larry posted:
"Hello, I'm not sure what the campain thread is going to be, or when and were. I have both D20 modern and the T20 books "on order" at my local game shop. I'm thinking that I would be running the game in conway. Perhaps, depending on what the players wanted, I might run half of the game sessions in little rock at the local game shop. I have 26 years exp as a Dm and story teller. I have played and dm'd more games than I could repeat here, it would be easyier to ask what I have not played. BTW pretty good and yourself? I would enjoy the chace to make new friends and run something in traveller. thanks for responding to my post.
Well, yer the 4th person I've seen in AR, man.
Plop101 is in Hot Springs,
Me, I'm north and east of you (its a 20 minute ride to cabot off 319/ 36-45 mikes to Conway).
I've DM'd and played Trav & ADnD since 1980. I'l be 40 in less than 30 days. I work nights save the weekends (start Sun day eve, off Fri mornin).
There's another fella postin here, but he's newer.
I have 2 copies of T20, one is my daughter's 14th B-day present. The others mine(YUS allmine!)...okay, I'm calmer now.
Keep me posted. I'm in the ARNG, so not all weekends are free for me.
Best of Luck, maybe I can drop in with me daughter and play fer a change!(THAT would be a relief!)
hereticaly yours...