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Looking for online playing area

Hello, fellow Travellers, I am an old Traveller player who is trying to get back into the game. Is there someplace onlie that you get together to play in chat?. I currently run Openrpg with my DnD games, Is there anything like that out there?
Hello, Reaper. Welcome aboard. I'll answer your question in exchange for some of your miniatures.

Seriously, check the Random Static forum. There is a thread there titled ISSUrsula. That will lead you to a site and a group of people who play Traveller in a chatroom format.
Hey Reaper,

I've tried the following online tabletop interfaces:


They all have pros and cons, but GRIP is the best one I've used. It incorporates a "character sheet markup language" which can be used to automate most all game mechanics, and it requires no central server to play a game. The "CSML" alone puts it ahead of the rest, though it takes a little time to get used to it.

Luckily, there's a great user community on Yahoo where anyone can get the help they need to get their own game up and running:


Drop by this group if you're at all interested. GRIP is a Quicklink/RPGRealms product (yep, same as T20), and there's even a Traveller version of the software.

The software for players is free, and the GM software costs $35.00, but the vendor offers a 60-day free trial (fully functional) - plenty of time to figure out whether you like it.

Here's the site where you can download the GRIP trial version:


If you'd like help getting a game going, testing the software, etc., I'm willing to lend assistance. Just email me.

- Milo Holt
Thx for the info, I will check it out. I had downloaded one of the char generators someone had posted. Sure is nice to be able to not take a hour to get a playable char. You know, the ones who survive training. 8)The name of the program is "mtcgexe" Thats a dos based program, only thing i didn't like about it was you cant save the char. Are there anyother char gen's out there that might be better?