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Mine all Mine


Some mines.

Gopher Mine: The gopher mine is a tiny robot, about the size of the human fist, with four jointed metal legs that fold against the body. The body is basically a fragmentation grenade with a UV motion sensor on top. Once the mine is armed, it digs into the earth until only the motion sensor remains above ground. The motion sensor will sweep through an arc (defined with a compass-like device on top of the mine) of up to 180 degrees for movement, with a range of 50 squares (75m). Any movement in this arc that resembles a biped over 1 meter in height will trigger the gopher mine. The mine’s legs will extend, and it will scuttle at a speed of 20 squares per round (30m) toward its goal, continuing to wash the target with UV, so that it can stay on track. The mine is AC 17 (+7 dex), and is SZ tiny. Spotting it generally requires a spot roll at DC 12 once it begins moving, and at DC 25 if it is still buried (once it is pointed out, of course, there is no difficulty following its movements). When the gopher arrives in the same square as its target, it detonates as a fragmentation grenade with a blast radius of 6 meters, doing 6d6 damage with a reflex save (DC 15) possible for half damage.
TL 11 Cost 100Cr. Weight 1kg. Dam 6d6.

Sequence Mines: Sequence mines are mines connected by sonics. Generally, the only part of the mine left above ground is a hairlike loop of wire filament (the trigger) and a second loop of sound-sensitive wire. The mines explode as per a fragmentation grenade, with one charge popping the bomb into the air a split second before the mine itself detonates for 6d6 damage. A reflex save at DC 18 will permit the target to sustain half damage (the DC is higher than for most grenades because there is virtually no warning of the explosion). These mines can be used to construct a devastating ambush because the sequence of their explosion can be programmed. Using the microchip in the mines and a control box, one mine is designated as the primary mine, and the others are designated as mine #2, #3, etc. Once the primary mine is detonated, it will, with its explosion, send a particular sonic signature. Mine #2 will detect this signature and explode after a certain delay (which may be set at 0). From the control box, the operator may order any of the mines to explode. The effective range of the control box is 300 meters (150 squares). It takes one minute per mine to set sequence mines (digging and programming). If the mines are only to respond to the control box, and not to a primary mine, they may be set in 30 seconds per mine. Detecting a sequence mine requires a spot roll with a DC of 25 (with any modifiers the GM chooses to apply, at his whim), but one attempt should be permitted per mine.
TL 10 Cost 600Cr per case of 20. Weight 1.5 kg. Dam 6d6. Control box costs 50 Cr.

Remote Mines: mines activated by radio waves from a control box. The range of the remote control is 300 meters (150 squares). Damage is 6d6 with a reflex save possible at DC 15 for half damage. The mines may be spotted with a spot check at DC 25, one attempt per mine.
TL7 Cost 400Cr per case of 20. Weight 1.25 Kg. Control box costs 50 Cr.

Tranq Mine: Spot DC: 20. Fort save (DC 15) as per tranq grenade (p 206 THB). Cost: 800 Cr per case of 20.

Smoke Signal Mine: Spot DC: 20. Sends up a column of colored smoke, as the smoke grenade (p. 206 THB). Cost 300 Cr per case of 20.

Tag Mine: Spot DC 20. Sprays indelible dye or invisible UV paint onto the target. Cost: 350 Cr per case of 20.
I will purchase 90,000 of each type for the standard going rate. I MUST have them ASAP for a little expedition I am leading. can you deliver them to the Naval Base at Arcadia on the 12th??

Trader Jim
Smoke Signal Mine: Spot DC: 20. Sends up a column of colored smoke, as the smoke grenade (p. 206 THB). Cost 300 Cr per case of 20.
Leave that one in the toilet for an unsuspecting victim. The cherry bomb is officially obsolete.

I will purchase 90,000 of each type for the standard going rate. I MUST have them ASAP for a little expedition I am leading. can you deliver them to the Naval Base at Arcadia on the 12th??
My man in Arcadia says "no problem" request clarification for visual ident you are the man in flight suit with rabbit patch on shoulder and styrofoam container of coffeejuice, over.
How about this one...

Sweet Child o' Mine
This is a buried piece of munitions which is a bastard descendant of Heinlein's infamous "talking bomb". When triggered, the mine begins to blare out a warning in a language preselected by the munitions officer. It's monologue is delivered in a chillingly calm female voice and tells everyone in earshot...
"You now have five seconds to live....four...three...two...one..."
and THEN detonates the real mines scattered in a circle around the triggering device.

