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Mustering out with a mercenary cruiser


Greetings and salutations,

I have a question about mustering out with a mercenary cruiser. Who supplies it? The Third Imperium or the mercenary unit you served with?

Also, what is the difference between a Striker Mission and a Commando Raid?
Classically (as in CT LBB4 "Mercenary"
) a Striker ticket calls for the hired unit to spearhead an action for an indigenous force while a Commando ticket is a specific raid or raids to be undertaken by the hired unit alone.

As for who supplies the MerCru, good question

It could vary from being a "standard" loan through a mega-corp (and you "know" who is going to be your main employer) to the Imperium providing it to retiring officers of quality (probably through third parties to maintain plausible deniability), and everything in between.

Like a big Mercenary unit (perhaps splitting its force to avoid looking too big, maybe there's even "rules" on how big a Merc unit can be).

Or maybe a Noble who wants a private army for certain "jobs".

The possibilities are only limited by your imagination, let that and fun for all be your guide.
I like the thought that the ship saw some heavy action and was repaired but not able to be fully 'combat' ready for major missions OR that the ship is reaching retirement age and was sold as a favor to the character to help get them started.

But your ideas work too (Far-Trader).

How's your mum?

Hi Dave,

My mom? Fine. Maybe you have me confused with another regular, or I posted something misleading :confused:

In any case I like your lame-duck idea. Maybe one of several ships siezed by the creditors after a Merc unit failed to make it payments (a spectacular failure
in that most of the assets were badly damaged
). Hey its a bargain, a little paint, a few hull patches, good as new!
Only problem with a Mercenary Cruiser as a Mustering Out benefit. Unless you roll it 5 times, the payments are going to be astronomical. MCr1.72 per month in T20. The T20 version is further limited by only having enough power for one Triple Laser mount and comes with no weapons. With only a Platoon of Mercenaries you will definitely be hard pressed to make payments much less meet payroll and other expenses. (Standard Mercenary Ticket 1/2 goes to the owner (in this case you.) to generate profit and cover expenses, (ie the ship) the other half is the payroll and the balance is split up as shares to the unit. (CT Book 4). Looking at typical Mercenary tickets, Book4, 76 Patrons, Adventure 7 Broadsword and FASA's Aslan Mercenary Vessels, making payments on a Broadsword is not possible. And since you are limited to the speed of jump for communications (and job offers) you will find yourself operating in a fairly limited area. (Which means limited number of tickets.) Since your Unit should be more involved in Ground Combat not space Combat, Charter a liner or two for the trip and delivery to the target area then when it is time to leave leave the same way.

Once you have established yourself built a Company+ (Or bigger depending on your desires.) Then get some transport. Not that a Mercenary Cruiser isn't a good base vessel A reinforced company can be moved in three of them provided they are modified. Or use some of that cargo space to install low berths and use 3 to move a Batalion.
Personally I have always preferred to use the extra cutter modules as additional living quarters so my platoons can be a reasonable size.

But a starting would be Mercenary Unit doesn't need the added expense of a Starship payment. they can't afford it.
Arrghh, too many traders running around. Sorry about that Far-Trader. I was thinking of jim.

I think the FLL will come after me this one too.

We what we did was assume the the Ship was x% paid off and that you assumed the payments as if the ship was (Original price- X%paid off) for 480 months.
This lowered the payments per month and made it easier for 'new' characters to get started on their new life.


No problem Dave, though it makes me nervous everytime I'm mistaken for TJ. I get this itch right in the middle of my shoulders, radiating out in circles, like a big target painting its way across my back :eek:


As for a starting ship (of any kind) I've always figured the book had it wrong in the roll once and you have earned a brand new ship.

I think it should be first roll is a 40 year old ship with a mortgage for half price (depreciation 10% + 10% per year). Each extra roll can be put towards 10 years payments (and more age) or take 10 years off the ship's age (and recalculate the mortgage). So 5 rolls could get you an 80 year old ship free and clear or a brand new ship with 40 years of big payments, or something in between. Of course I also have maintenance issues to apply to ships of "distinction". Basically like a damage hit per decade, stuff that can be temporarily repaired and/or fixed proper when the PC's get the creds.

Oh and a Mercenary unit needn't start with a MerCru, they could begin with a converted Trader and build up their unit from that.
Greetngs and salutations,

Bhoins, you are right about the payments, but my players are crazy enough to haul cargo between tickets to make the credits for the monthly payment.

Like far-trader responded earlier, the idea of having the Merc Cruiser being given to you by a megacorporation or a noble is no better. If they are making the payments for you, you just made yourself an indentured servant for until the ship is paid off plus a number of years.

If you were given the ship by the Imperium and you miss a payment, they can call you into service (most likely hazardous duty; besides, why send good troops when you can send expendables, I mean mercenaries) to perform a number of missions equal to the monthly payment, the balance thereof, or whatever deal you made with your devil.

Far-trader, you also mentioned that the characters could start out with a different ship. I was thinking that they could get the Merc Cruiser and trade it in for a corsair or patrol cruiser. But that changes the type of merc tickets they could handle. :(

I guess it comes down to the style of the campaign.

Will it be all or mostly PC's in fire team or small squad level scenarios? (suitable for small Cadre, Commando and Security tickets) In that case even a Scout/Courier or two, or a Far-Trader would be sufficient.

Or will the PC's be the squad leaders, and maybe making up a platoon together? Then you'll be needing something more like a converted Subsidized Liner, a Patrol Cruiser or a Mercenary Cruiser.

