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MT - Lishun Sector


I am putting together a scenario to be played on line at a role playing message board. The scenario will use MegaTraveller rules and will be set in the Rebellion Era.

The year is 1118 and will be set in the Vakkuun subsector (A) of Lishun Sector. As to be expected with this location, there will be plenty of interraction with the Vargr, the Restored Vilani Empire, and Lucan's Imperium.

The players will be the crew of a Type A2 Far Trader. The players must be merchant characters generated using the MT rules, or CT Merchant Prince.

Open positions on the Far Trader Pericles:

If anyone has an interested, please make a posting here. I do not think I will proceed with more work on it, if there is not much interest in a MT scenario.
I'd be interested. However, I'm already in a play-by-email campaign, so that may (or may not) affect things.

But I do have one question: is this play-by-email, or something else? (I think you said, but I just want to make sure I've wrapped my mind around it.)
What post rate to you expect? Count me intrested. MT++
It will not be by e-mail, rather on a website that hosts games on a message board type format. The website is www.playbyweb.com. I ran a MT scenario there a few years ago and it went well.

I think postings at least one or twice a week would work.

I am about half way done with my informational website on the scenario. Once it is complete I will post the link here along with the link to the game board at playbyweb.com.
Well, I think I might have to adjust to it, but I may be interested anyways.

If I decide I am, I have an MT Chargen, if I can use it...
If I can contribute sporatically, like I do for the CofI, I could see myself joining this particular company of adventurers...
The game board is up. Do not start making posts until the game starts.

Some comments on character generation:

- The players will fill the roles of the crew of the Type Far Trader Pericles: the open positions are:


- Generate characters using MT rules, you can also use CT Merchant Price.

- If you wnat to generate using a non-standard career, please contact me, but non-standard career characters can only fill the gunner and steward/medic role.

- The orinial home of the characters is the Spinward Marches. The are stuck in Lishun after the Rebellion hit.

- e-mail me your characters when they are complete.

My e-mail adress is

albertijjr (at) juno.com
If we're a Far Trader, why are we so worried about Gunners? I mean, you need two characters with Gunnery skills potentially, but I was thinking you'd need

Pilot/Captain - Pilot, Nav, Sensor Ops, Legal, Commo
Engineer - Engineering, Mech, Elec, Gravitics, Computer
Medic - Medical, Computer, Admin
CargoMaster/Steward - Steward, Admin, Medical
Broker - Broker, Trader, Legal, Admin, Liaison

I mean, it would be good to have people skilled in gunnery, no doubt, but from a trader perspective, you probably need the cargo acquiring, legal, administrative, and passenger handling abilities more, no?

Just a thought.
There's been five people express interest. Has that turned into five players? If not, I'd be interested in joining in...
It might be first come first serve

Or the ref might be convinced we need a Steward/Purser/Confidence man.
Firefly always seemed to manage to cram in an extra body

Rumour has it that my PC (Grant Singleton, BCOM, a COACC veteran and Free Trader from Tureded/Lanth) appears to have pinned one of the slots as Gunner and a second hat as our Broker. (I have a nicely well rounded skillset).

I'm not sure what other positions are filled, but I'm imagining the ref could find an excuse for another body. <maybe?>
So far I have the medic and gunner/broker positions filled. The rest are still open.

I can add a sixth player to it, if there is interest. The person would not be a member of the crew, but an agent of one of the Vilani Megacorporations. This character must have a ground based bureaucratic backgound. Like Merchant admin or the corporation career in the MT players manual.

This person would not be a military type, but a pressed suit businessman type. Person's main skill must be Admin. Also must have Vilani sympathies or be part Vilani.
Originally posted by Jame:
I'll play the Engineer, using someone I generated with the MTCG program...

[Throws away part generated engineer character]
He had 3 Soc which may have been interesting.

Now Pilot, gunner or admin....