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Liquid refreshment list


Absent Friend
I'm looking to start a list of beverages that one might use in a Traveller campaign. Here is what I've got so far.

Soda's and other carbonated beverages:
Hava Cola (T20-COTI-?)
Sola Cola (T20-COTI-Randy Tyler)
Kaakaaraa Kola (T20-COTI-Casey)
Okra Cola (GURPS Space v2)
Extronian Carbonated Tea (GT BTC pg47)

Brubecks Light (GT Starports pg86)
Brubecks Amber (GT Starports pg86)
Brubecks Dark (GT Starports pg86)
Brubecks Porter (GT Starports pg86)
Synthe Beer -Rethay Lite (GURPS Space v2)

Mixed drink-Naval Snoot (GURPS Space v2)
Vatabell Distillate Liquor (GT BTC pg61)
Saurian Brandy
(Borrowed from Star Trek. See this page: http://www.geocities.com/phaserresource/SaurianbrandyPage.html )

Algae wine- Bex-X (GURPS Space v2)
Zilan Fireau et Fille eiswein (GT BTC pg100)
Tojak Eszencia (AHL Rules Book pg26)

Other Liquids:
Coffee Juice (T20-COTI-Trader Jim?)
Ricernay liquid 'golden' (GT BTC pg120)
Groat Milk (???)

Am looking for other examples; feel free to add to the list.
Panther Piss (Cheap, cheap bear. If spilled it will stain anything :0 . If a regular beer cost 1 credit you can get a pitch for 1 credit.) 5% alcohol

Jyt Beer 12% alcohol (has a bite like drinking gasoline or jet fuel) ave price

Star Wine 17% alcohol (glows softly in the day. 1 liter = 1 candle of light at night) 3X expensive
Space Wine 47% alcohol in dry form, 15% liquidifed (Discovered by accident by a belter, this wine has been freeze-dried. Think pop-rocks. Mix 1 tablespoon with water or carbonated water stir and chill for instant wine. WARNING do not Dry Space wine directly into mouth) 5X expensive if available

Mega-b-drink 97% alcohol And extremely good tasting and extremely smoooootttthh. No bite or bitterness (Must make 3 consective checks to stay concious per ounce drank or pass out. Must make 5 consective checks to stay sober) 1000X expensive per ounce Extreme rare. Often used in drinking challenges

Lava Red 50% alcohol Must be stored at min (or higher) 100 F degrees or will loose its flavor. If chilled 40 F or less it will loose its alcohol. Does not boil until 300 F degrees Tastes like black cherry and JD mixed with mineral water. 50X expensive
Lava Black 40% ahcohol Must be stored at min 75 F degrees. Same as above but with boiling point of water. Tastes like black cheer and bourbon mixed with mineral water. 40X expensive

There are more that we used in my world if anyone is interested

On the cheap beer list:

Pizzt Blue Swill Lager

Made from some of the best swill available on Glisten. Even though Glisten is a big rock and anything needed to make this of course could have never come from here.

Available in Fat Can Drunkard size or the patented Big Swill Bladderbuster sizes.

Can't afford to drink in style?

Well you can always afford to drink our style of wonderful Pizzt Blue Swill Lager. Gauranteed to make any reasonabe sophont completely numb or your money back!!

Guarantee maybe void in your region of known space please read legalize agreement on back of claim form. Do not expect to understand the form or ever collect any claim, just be glad we do not sue you for even attempting to get money off of us.

Blue Sun* from Firefly
exactly what Blue Sun is would be telling...

/me looks around for the Men with the Blue Hands

file under Beer, Medicine, and Emergency Oil supply. Also doubles as liquid bread when the food runs out.


* or you could use Lan Tai'yang which is my crude attempt at Mandarin for Blue Sun
Suntory: very expensive, very smooth whiskey, 10x price of usual whiskey.

"For relaxing time . . . Make it Suntory time."

Suntory Hibiki: super expensive, super smooth whiskey, 50x price of usual whiskey.
OH SORRY, been sleeping and missed this thread.......Has anyone mentioned all the varieties of that most loveable of delectable beverages.....TaDaaaaaa....Tea? I think any civilized society that manages to finally slip the surly bonds of Sol's gravity well and soar to our stellar neighbors will surely carry with them the king of drinks.
BTW Jame, you must speak louder didin't hear you way up there so early in the thread.
Wait.....I'm from Kentucky, has anyone mentioned our most well accepted exported product, the lovely delectable smooth liquid fire of .....TaDaaaa...Bourbon? How come I forget my state's most well accepted and most appreciated product, so sorry my old Kentucky home!
One must not forget Tokay... beloved of GDW (I quike like it too)

Thinking of this thread has made me thirsty for James Bolivar "Slippery Jim" Di Gritz favourite drink... "Syrian Panther Sweat".
Originally posted by eiladayn:
Wait.....I'm from Kentucky, has anyone mentioned our most well accepted exported product, the lovely delectable smooth liquid fire of .....TaDaaaa...Bourbon? How come I forget my state's most well accepted and most appreciated product, so sorry my old Kentucky home!
And most importantly, without bourbon to remove the skanky flavors from oak barrels, you can't use them to create
Aye, and remember… if it isn't Scottish, it's crrrap!

