Here is another post of what I am looking for.
I would like other people to give me their take on this.
Thanks in advance for your help
1=Extremely Clumsy/ Drops things carried 9 out of 12 times.
2=Very Clumsy/ Drops things carried 7 out of 10 times.
3=Clumsy/ Drops things carried ½ of the time.
4=Unhandy/ Takes twice as long to complete projects, Drops tools while working on a project 3 times out of 10.
5=Below Average/, Takes one third longer to complete projects, drops tools 1 time in 10.
6=Average/ No penalty, may drop tools 3 times in 100.
7=Average/ No penalty, may drop tools 1 time in 100.
8=Average/ No penalty, May drop tools 3 times in 1000.
9=Above Average/ Able to perform projects in half normal time, catches dropped items 7 times in 10
A=Adroit / Able to perform projects in half normal time, catches dropped items 9 times in 10
B=Dexterous/ Able to perform projects in 1/3 normal time, catches dropped items 45 out of 50 times.
C=Very Dexterous/ Able to perform projects in 1/3 normal time, catches dropped items 65 out of 70 times.
D=Remarkable/ Able to perform projects in 1/5th normal time, catches dropped items 95 out of 100 times.
E=Extraordinary/ Able to perform projects in 1/5th normal time, catches dropped items 99 out of 100 times.
F=Superhuman/ Able to perform projects in 1/10th normal time, always catches dropped items.
1=Very Poor Stamina/ Able to walk ½ kilometer with taking a break.
2=Poor Stamina/ Able to walk ¾ kilometer with taking a break.
3=Very Easily Fatigued/ Able to walk 1 kilometer with taking a break.
4=Easily fatigued/ Able to walk /swim ½ kilometer without taking a break.
5=Below Average/ Able to walk/swim 1 kilometer without taking a break.
6=Average/ No penalty, Able to walk /swim 2 kilometers without taking a break.
7=Average/ No penalty, Able to Run /swim 3 kilometers without taking a break.
8=Average/ No penalty, Able to Run /swim 5 kilometers without taking a break.
9=Above Average/ Able to Run /swim 7 kilometers without taking a break.
A=Above Average/ Able to Run /swim 10 kilometers without taking a break.
B=Great Stamina/ Able to Run /swim 12 kilometers without taking a break.
C=Very Great Stamina/ Able to Run /swim 15 kilometers without taking a break.
D=Remarkable Stamina/ Able to Run /swim 20 kilometers without taking a break.
E=Extraordinary Stamina/ Able to Run /swim 25 kilometers without taking a break.
F=Superhuman Stamina/ Able to Run /swim 30 kilometers without taking a break.
1=Very Low/ Able to solve simple puzzles (less than 10 pieces) in twice normal time.
2=Very Low/ Able to solve simple puzzles (less than 20 pieces) in twice normal time.
3=Very Low/ Able to solve simple puzzles (less than 50 pieces) in twice normal time.
4=Low/ Able to solve simple puzzles (less than 10 pieces) in normal amount of time.
5=Below Average/ Able to solve puzzles (less than 50 pieces) in normal amount of time.
6=Average/ Able to solve puzzles (less than 500 pieces) in normal amount of time.
7=Average/ Able to solve puzzles (less than 1,000 pieces) in normal amount of time.
8=Average/ Able to solve puzzles (less than 1,000 pieces) in ½ normal time.
9=Above Average/ Able to solve puzzles (less than 1,500 pieces) in ½ normal time.
A=Superior/ Able to solve puzzles (less than 2,000 pieces) in ½ normal time.
B=Gifted/ Able to solve puzzles (more than 2,500 pieces) in ½ normal time.
C=Very Gifted/ Able to solve puzzles (more than 2,500 pieces) in 1/3rd normal time.
D=Genius/ Able to solve puzzles (more than 5,000 pieces) in 1/5th normal time.
E=Extraordinary/ Able to solve puzzles (more than 10,000 pieces) in 1/5th normal time.
F=Superhuman/ Able to solve puzzles (more than 10,000 pieces) in 1/10th normal time.
1=Illiterate/ Can recognize letters but not words.
2=Basic Reading/ Can read words less than 7 letters long.
3=Grade School/ Passed 6th Grade, Can read books and dictionaries but chooses not to.
4=Education Certificate/ Passed Middle School and GED (General Education Degree) Requirements.
5=High School/ Has High School Diploma, Can read at College level but chooses not to.
6=Associates Degree/ Has completed 2 years of College, Can continue but chooses not to.
7=Bachelors Degree/ Has completed 4 years of College, Can continue but chooses not to.
8=Masters Degree/ Has completed Masters Thesis, can continue but chooses not to.
9=Advanced work/ Has worked on a specialty area and written a paper that was published on it.
A=Doctorate/ Has completed Post Graduate Degree, published a paper or book on more than 1 topic.
B=Independent Research/ Has completed 2nd Masters Degree Program on a different subject than first.
C=Independent Research/ Has completed 3rd Masters Degree Program on a different subject than first.
D= Independent Research/ Has completed 2nd Doctorate Degree Program on a different subject than first.
E= Independent Research/ Has completed 3rd Doctorate Degree Program on a different subject than others.
F= Independent Research/ Has Written 3 books on 3 separate subjects he has Degrees in.
Social Standing
1=Homeless/ living under radar or where he is not seen, hermit.
2=Dregs of Society/ Living in Extreme poverty, cardboard condo, often going hungry.
3=Lower Low Class/ Living in poverty, Tenement condo, going hungry once a week.
4=Middle Low Class/ Living in poverty, Tenement condo, not going hungry, working poor.
5=Upper Low Class/ Living next to poverty Tenements, able to give food to hungry, working poor.
6=Lower Middle Class/ Living in Single Family dwelling, able to afford vacations and self retirement fund.
7=Middle Class/ Living in Single Family dwelling (1,200 Sq Ft.), able to afford nice vacations and retirement fund, able to provide some college education for children.
8=Upper Middle Class/ Living in nice Single Family dwelling (2,000 Sq Ft.), able to afford nice vacations and large retirement fund, able to provide College education for children.
9=Lower Upper Class/ Living in very nice Single Family dwelling (3,000+ Sq Ft.), able to afford nice vacations and large retirement fund, able to provide College education for children, 1 servant.
A=(Knight) Middle Upper Class/ Living in extremely nice Single Family dwelling (3,000+ Sq Ft), able to afford nice vacations and large retirement fund, able to provide Private College education for children, 2 servants.
B=(Baron) Upper Upper Class/ owns 2 extremely nice Single Family dwelling (4,000+ Sq Ft.), able to afford Very nice long vacations and large retirement fund and a fund for his children, able to provide Private College education for children, several servants.
C=(Marquis) Remarkable/ owns several extremely nice Single Family dwellings (4,000+ Sq Ft.), able to afford Very nice long vacations and large retirement fund for his children, able to provide Private College education for children, more than 5 servants.
D=(Count) Extraordinary/ owns several extremely nice Single Family dwellings (4,000+ Sq Ft.), able to afford Very nice long vacations and large retirement fund for his children, able to provide Private College education for children, more than 10 servants.
E=(Duke) Extreme/ owns several extremely nice Single Family dwellings (4,000+ Sq Ft.) on more than 1 world, able to afford Very nice long vacations and large retirement fund for his children, able to provide Private College education for children, more than 20 servants.
F=(Archduke) Very Extreme/ owns several extremely nice Single Family dwellings (4,000+ Sq Ft.) on more than 4 worlds, able to afford Very nice long vacations and large retirement fund for his children, able to provide Private College education for children, many dozens of servants.