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Looking for forms

I am looking for the forms from Supplement 12 in a pdf or word format. Can anyone help? I have found similiar forms but I am looking for the actual TAS, IN, and IS forms.
I've recently done up a LOT of the forms from Sup12 in PDF format, and - if I may say so - they look exceptionally good.

So far I have:

TAS 2 a/b (front + back)
TAS 3 a/b
TAS 14
IS 6 (xboat msgs)
IN 3
IN 10 a/b
IN 11

Plus a few more in the works (eg sector data, repatriation bonds and other handouts).

Would other people like to have them? Before I distribute them, I suppose I really should get FFE's blessing, which I will do posthaste.

Then I can either email them to people, or if someone would like to host them I'd be happy to hand them over.


[This message has been edited by FlightCommanderSolitude (edited 08 June 2001).]
I would like to get them. If you get permission which I do not think would be a problem since we can photocopy for personal use already.
I will give you an email address once permission is secured

[This message has been edited by Crimson Cat (edited 08 June 2001).]

[This message has been edited by Crimson Cat (edited 08 June 2001).]
Check out the site

He has a forms page that already has several PDF files for download. Only one is an actual Traveller form (I think its the Cargo Manifest). The rest are general untility stuff, but not "official" for Traveller, but if you get permission to post, he would probably be willing to host the forms.

Hope it helps,


Traveller, if you go to Sparta, tell them you have seen us lying here as the law commands.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ranger:
Check out the site

He has a forms page that already has several PDF files for download. Only one is an actual Traveller form (I think its the Cargo Manifest). The rest are general untility stuff, but not "official" for Traveller, but if you get permission to post, he would probably be willing to host the forms.

Hope it helps,



They do, though I wouldn't mind something closer to the original format,if not the original. How I would love to have a scanner.
Well, I haven't heard anything back yet.

I read through the Traveller Fair Usage FAQ on this site, and couldn't really figure out the most fitting pronouncement. It does read:
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You cannot scan entire sections of art in an attempt to reproduce a book...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
...and while I'm not scanning the forms in, I'm in essence reproducing all the forms in the book.

While I doubt there would be an issue here, I really think it's fair (and safe
) to ask FFE first.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by FlightCommanderSolitude:
Crimson Cat, I have not heard back from FFE on this yet - why don't you email me (at flight_commander_solitude@hotmail.com) and we can discuss this further offline.


Will do. The sooner the better. I am in the process of getting a campaign off the ground soon and trying to get as much work done before I start.