With J1, it can hardly be so picky, so I guess it will only be useful in quite specific mains (or among a very specific group or systems, probably a small one)
It's actually worse than that.
You have to be on a J1 main which needs LOTS of transport capacity all the time ... in order to balance the Supply vs Demand equation that leads to profits. What that basically amounts to is that you're going to need avoid Population: 6- UWPs simply in order to circulate among worlds with economies large enough to have enough cargo lots awaiting shipment to wherever you're wanting to go next (+next/next/next if plotting multiple destinations in advance on an established route).
In order to fill the revenue tonnage of a 10k J1 starship, you're looking at having a LOT tickets to sell ... and it's better (for profits) to sell out those manifest tickets, rather than to leave (the star)port with most of the reel of tickets unbought, which then leaves revenue on the table ... while expenses (crew, overhead, etc.) remain relatively constant and still need to be paid.
Or to put it another way, you've got the issue of driving a Class-8 Commercial Vehicle (often called an 18-wheeler with trailer) down to the corner store to pick up milk, eggs and a loaf of bread ... which makes for an obvious mismatch between Need and Means. You don't "need" a tractor/trailer big rig to buy a gallon of milk, a dozen eggs and a loaf of bread. You can do it, but it's
not exactly an efficient way of going about it (or words to that effect).
It's the age old "sledgehammer as flyswatter" routine.
Sure, you CAN swat flies with a sledgehammer, but it's hardly the ideal tool for that usage scenario.
So a 10k J1 starship certainly SOUNDS impressive at first blush ... but then as soon as you start trying to USE and OPERATE it at a profit, all kinds of issues are going to crop up ... with the first one being the UWP Population code number, which can be used as a proxy to determine if the 10k J1 starship is "overbuilt" to service that particular destination (or is it simply "jump over" territory to get to somewhere else?).
The next problem you have is ... can the ship be "pushed off course" by an
and forced into a surrender condition, which could potentially wind up with the crew being forced to disembark (permanently) and the starship confiscated as a prize?
In other words ... "at what price, security" ... which depending on the region of space that routes are intended to pass through can become a major issue (see: C-X starports and insufficient SDB patrol presence).