As an "Imperial Librarian" I suppose I'm in as good a position as anybody to answer these.
What are the benefits (besides helping out) to submitting entries? As of now, nothing. But keep in mind the more entries we get the better the database becomes, and the more useful a resource it will be for everybody. Note also that except for the extra-special title under my name I'm not getting anything out of this either...
Rules, regulations, quirks, etc... There's nothing specific, and the other two Librarians (Hunter and Hans Rancke-Madsen) might have different standards, but my general guidelines are: a) transcribe existing LD before creating new entries -- existing LD just needs to have its source verified, whereas new LD requires a judgment call and therefore will probably sit in the queue for awhile; b) stick as close as possible to the original entry (correct spelling or grammar or obvious mistakes, and change references to 'this year' to a year number, and similar minor changes, but don't rewrite the entry or add details specific to YTU); c) the LD should read like an in-milieu encyclopedia, so avoid rules info, references to players, and anything else out-of-milieu -- exception: if the entry includes 'secrets' or spoilers for an adventure you can include a 'Referee Only' or 'Spoiler Alert' tag; d) my personal order of preference for LD -- 1) GDW CT products, 2) T20 products, 3) FASA & Gamelords CT products, 4) GDW MT products, 5) T4 products, GT products, & TNE products, 6) other (non-DGP) 'Approved' licensees. Although I haven't been specifically instructed to do so by Hunter, I'm respecting DGP's status as 'Forbidden Canon,' so any LD found ONLY in DGP products won't be added to the database.
How do you go about asking to have a correction made? And who do you talk to?
You can talk to me, here or by mail at foster1941 at yahoo dot com. What corrections do you want made?