squadron "computer".

I'm just brainstorming. Is this too complex to bother with?