How can one not have the Pan-Galactic Gargle-Blaster®, the perfect toast to the memory of the late and lamented Douglas Adams.
Rhylanorean Sake - has that extra *kick* for a longer high. Hey. HEY! Let go of me! Buzz, I meant BUZZ! Are you goons satisfied now?
Originally posted by Straybow:
Aye, and remember… if it isn't Scottish, it's crrrap!
Wrong!!! How can you say that uisge has any comparison to the amber ambrosia of a Bourbon toddy? :eek: tsk, tsk, tsk
This new generation, my stars and garters! ;)

Old Skunk Wizz - Beer
Vargr Beer - regular or extra chunky

From TravellerCentral Library Data:

Stygian Bliss
A rare and much sought after tea derived from a lichen native to Cunnonic/Darrian. The tea is made from the buds of the lichen, budding occurring every 11 years. The buds are then fermented over a period of 3 years, then dried. The infusion from the tea is euphoric, invigorating, and increases clarity of thought. Unfortunately, the tea is also toxic if taken in more than small quantities. Death from Stygian Bliss results from slow failure of the autonomic nervous system, even as the thought processes are accelerated and expanded.
Ok, found another wine listed in CT:
Hospice du Beune (JTAS #7, pg38)

Here is whats on this list thus far. Some of the stuff I couldn't classify I threw into the 'other' category; if you have suggestions on what category they belong in, let me know. Also, by popular demand, added the tea and coffee category.

IMTU Liquids
IMTU listing of Liquid Refreshments

Soda's and other carbonated beverages:
Hava Cola (T20-COTI-?)
Sola Cola (T20-COTI-Randy Tyler) [nectar of the gods (?)]
Kaakaaraa Kola (T20-COTI-Casey)
Okra Cola (GURPS Space v2)
Extronian Carbonated Tea (GT BTC pg47)

Tea and Coffee:
Stygian Bliss (Todd Glenn)
Tea Droppings (T20-COTI eladayn?)
Coffee Juice (T20-COTI-Trader Jim?)
See also Extronian Carbonated Tea (GT BTC pg47)

Brubecks Light (GT Starports pg86)
Brubecks Amber (GT Starports pg86)
Brubecks Dark (GT Starports pg86)
Brubecks Porter (GT Starports pg86)
Synthe Beer -Rethay Lite (GURPS Space v2)
Synthohol-(generic; I first saw it in Star Trek, but I think its been mentioned elsewhere as well)
Old Skunk Wizz (Todd Glenn)
Panther Piss (T20-COTI-Dave Chase)
Jyt Beer (T20-COTI-Dave Chase)
Pizzt Blue Swill Lager (T20-COTI-ACK)
Guinness TM (Guinness TM)
Vargr Beer (Todd Glenn)

Mixed drink-Naval Snoot (GURPS Space v2)
Vatabell Distillate Liquor (GT BTC pg61)
Saurian Brandy (Borrowed from Star Trek. See this page: http://www.geocities.com/phaserresource/SaurianbrandyPage.html )
Mega-B Drink (T20-COTI-Dave Chase)
Lava Red (T20-COTI-Dave Chase)
Lava Black (T20-COTI-Dave Chase)
Suntory (T20-COTI-Paraquat Johnson)
Suntory Hibiki (T20-COTI-Paraquat Johnson)
Bourbon Whiskey (generic)
Scotch (generic)

Algae wine-Bex-X (GURPS Space v2)
Zilan Fireau et Fille eiswein (GT BTC pg100)
Tojak Eszencia (AHL Rules Book pg26)
Star Wine (T20-COTI-Dave Chase)
Space Wine (T20-COTI-Dave Chase)
Hospice du Beune (JTAS #7, pg38)

Other Liquids:
Ricernay liquid 'golden' (GT BTC pg120)
Scout Brew (?Mark Seeman)
Blue Sun (from Firefly)
Pan-Galactic Gargle-Blaster® (Douglas Adams)
Rhylanorean Sake (T20-COTI-Jame)
"Syrian Panther Sweat" (?James Bolivar "Slippery Jim" Di Gritz)
At least technically, Rhylanorean Sake should be a wine, since it's based on Japanese rice-wine. But it could be an "other" since some versions have nothing to do with rice at all...
Hospice du Beune would be a brand. They'd still have to let us know what kind of wine it is, out of dozens of varietals, as well as white/red.