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More Proofing


SOC-14 1K
Much as with Diaspora Phoenix, I need 2-3 volunteers to read over the MS for the first fiction PDF, comment to me, find errors, and write a review.

I'd be happy to proof read. I offered Imperium Games for their supplements but they were uninterested in proof readers, much to their cost.

If you wish to mail it to me at Ben@bzb1.demon.co.uk I'd be happy to go over it for you.
I'd be happy to help and I'm in a Traveller mood at present. Not that I have any prof-reading qualifications other than a reasonable grasp of my native language and an enthusiasm for Traveller mind,
Mail me at nick.middleton@invensys.com if I can be of any assistance.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MJD:
Much as with Diaspora Phoenix, I need 2-3 volunteers to read over the MS for the first fiction PDF, comment to me, find errors, and write a review.


I would like to volunteer to help.
The Play test is winding down, summer in Arizona is coming = I have some extra time to help out.

** prays **

Please, Lawd, let there be competant proofreaders and editors.

It may be a fact that errata will show up in the final product, but it should NOT be the norm.

Please give them Your ungodly strength and foresight to not let slip one speck of mistake due to human error. You should know. You created us.


Anyhoo... just some random thoughts

I need email addresses to send stuff to... two files still to go out, first to post an address gets one, second the other....
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MJD:

I need email addresses to send stuff to... two files still to go out, first to post an address gets one, second the other....
