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Looking for TL -16 worlds

What TL-16 planets exist in the Imperium? I have one in Deneb: Vincennes and Depot. Are there any in the Spinward Marches ?
IIRC, Darrian is the only world in the Marches with a Tech Level of 16.

In Deneb, there are three Tech Level 16 worlds: Vincennes, Depot and Pashus.

Here's a good online site for finding UWPs on worlds in the Imperium. Just click on a sector, and it will take you to a menu that has sector data file containing UWPs on all the systems: Anthony's Maps
There are a _lot_ of TL 16 worlds in the GENII files; Massilia is the leader, with 24(!) TL 16 worlds, including multiple Hi-pop worlds.
Isn't Mora, circa 1120 almost TL 16, if not at TL 16 when year 1120 hits? I do know that it's listed at TL 16 in year 1200 in the TNE timeline.
Originally posted by Anthony:
There are a _lot_ of TL 16 worlds in the GENII files; Massilia is the leader, with 24(!) TL 16 worlds, including multiple Hi-pop worlds.
Which, since the world generation systems back to Book 3 all state that TL 15 is the maximum Imperial tech level, may be considered a big fat error?

My take is that if there is any TL 16 worlds in the Imperium, then they are borderline TL 16. a source of limited numbers of cutting-edge TL 16 gizmo, but not able to produce TL 16 goods in quantity - especially not TL 16 warships.

I agree with that conclusion. I would also add that higher tech level should exist but not necessarily as member systems. Would the Imperium really try to take down a TL21 world?
Originally posted by trader jim:
man....that caught my eye!!!!.....TL21......is ther such a critter anywhere???...where can i resd about it??? :confused: :confused:
It's possible. I had a TL20 come up randomly.

A 000A5?-20

It was real fun in creating some of the vessel in MT. I had destroyers with high g Acceleration, white globes, and USP A+ Meson bays! Not to mention you could get small crews because of automation.

For TL 21 you can get this world, but it's impossible with the rules.

A 43AA5?-21
Then there is Dethenes, Old Expanses, subsector A, a Hi pop, In, TL-16 world (Na-nonaligned) T-size+ (size A-A9AA??-G), which had at the collapse some 80 billions. And no gas giants!!!
A Non Imperial world, and the sole TL-16 system in the sector.(go figure! ;) )
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Then there is Dethenes, Old Expanses, subsector A, a Hi pop, In, TL-16 world (Na-nonaligned) T-size+ (size A-A9AA??-G), which had at the collapse some 80 billions. And no gas giants!!!
A Non Imperial world, and the sole TL-16 system in the sector.(go figure! ;) )
Sounds like Vincennes in Deneb sector, I think it's TL 16, very high pop...maybe even past pop A in the year 1200. If memory serves, it's also a little rockball, so they are lucky that they weren't in the "Wilds" during the Hard Times era, and dropped some Tech levels...I'm sure plently would die if they lost too much of their native TL.
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Then there is Dethenes, Old Expanses, subsector A, a Hi pop, In, TL-16 world (Na-nonaligned) T-size+ (size A-A9AA??-G), which had at the collapse some 80 billions. And no gas giants!!!
A Non Imperial world, and the sole TL-16 system in the sector.(go figure! ;) )
I checked the listing on grandsurvey.com. The UWP given was:


10s of billions governed by Rep. Republic with a low law level! :D

Not mention 90% water! :eek:

Why do I have a feeling dueling is allowed for controlling social and population pressures?
I believe that economics is the driving force to increase the tech level of a planet. The question was raised, why is a planet TL-21? There is a market or need for its products. That's why I find this monolithic idea of TL deceiving. DGP in their World Builder book has some expanded categories that really help conceptualize the tech level of a planet, but once again how much information is practical.

