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Mottoes of the Various Services


OK, I'm not sure it this has been posted before...

What are the mottoes used by the various armed forces in your respective Traveller Universes? For example, the US Marines (in popular belief, at least) hold to "Semper Fi"... the Marines in the Honor Harrington Universe use "Can Do"; while the US Army has pretty much a different motto for every unit. I have no idea about what the armies of other countries might use, but I'd be willing to bet at least $0.05 that they each have something similar.

All well and good.

But what would the Scout service use? Or the Imperial navy? Or (God forbid) the Imperial Merchant Marine?

Any ideas?
Originally posted by Darth Sillyus:

But what would the Scout service use? Or the Imperial navy? Or (God forbid) the Imperial Merchant Marine?

Any ideas?
By G:T canon, the Scouts use "First In".

The joke responses-

Scout Service: "Imperial Express - When It Absolutely Has To Be There Over The Long Night."

Imperial Navy: "Fidelity, without the simpering or being sick."

Imperial Army: "Be all you're told to be."

Okay, for real responses-

Imperial Navy: "Fulcire dico astra" Strength Among Stars (okay, my Latin isn't so good).

Imperial Marines: "Sic Semper Fidelis"

Imperial Army: "In Omne Tempus Custodae" Forever Be On Guard

Imperial Scouts: "Captare" Seek

This of course assumes that Third Imperium uses Latin mottoes...
IMTU the Terran Prasidium Defense Forces are consolidated , with differing branches.

The Scouts Service patch is that of a mongoose sitting upright on its haunches on a starfield, surmounted by a banner. In the banner is the motto "Run and Find Out"

The TPDF Marines- First in Service
The Newts elite marines force: We are here as placed by those that command us, being as they are in their place as we are in ours
(Admittedly it sounds more impressive in the original Bwap)


Hiver Exploration: Let's go see!

Vargr Marines: Who Let the Dogs Out? Woof, Woof, Woof

Aslan Science Corps: What's New Pussycat? Mrow, Mrow, Mrow

Zhodani Intelligence:
(If you had telepathy, you would have gotten it)
Originally posted by MT++:
The Newts elite marines force: We are here as placed by those that command us, being as they are in their place as we are in ours
(Admittedly it sounds more impressive in the original Bwap)
Can you also translate that as "here, obedient to the law, we lie"?

(I wonder if that's too obscure. Probably not, considering this group.)
Originally posted by Tom Schoene:
Can you also translate that as "here, obedient to the law, we lie"?

(I wonder if that's too obscure. Probably not, considering this group.)
Particularly given the air time that the period has been getting over the last 10 years.

Even those who haven't studied it directly would have read an SF book that used it, either directly or in reference.

I like the RL Arty battle honor "ubiqitas" (sp - means "everywhere") most probably used by the IA as theirs.

Engineers - "Holdfast"
As a reenacter in an ACW union artilley unit I've got some suggestions for the Imperial Artillery

The first choice has to be "Ultima Ratio Regnum" - 'The final argument of Kings'

Here's some other fun alternatives, even if some are a bit long;

"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be an ugly brawl"

"Where a goat can go, a man can go, where a man can go, he can drag a gun"

"Leave the artilley alone, they are an obstinate lot"

"With artilley, war is made"

"Artillery conquers and infantry occupies"

"If you don't have enough artillery, quit"

"The best generals are those who served in the artillery"

"God fights with the best artillery"

"I do not have to tell you who won the war. You know the artillery did"

"Artillery is the god of war"

"The work for giants, to serve well the guns"
Originally posted by bryan gibson:
IMTU the Terran Prasidium Defense Forces are consolidated , with differing branches.

The Scouts Service patch is that of a mongoose sitting upright on its haunches on a starfield, surmounted by a banner. In the banner is the motto "Run and Find Out"
Ah, a Traveller universe not slavish to cannon. And one where Kipling is revered.

I salute you on both counts.

while canon is fun, I always enjoyed the possibilioties traveller has allowed to create a completely different universe to play in. More difficult, but as a GM, quite rewarding, and the PCs are entertained by not necessarily knowing all the poop by buying the next supplement- they find out by experience. Mine have always enjoyed that element ( at least, they keep coming back to the games!)

Kipling? indeed... none address the military virtues so poetically as Kipling.
Imperial Navy: Agungu Inkiirlim Burgirshu!
Imperial Army: Shazaskhii
Imperial Marines: Shakuugaanma
Imperial Scout: Dikha Daku Ilii

. . . I knew I should have taken second year Viliani. . .
Imperial Navy: Agungu Inkiirlim Burgirshu!
Imperial Army: Shazaskhii
Imperial Marines: Shakuugaanma
Imperial Scout: Dikha Daku Ilii

. . . I knew I should have taken second year Viliani. . .
Can you also translate that as "here, obedient to the law, we lie"?

(I wonder if that's too obscure. Probably not, considering this group.)
Nope. I am glad someone picked up the gist.

Go tell the Pwa-a-a-bara-pera-baker-Pa-Wa-Waw

I thought of another motto:
Ithklur Defence Forces:

K'Kree: The OTher White Meat


K'Kree: Them's Go-o-o-d Eatin'
Imperial Scouts: You can never have too much amunition or toilet paper.


Imperial Navy: The Sword and the Sheild (Their crest is an old sheild with a longsword infront of it. None of my players got the KGB reference, but that's okay...the Imps aren't that bad, I just lined the phrase).

Marines: Do or Die

Army: Hold the line

Scouts: Through Discovery, Progress
Morter Men = High Angle Death

Military Intelligence (I know, it is an oximoron, but still)= Seek and Disrupt (used in the 109th M I Battalion).

Caste of Assassins Mercenary Corps = Friend or Foe, No One gets Left Behind.
Serpentis Quadrant Alliance
Army and Marines: "Forward!" (or Avante or Avanti or Vpriod or Kadima, depending on the language the local world prefers)
Scouts: "Explore, Learn, Liberate"
Colonial Corps: "Creating the Future" (I'm still looking for a good name for them; "Pioneer Corps" fits it well but has a certain unwanted Stalinist smell on it; "Colonial" doesn't seem to fit a polity created by rebelling colonies).