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Mulitclass and Feats

When one starts multiclassing, is the only thing you don't get is the starting skills? Or do you also not get the 1st level bonus feat and just the standard bonus feat every 4 levels?

As an example, I've got a character that started as a Traveller, went to college and got his PhD. He gets honors each time (high INT and EDU) and finishes his Univ time with 7500 XP. I want 1st level as a ACA and the next 3 as a TRA. How many feats should I have? Is it 7 (2 ACA, 5 TRA) or 6 (2 ACA, 4 TRA).


You get your first level Starting and Bonus feats for your class whenever you add a new class

Academic level 1/ Traveller level-3 should have:

From Academic: Research, Skill Focus(Knowledge), and 1 choice from the Academic bonus list.

From Traveller: Armor (light), Armor (medium), Weapon (Marksman), 2 choices from the Traveller Bonus feat list (1st and Second level).

In addition: as a total 4th level character (1 Aca + 3 Trav) he will have the automatic General Feat for being a First level character, and the Auomatic General Feat for reaching Third Level (see page 35).

The total is: 5 fixed feats he has no choice about, 1 feat of his choice from the Academic list, 2 feats from the Traveller list, and 2 feats of his choice from the General list (i.e., any that are not restricted to a class other than his own).

In addition he will probably have a homeworld feat (probably Vessel/Grav) and if he is a Human, he'll have an additional bonus General Feat.
When one starts multiclassing, is the only thing you don't get is the
starting skills? Or do you also not get the 1st level bonus feat and just the
standard bonus feat every 4 levels?
Yeah, I'm still a little uncertain about feats in general, not just multiclassing.
My understanding is that you don't get starting feats when you multiclass,
but you get everything else. I posted this up in another forum. So far, no
one has challenged it, but that does'nt mean its correct.

Dain Thrangar
Abilities: Str12 Dex12 Con12 Int12 Edu18 Wis15 Cha10 Soc9

Home World: Inthe B575776-9
Home World Feat: Vessel wheeled vehicle

Initial Class: Traveller
Starting Feats: Armor Proficiency Light, Armor Proficiency Meduim,
Weapon Proficiency[Marksman].
Bonus Feat from Traveller class: Vessel Air/raft
Bonus Feat from experience levels: Carousing
Racial Bonus Feat: Brawling

University honors graduate: get 3000xp+1000xp for Honors
Is now Traveller-3
Bonus Feat from Traveller class: Well Connected
Bonus Feat from experience levels: Armor Proficiency Vacc Suit

After University, join Scouts.

1st Term
1000xp for initial training, 4000xp for survival. No xp bonus.
Is now Traveller-3, Scout-1
Bonus Feat from Scout class: Vessel Starships

2nd Term
4000xp for survival. 2000 xp bonus.
Is now Traveller-3, Scout-3
Bonus Feat from Scout class: Ship Tactics
Bonus from experience levels: Weapon Focus SMG

3rd Term
4000xp for survival, 2000 xp bonus.
Is now Traveller-3, Scout-4 total xp:21,000

Musters out. Age 34

If this is correct, then I got 12 feats. Does'nt sound right, but nobody has said anything :confused:
That looks good to me, you're on the money, except I don't know where it says you don't get the starting feats for a new class when you join.

Since you already have all the Scout starting feats (Vacc Suit, Light Armor and Marksman), it doesn't make any difference anyway.

I guess this is a d20 problem. Since T20 can't explain multiclassing because of the d20 license, you have to use a WOTC Core book. If you use the D&D PHB, then you clearly only get all of the second class's starting feats. But, if you happened to use Star Wars d20, then you are limited to choosing only one of the new class's starting feats.
Ok, got it. That brings up a second thing, under Academic, they have the specialized class feat "Skill Focus (Knowledge)". Does this mean they get skill focus for any knowledge skill? Or just Skill Focus in one knowledge skill?

BTW, I do have the 3rd D&D core books (PHB, DMG) but T20 seems to be just a little bit off...
You have to pick one Knowledge skill (your "major" I guess). If you look at page 109 under Skill Focus, the example is T/Electronics, so the SKill Focus refers to the specific cascade (E/Dance, K/Imperial History, T/Computer, P/Admin) not to the whole entire class of skills (Entertain, Knowledge, Techincal or Professional)