Hi Kafka
Quote: "All this developments make want more QLI than what is on the market...Come on guys, I know or at least I think that I know why things are stalled but you are driving us crazy with anticipation."
Not sure what you mean by this. What are you trying to say about QLI and what we are trying to do? I must say that the Stoner sourcebook is proving to be a very difficult time consuming tome, but willl hopefully be worth it when it comes out. Trying to describe such a massive, high tech, complex society asnd include every adventure seed under the sun, as well as complete descrioptions of the armed forces, starships, Ducal Navy, every world in the cluster, the history of the cluster, politics, racing, society, Stoner itself (with 76 billion people), economy etc, is a large task, which is why it takes so long...