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JTAS ship contest #18


Contest 18 specs:

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"-microphone on? Thank you. Dear colleagues! You probably
know why we're here, but I'll summarize briefly for anyone
who might have been out of the grapevine during the last
few days.
Ling Standard Products has offered to provide a research
cutter to our university. It will be designed and built by
their new engineering graduates - they get tax benefits if
they give it away for free. I'm sure Professor Uamdar will
be glad to explain the financial details, he helped to
write that law, after all.
What we'll have to do in return is to participate in the
formal design process. Requirements definition, initial
specifications, reviews, the whole shebang ...
But first, we'll have to decide what we want. I know the
Gas Giant Study Group wants to get the Manned Low Altitude
Probe, but they have good chances to get an IISS grant for
that. This is a chance for the smaller departments, too.
That concludes my opening remarks. Any questions before
we start a first debate?"
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* Write a small craft for the University of Regina.
(In the background text, you could describe it as the
proposal by a department or a group of professors who
want to sell their pet project to the others.)
* You are NOT limited to the planetology or astrophysics
departments. If you can come up with something for the
Department of Old High Vilani Literature, go with it!
* For purposes of the contest, a small craft is a manned
vehicle with 100 displacement tons or less and without
jump drive. Atmospheric capability is NOT required.
* The 100 displacement ton limit can be exceeded if you
keep the cost and mass within reasonable limits.
(This allows large antenna arrays or the like.)
* As far as the design system allows, it should be a NEW
craft, not a variant of an existing one.
No cutter modules unless you write a new cutter, too.
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Entries are due by Sunday, May 25th.
Come on over and join the fun.