A Mercenary Cruiser might, if you really packed them in, be able to support a light company, the minimum I'd think for Striker tickets. That'd be about three platoons (around 100 mercs). Naturally it'd be better at that level of force to have more like three MerCru's each with a couple platoons. More room for the boys* and their toys and not having all your eggs in one basket.

* and girls of course
I thought of that too, but in and of itself it doesn't have enough space (Cargo or passenger) to make payments on its own, even if you manage to find two highpop worlds with close tech levels 3 parsecs apart. The economics have a flaw in them in the first place, (pay per jump not per parsec specified in T20) taking a ship not actually optimized for commerce makes payments virtually impossible. A combination of Mercenary Tickets and commerce might make payments but it would be only under ideal conditions.

Originally posted by Deadlock:
Greetngs and salutations,

Bhoins, you are right about the payments, but my players are crazy enough to haul cargo between tickets to make the credits for the monthly payment.

Like far-trader responded earlier, the idea of having the Merc Cruiser being given to you by a megacorporation or a noble is no better. If they are making the payments for you, you just made yourself an indentured servant for until the ship is paid off plus a number of years.

If you were given the ship by the Imperium and you miss a payment, they can call you into service (most likely hazardous duty; besides, why send good troops when you can send expendables, I mean mercenaries) to perform a number of missions equal to the monthly payment, the balance thereof, or whatever deal you made with your devil.

Far-trader, you also mentioned that the characters could start out with a different ship. I was thinking that they could get the Merc Cruiser and trade it in for a corsair or patrol cruiser. But that changes the type of merc tickets they could handle. :(

Greetings and salutations,

I would have enough characters to warrant the issue of a Mercenary Cruiser with one or two missing a game here and there. But Depending on the classes they choose, it may be better that they had two ships. If they end up with a greater number of ships than anticipated, then the group becomes a band of gypsies wondering the stars or merchants trying to become a megacorporation specializing in transporting cargo and passengers. But if they do go military and end up with a MercCruiser, I'll let the forum know how they managed to maintain it.

Originally posted by far-trader:
I guess it comes down to the style of the campaign.

Will it be all or mostly PC's in fire team or small squad level scenarios? (suitable for small Cadre, Commando and Security tickets) In that case even a Scout/Courier or two, or a Far-Trader would be sufficient.

Or will the PC's be the squad leaders, and maybe making up a platoon together? Then you'll be needing something more like a converted Subsidized Liner, a Patrol Cruiser or a Mercenary Cruiser.

A Mercenary Cruiser might, if you really packed them in, be able to support a light company, the minimum I'd think for Striker tickets. That'd be about three platoons (around 100 mercs). Naturally it'd be better at that level of force to have more like three MerCru's each with a couple platoons. More room for the boys* and their toys and not having all your eggs in one basket.

* and girls of course
Somehow, I tend to agree with the others...a Merc Cruiser would be too much of a reward for players mustering out.

A simpler cheaper ship would service players better. A Merc Cruiser ought to be something that they would have to work toward and then only getting a Junk yard special. Balance ought to be the golden rule in Traveller...giving the players a Merc cruiser right off the bat throws that sense of balance.

Even if your players are professional Mercs giving them a cruiser is like saying a personal Cargo Plane...now something like that tends to get noticed.
Bunch of gypsies... snigger

Oh sorry mercenary cruisers yes erm arum cough.

A Merc cruiser is a rather costly vessel for a starting player to have to pay for. And even if they skip payments and get in trouble it will disrupt the balance of most games.

If you must give it to them i'd put them up against some tough opposition.
I had a little trouble with justifying the MercCruiser in the hands of one of my players. So, I cut it's tonnage in half, made it about 300 or 400 years old, and called it... the Herkimer Battle Jimny (if you've seen the movie Mystery Men, you'd know what I'm talking about). Half the crew, half the problems. Then I can kinda treat it like a Corsair - and that alone has some messes of problems in the hands of players.


actually Deadlock, I came up with a list for my game reutilizing the TNE mustering out credits. They roll on a table and can have a variety of ships depending on how many ship markers they purchased in mustering out...

So with that the players ended up with a 600dt starmerc. I also had age rolls and it ended up being a couple hundred years old and had been refitted a couple times...(spent a few years in mothballs too).
This provided the players with maintenance issues, an older, large combat vessel. Where from...the captain player had served on it prior to the old captain retiring and selling his shares.

If you want to make it interesting for the players. Give them the ship by making them work for it. A merc cruiser on a planet they are contracted to can be a salvage prize. They just have to convince the prior owning merc company that it its not in their best interest to maintain ownership of the cruiser. Translation, the players do a commando strike on the starport where the ship is and steal it, take it to a friendly area and make it their own by rules of battlefield salvage.
Greetings and salutations,

Creating a chart that actually has several different ships they can muster out with sounds like a very viable idea. That will allow me to throw in one or two designs of my own. Yes.
Thank you for the idea.

Deadlock, Last of the Tomo'Q Marul

Originally posted by Savage:
actually Deadlock, I came up with a list for my game reutilizing the TNE mustering out credits. They roll on a table and can have a variety of ships depending on how many ship markers they purchased in mustering out...

So with that the players ended up with a 600dt starmerc. I also had age rolls and it ended up being a couple hundred years old and had been refitted a couple times...(spent a few years in mothballs too).
This provided the players with maintenance issues, an older, large combat vessel. Where from...the captain player had served on it prior to the old captain retiring and selling his shares.
