1) When rolling for double damage from critical hits, should a player roll twice as many dice or roll one set and double the "pips" on each one?
Even though a crit is supposed to by pass armour (and most likely kill someone), are there any cases when even though there is a critical hit, you may still be adding or removing dice. For example, if a personel weapon crits against a vehicle, do you still reduce the "dice" by 5.
2) Blade, Foil, Cutlas, Sword...
The Blade seems in line with the Short Sword from the d20 SRD. The Sword, I would assume to be the "Long Sword" and should be 1d8(19). The Cutlas is the "Rapier" and should be 1d6(18). Otherwise there is no reason for a player to have a sword, since the cutlas is cheaper and does more damage for a medium melee weapon.
Even though the TL of the Sword is 1 vs. the TL 3 of the Cutlass, but that only means backwards worlds would not be using cutlasses.
The Foil is also useless since it is also a medium priecing weapon that does 1d4(18) vs the Cutlass's 1d8(18). Shouldn't the Fiol be a Small weapon and thus in line with the Blade?
-The Luddite
Even though a crit is supposed to by pass armour (and most likely kill someone), are there any cases when even though there is a critical hit, you may still be adding or removing dice. For example, if a personel weapon crits against a vehicle, do you still reduce the "dice" by 5.
2) Blade, Foil, Cutlas, Sword...
The Blade seems in line with the Short Sword from the d20 SRD. The Sword, I would assume to be the "Long Sword" and should be 1d8(19). The Cutlas is the "Rapier" and should be 1d6(18). Otherwise there is no reason for a player to have a sword, since the cutlas is cheaper and does more damage for a medium melee weapon.
Even though the TL of the Sword is 1 vs. the TL 3 of the Cutlass, but that only means backwards worlds would not be using cutlasses.
The Foil is also useless since it is also a medium priecing weapon that does 1d4(18) vs the Cutlass's 1d8(18). Shouldn't the Fiol be a Small weapon and thus in line with the Blade?
-The Luddite