I was reading that Vincennes, Mega-traveller Journal no.3, has trouble selling some TL16 products, i.e. Starships, Robots, and Computers because of TL lag, repair and parts replacement. In MTU the rebellion never happen so, Various Vincennes mega corps, the Imperial Government, and yes, the Darrians are looking to invest in education as well as industrial capabilities and raise the TL of Glistern to 16 and other planets, in the hopes of removing the TL lag and increasing its market possibilities. Then TL 17 becomes economically feasible.
Originally posted by George Boyett:


10s of billions governed by Rep. Republic with a low law level! :D

Not mention 90% water! :eek:

Why do I have a feeling dueling is allowed for controlling social and population pressures?
Nah, with that tech level they can certainly build underwater cities. And probably floating ones too (in air and water).
Originally posted by Evil Dr Ganymede:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by George Boyett:


10s of billions governed by Rep. Republic with a low law level! :D

Not mention 90% water! :eek:

Why do I have a feeling dueling is allowed for controlling social and population pressures?
Nah, with that tech level they can certainly build underwater cities. And probably floating ones too (in air and water).</font>[/QUOTE]Even with the tech, they still go for smaller residences and arcologies. There still be a high pop density for the cities and plexes.

Of course there is the possibility of big space habitats, which are included in the worlds pop.
Originally posted by George Boyett:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by trader jim:
man....that caught my eye!!!!.....TL21......is ther such a critter anywhere???...where can i resd about it??? :confused: :confused:
It's possible. I had a TL20 come up randomly.</font>[/QUOTE]Which is why I think that random number generation, like fire, is a wonderful servant but a terrible master.

A list of randomly generated systems ought to be the first step in creating a background, not, as they have been all too often in Traveller's past, the last.

Just say no to results that don't fit the background. If the highest Imperial TL is 15, don't allow TL 16 worlds in the Imperium. If TL 16 is unknown in the Imperium, make sure that there is a good explanation why the Imperium can't learn TL 16 technologies from any TL 16 world you do introduce. The Darrians are fine because they've actually lost the knowledge, so how could they pass it on to anyone? Sabmiqys is fine, because no one is going to learn anything from them. But 24 fully TL 16 worlds in Massila is just plain wrong, canonically published UWPs or not.
IMTU any TL 16 world in the Imperium is based on a single, narrow technology that the owners take great pains to keep secret. Anything else produced on any of these worlds is TL 15.

I always assumed that Tech Level 16+ meant "Ancient Artifacts Found Here". I had quite a few TL 16+ worlds when I made my version of the Reavers Deep Sector, all of which had some strange tech relic on them.
A friend of mine did a TL21 world... It was slightly different than your typical civilization. Antimatter was taught in high school and the concept of war was no longer important. Visitor ships were automatically flown in from jump point by the starport. Exploration and entertainment ruled.

How advanced was grandfather and the ancients? Would the imperium advertise the existance of such worlds?

How one builds a sector is a choice not simply driven by canon. In the end RPG is story telling.

Savage :rolleyes:
Originally posted by rancke:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by George Boyett:
It's possible. I had a TL20 come up randomly.
Which is why I think that random number generation, like fire, is a wonderful servant but a terrible master. </font>[/QUOTE]I first thought of rejecting the UWP, but I decided to work with it. One thing I developed is the planet was known for Tech 15, and the inhabitants keep thier true nature secret.

Originally posted by rancke:
IMTU any TL 16 world in the Imperium is based on a single, narrow technology that the owners take great pains to keep secret. Anything else produced on any of these worlds is TL 15.
Or it's publicly known R&D and prototypes that are years away from becoming available. That the story about Capital. If you go with DGP stats, Sylean medical tech is rated 16 because of advances in brain transplants.
TL 16 world in the Imperium is based on a single, narrow technology that the owners take great pains to keep secret. Anything else produced on any of these worlds is TL 15.
I have to disagree on the generality of the covert nature of TL16 production. The main advantage of a TL16 society is the lower cost of production of an all items. The unique and advanced items that can only be found at the level of tech are a neat little bonus. I like to divide the Tech level of a planet into different categories, as the DGP World builder does. Starship, weapons, computers, communication, novelties and consumables, are some of the categories, but these can be at different levels of tech, because of the unique demands place upon the growth of the Tech by the environment of the planet that produced them. Necessity is the mother of all invention, and economics drives that necessity. A TL16 planet not producing at its full capacity is losing money and wasting capital. In a dominant mega corporation universe this would be a cardinal sin.

Somehow, an attitude has evolved that by keeping tech levels low, i.e. below 15, and financial rewards minimal at best, the game is enriched because of need, not duty or desire. This is false. It’s a poor Game Master who has to depend upon the cliché of the broken ship to motivate player to take a course of action. Embrace the few TL 16 cannon planets and use them to create not limit adventures. Think of the opportunities that await the bold and divergent thinkers of the universe, as long as they’re not Vilani.