Here are the flavor pieces I gave to player after to character generation to give them an idea of the universe.
They are in the form of CNN headline news blurbs
All typos and stupidity are mine.
CNS- 2-41-639
Palatine Beta 2
Officials today disclosed ongoing negotiations with representatives of the Joydel system. According to sources, negotiations to date have been primarily around technological transfer and mutual security. “The addition of Joydel as an affiliate would mark the Confederation’s first major expansion since Bronflete. We are eager to explore the opportunities that Joydel offers.”
The General Assembly was in a furor over the announcement and requested the Ministry of Colonial Service and Ministry of Protection report on the current situation regarding Joydel.
Ministry of Colonial Service, Scout Division today changed the status of the Espinoza from overdue to missing. The Espinoza, one of the newer 1000T deep exploration tenders, last communicated 4 days after last turns Founding Holiday.
Recent cost overruns and production delays have caused Admiralty to postpone its transfer to Fortress 1. Admiralty is expected to move prior to Remembrance Holiday.
Farden Station
Naval spokesperson reports that the new Cyclops class heavy cruiser has finished its last set of trial runs. The Navy heralds the program as an unequivocal success. Three more hulls are on order by the Bureau of Ships in this budget cycle. Expectations are for ten vessels in addition to the two currently under trial.
Senator Albert Smith, late Proconsul of the Nikolai Senate, was taken into custody and indicted by the MOJ for bribery, malfeasance, fraud and sedition. This makes the third indictment of Senator Smith by local or Confederation officials in the past five years. He was acquitted of previous charges and claims innocence. “This is another attempt by my political enemies to dirty my name and try to hijack the upcoming election. The people of Nikolai know who their friends are. They aren’t these jackbooted MOJO thugs.” The MOJ is requesting extradition to Palatine Beta 2, as Nikolai is one of three systems that prohibit valediction during felonious criminal trials.
Alderac Metals, holder of the charter for Tyson 2, states the opening of Tyson to general colonization is on schedule for Setebre of this turn. Company officials also quote COO Alois Depard-Smyth that the Tyson division should show profits prior to colonization, 3 years earlier than expected. Strong heartstone sales are the reason, according to Depard-Smyth.
They are in the form of CNN headline news blurbs
All typos and stupidity are mine.
CNS- 2-41-639
Palatine Beta 2
Officials today disclosed ongoing negotiations with representatives of the Joydel system. According to sources, negotiations to date have been primarily around technological transfer and mutual security. “The addition of Joydel as an affiliate would mark the Confederation’s first major expansion since Bronflete. We are eager to explore the opportunities that Joydel offers.”
The General Assembly was in a furor over the announcement and requested the Ministry of Colonial Service and Ministry of Protection report on the current situation regarding Joydel.
Ministry of Colonial Service, Scout Division today changed the status of the Espinoza from overdue to missing. The Espinoza, one of the newer 1000T deep exploration tenders, last communicated 4 days after last turns Founding Holiday.
Recent cost overruns and production delays have caused Admiralty to postpone its transfer to Fortress 1. Admiralty is expected to move prior to Remembrance Holiday.
Farden Station
Naval spokesperson reports that the new Cyclops class heavy cruiser has finished its last set of trial runs. The Navy heralds the program as an unequivocal success. Three more hulls are on order by the Bureau of Ships in this budget cycle. Expectations are for ten vessels in addition to the two currently under trial.
Senator Albert Smith, late Proconsul of the Nikolai Senate, was taken into custody and indicted by the MOJ for bribery, malfeasance, fraud and sedition. This makes the third indictment of Senator Smith by local or Confederation officials in the past five years. He was acquitted of previous charges and claims innocence. “This is another attempt by my political enemies to dirty my name and try to hijack the upcoming election. The people of Nikolai know who their friends are. They aren’t these jackbooted MOJO thugs.” The MOJ is requesting extradition to Palatine Beta 2, as Nikolai is one of three systems that prohibit valediction during felonious criminal trials.
Alderac Metals, holder of the charter for Tyson 2, states the opening of Tyson to general colonization is on schedule for Setebre of this turn. Company officials also quote COO Alois Depard-Smyth that the Tyson division should show profits prior to colonization, 3 years earlier than expected. Strong heartstone sales are the reason, according to Depard-Smyth.