Originally posted by Deadlock:
Greetngs and salutations,
Bhoins, you are right about the payments, but my players are crazy enough to haul cargo between tickets to make the credits for the monthly payment.
Like far-trader responded earlier, the idea of having the Merc Cruiser being given to you by a megacorporation or a noble is no better. If they are making the payments for you, you just made yourself an indentured servant for until the ship is paid off plus a number of years.
If you were given the ship by the Imperium and you miss a payment, they can call you into service (most likely hazardous duty; besides, why send good troops when you can send expendables, I mean mercenaries) to perform a number of missions equal to the monthly payment, the balance thereof, or whatever deal you made with your devil.
Far-trader, you also mentioned that the characters could start out with a different ship. I was thinking that they could get the Merc Cruiser and trade it in for a corsair or patrol cruiser. But that changes the type of merc tickets they could handle.![]()
DeadlockOriginally posted by far-trader:
I guess it comes down to the style of the campaign.
Will it be all or mostly PC's in fire team or small squad level scenarios? (suitable for small Cadre, Commando and Security tickets) In that case even a Scout/Courier or two, or a Far-Trader would be sufficient.
Or will the PC's be the squad leaders, and maybe making up a platoon together? Then you'll be needing something more like a converted Subsidized Liner, a Patrol Cruiser or a Mercenary Cruiser.
A Mercenary Cruiser might, if you really packed them in, be able to support a light company, the minimum I'd think for Striker tickets. That'd be about three platoons (around 100 mercs). Naturally it'd be better at that level of force to have more like three MerCru's each with a couple platoons. More room for the boys* and their toys and not having all your eggs in one basket.
* and girls of course![]()
Originally posted by Savage:
actually Deadlock, I came up with a list for my game reutilizing the TNE mustering out credits. They roll on a table and can have a variety of ships depending on how many ship markers they purchased in mustering out...
So with that the players ended up with a 600dt starmerc. I also had age rolls and it ended up being a couple hundred years old and had been refitted a couple times...(spent a few years in mothballs too).
This provided the players with maintenance issues, an older, large combat vessel. Where from...the captain player had served on it prior to the old captain retiring and selling his shares.