It's amazing how cruel you can be when learn you roomate just drank the last Mike's Hard Lemonade...
Bouncing Bangers

Mines are laid in a random grid pattern, connectd by fiber op cable.
The mines are activated with a control cable to a CP.
The mines use an electromagnetic detector trigger.
When three mines have a positive read on separate targets, the activate the field.
One third of the mines bound up 1M, fire out a sonic pulse, the return pulse off a hard target will cause mine detonation.
Each mine uses a circumfrence detonator strip. The part of the strip directly opposite of the first hard sonic return will innitiate detonation.
The strip will detonate around the mine in a pattern creating a self forging projectile aimed at whatever caused the sonic return, blasting a hypersonic through the nearest armor wearer or vehicle. Damage of 4d10 per mine.
The pattern puts fired mines at about 10M apart with an average hit at no more than 5M from each point.
The field will allow scouts to pass through, but will catch the following patrol.
It will do this three times targeting aromored troops or the weapons of unarmored troops.
Had a demented idea for a mine.

This mine has a holo emiter attached to it and a proximity sensor. It projects an image of a person, guard, whatever. It is programed to make the holo look like it drops dead when it detects a bullet flying through the holo. Anything biger that comes to investigate the 'dead' person and the mine detonates.

And then I've played around with the concept of meson mines/grenades as well. More of an omni-directional beam emmiter set to a desired radius. The meson beams decay at the set radius creating a ring of destruction that goes through solid matter. :eek:

Still, my favorite mine is still the decapitator. Its a "Bouncing Betty" type mine with TDX. It jumps to about the height of a human's neck and...
Originally posted by cmdrx:
Still, my favorite mine is still the decapitator. Its a "Bouncing Betty" type mine with TDX. It jumps to about the height of a human's neck and...
Ahhh TDX. The favorite of demented minds everywhere. My favorite trick was cluster bomb muntions loaded with TDX. Death of a thousand cuts.
This idea came to me in a dream. a Nightmare actually I was in a field of the damn things.

okay Name:... Don't know.

Configuration. a main body, buried or planted in a wall. contains eltronics and power supply and a magasine of several Anti-personel grade charges of tdx. (wouldn't need much). and an entenable pivoting arm that can life the charge up to say about knee height on a human. and rotate it to any plane. (or most. It won't strike itself)

Burried.... on command or when set by remote. it extends a charge of TDX oriented horizontally (or vertically if mounted in a wall) out to about knee height (or half the thickness of a human being.)


Again at command OR if certain parameters are met. (ie more people standing/climbing the wall/reaching for the mine) Repeat at another height/angle.
Check this out:


Basically, the mine field is a self-organizing network that monitors itself for breaches and reorganizes itself to fill the hole. Give that concept another 3,000 years of development and you should have robotic intelligent minefields that actively rearrange themselves to meet various threats.

I guess I should come up with some stats or something, but I'm just an idea man.

Bolie IV
Hi, Bolie! Don't you recognize those mines? Of course Snake and Bubba and Jemima opted just to use normal c-4...
Originally posted by Garf
and an entenable pivoting arm that can life the charge up to say about knee height on a human. and rotate it to any plane.
I`m afraid that rotating to a different plane wouldn`t work. TDX is gravitionally polarized so it will go along the horizontal plane no mater what the angle of the grenades. You could probably still do it though, if you used some fancy gravitic field unit. The target will probably feel his stomach turn before the blast. ei, he`ll have enough time to say oh shi.... :eek:
Ooh that's cool. I like that. Nifty SFX there.
That and the soft whiring of the extending Antenae.

It's a nasty psychological weapon. The idea was inspired I think (remember it came to me in a VERY unpleasant dream) by the 'bouncing betty' mentioned earlier.

Key factors:
'Smart', Multi-Charge, Variable plane angle and height.

Most common use. Chop a unit off at the knees then keep detonating at about knee hieght anything that moves in that area. (Like medics, Rescue squads... sappers)

Next most common use, Sweeping walls clear of climbers.

But I'm sure you can imagine other evil ideas.
What are the stats for a mine made out of a huge tank of Liquid Hydrogen with a small C4 detonator..?

Bolie IV
Slightly off-topic, but about explosives (TDX in particular). A friend and I had an interesting discussion about what happens if you use TDX outside of a planetary gravitational field. His opinion was that it would not explode until it came into the area of a detectable grav field. I thought it would just be an omnidirectional blast (just like a regular explosive device). Of course, his conception led to many amusing ideas for 'drop'em and forget'em' mines in deep space (after all, spaceships do mass enough to have a detectable grav field) ;) What's everyone else's opinion?
Gravitic implosion mines. Can be set to either hold an enemy still for catpure or squish them into sputtering goo...no matter what kind of armour they have. Scales from anti personnel up to battle space dominance.

Don't forget EMP mine weapons for anti Battle Dress duty. Parts acquired for $400 at yer local Radio Shack!

Bug mines; instead of immediately destroying enemies, these suckers stick to a target and send information about that host and it's accompanyment to a receiver who ultimately will get bored and call for a Heavy Fire Mission.