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JTAS Contest 19


Contest 19

A ship (or craft) manufactured with Imperial standard hulls, drives
and weapons (if any, not required) for a minor Non-Human race.

Alien purposes are preferred but even aliens act with needs to
explore and gain resources so exploration, research and
mining/exploitation vehicles can all make sense. A number of species
derived from carnivore stock have strong interests in hunting and
might find a specialized safari ship interesting.

It is also possible that lower technology Aliens might have
significant errors in their universe view, and a ship might be
commissioned based on misunderstandings of the nature of suns, stars,
nebulae or moons.

Because the ship(s) are to be built in the Imperium, purpose built
military craft are discouraged and no “prohibited” technology should
be included.

Many aliens need quarters, controls and special conditions that could
require designers to create outside the published design sequences.
For this contest, it should be assumed that designers will apply
their own knowledge of chemistry, physics and biology as custom
design sequences for Alien needs.
Such design concepts are not required to be posted with the design
but may be. IMO there are others interested in such topics.

Designs may have dual (or more) life support sections, to support
beings with different requirements.

For example, life forms requiring liquid containing environments
need to estimate the extra mass needed for the liquid filled

It is designers choice for species, purpose and how the ship or
craft is financed. Financing, alien logic for the design and other
justifications and explanations make good supporting color.

I will not be creating an entry but am available as a source of bad
advice, ldegroff@ix.netcom.com if you want to discuss off the
discussion bboard.

I had suggested that we give this contest some extra time. Lots of
folks are busy with summer; several appear to be working hard on JTAS
articles and other creative projects.

So… Preliminary due date for entries will be Sunday night of the
second weekend in August. If we do not have 3 or 4 entries at that
point, I will extend the contest dead line until after American Labor
day, the first weekend in Sept.

Sorry about my neglect
Les DeGroff
Come on over and join the fun!
Dead line pushed back one week. See below.

I had planned to remind first week in august and call for entries in
by August 17 but am having technical difficulties with my home
computer and will give all, an extra week, until August 24.
It might be useful if those with entries ready, would put a note to
that effect up...don't send your entry yet, but lets see how many
folks are already ready. Les
The contest has been extended to next sunday the 31st.

"OK, till the coming sunday, the one submitted entry may be update,
replaced or extended if the developer wishes. Thats in the American
holiday week end, so I should be able to post sunday night.
Thank you all for the patience...I knew summmer would be hard...but
it seems to just keep getting messed with."
Morning PVernon,

Bad news as of 0600 PDT 30 August JTAS and Pyramid boards appear to be down going to NNTP I get the following:

400 No space (newslib) [innwatch:38] 24892 lt 25000

Account: pyramid.sjgames.com
Server: pyramid.sjgames.com
User name: snrdg102401
Protocol: NNTP
Port: 119
Secure(SSL): 0
Error Number: 400
Code: 800ccca0

Going to Web Access the main index page opens but without the titles for the discussion boards.

Originally posted by PVernon:
The contest has been extended to next sunday the 31st.

"OK, till the coming sunday, the one submitted entry may be update,
replaced or extended if the developer wishes. Thats in the American
holiday week end, so I should be able to post sunday night.
Thank you all for the patience...I knew summmer would be hard...but
it seems to just keep getting messed with."
Well Contest #19 has 2 entries both are GURPS designs with interesting back stories. Come on over and vote for which is the best. Voting closes Saturday Sept 6th at midnight, the winner will be posted on Sunday the 7th.