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JTAS - contest 15


Please note that there is no timeline for enteries yet when they are desided by the contest moderator I will post them here. Also remember that even though the contest is run at SJG any Traveller design system may be used.


Contest 15, Burnt Toast, Long duration, ground assault, Battle

A Battle rider for sustained ground assault. Code word "Burnt Toast"
This is to replace Intelligence command and Department of Agriculture
reserve squadrons, one set of 12 craft per sector plus one squadron
of 13, Reference Code word, "Hot Solutions" circa 1001 for currently
existing craft.

Requirments and Profile

1. Jump 1 with fuel for two jumps (into system and out or self
powered escape)

2. Support for two month extended mission duration. This includes
use of planetary assualt weapons sytems for extended periods of
saturation fire. Weapon systems power systems may be specified
separatly from main power systems.

3. Minimum of 2 G drives. Amospheric operation envelope
(speed/density/flight control) should be discussed. Low (km
elevations), Slow(minutes per km) operations have been done by prior
generation craft,"Hot Solutions"

4. Ship must be capable of atmospheric entry and flight operations
in several bar atmospheres including weapon operation but is not
required to land on planetary surfaces. (landing is optional to
mission profile) Atmopheric operations profile should coordinate
with weapon systems for 99.99% ground coverage operations.

Systems should not depend on atmosphere for cooling or operation

5. Ship with its auxillary craft must be able to self refuel for
Jump 1 from water, ice or H2 containing atmopheres (gas giant
refueling) in less than 240 hours (ten days)

6. Weapon systems can not be nuclear or appear nuclear which removed
PA's and Meson systems from allowed weapon mix. This is a non-
negotiable political requirement.

7. Weapon systems may include laser and energy guns of sub-starship
caliber. The expected operations using this flotilla can assume
system orbital space control but not aerospace control.
7.0 see item 2, mission profile includes two months of saturation
7.1 specific weapons or batteries may be designated as point
defense fire but may not be counted in primary mission fire. Number
of point defense targets should be specified.
7.2 Primary fire after normal description of the weapon system
should include extra details.
Describe a single fire mission of 1 hour with objective of
eliminating/eradicating a toxic jungle and tech level 9 defenders
from the receiving end of that fire.
Describe the largest, ground clearance path the weapon system
can generate in one pass for one hour. This needs to look at rate of
fire (ROF) and primary and secondary damage circles.

8. Mission profile, squadron sized operations of 3 to 12 ships of
this class operating with out resupply for up to 2 months in any type
of system including those with out refueling, food or munitions

9. A minimal Marine force assignment of one squad is expected for
crewing and they may fill gunnery control or security roles as
9.1 Some missions will coordinate with Marine Drop or landing
teams but no drop tubes are required by this RFQ.

10. Craft proposal should include at least one auxillary capable of 2
G, landing and take off for 1.5 G, 3 Bar atmosphere worlds. auxillary
craft weapons should not be included in any primary mission profile

As usual, adventure seeds, supporting color and characters should be
included. The details of these ships is considered Imperial secret as
are prior craft and operations.

Mr. Leslie DeGroff


Come to the discussion at:
The entries have all been posted at JTAS. Voting from today through Saturday.

All 3 enteries in this contest were GURPS :(
A winner has been declared for contest 15 and there is discussion going on as to what contest 16 will be.

Please note these contests are open to any Traveller design system ships be it T20 or CT or any system between. All you need to enter is a suscription to JTAS which is (I think) $20 for 2 years. With which you get 4 to 6 articles every other week and access to all of the articles that have been published and access to the dicussion boards there as well. It realy is a good deal. People have noted that there just don't seem to be very many non GURPS designs represented in these contests, well the way to change that would be to enter your designs.

<< End Rant>>
Originally posted by PVernon:
Please note these contests are open to any Traveller design system ships be it T20 or CT or any system between. All you need to enter is a suscription to JTAS which is (I think) $20 for 2 years. With which you get 4 to 6 articles every other week and access to all of the articles that have been published and access to the dicussion boards there as well. It realy is a good deal. People have noted that there just don't seem to be very many non GURPS designs represented in these contests, well the way to change that would be to enter your designs.
Not interested in entering designs to a contest who's entries are kept behind "pay to enter" locked doors. Not interested in paying to see what's behind those doors. The subscriber pays website idea seems to be working for them*, and good for them, but there is enough free material out there that I'd prefer not to pay. Shame, because I'd love to enter a bunch of T20 designs.

* Don't know that it's working for many other companies though (Salon springs to mind).
Originally posted by Falkayn:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by PVernon:
Please note these contests are open to any Traveller design system ships be it T20 or CT or any system between. All you need to enter is a suscription to JTAS which is (I think) $20 for 2 years. With which you get 4 to 6 articles every other week and access to all of the articles that have been published and access to the dicussion boards there as well. It realy is a good deal. People have noted that there just don't seem to be very many non GURPS designs represented in these contests, well the way to change that would be to enter your designs.
Not interested in entering designs to a contest who's entries are kept behind "pay to enter" locked doors. Not interested in paying to see what's behind those doors. The subscriber pays website idea seems to be working for them*, and good for them, but there is enough free material out there that I'd prefer not to pay. Shame, because I'd love to enter a bunch of T20 designs.

* Don't know that it's working for many other companies though (Salon springs to mind).
</font>[/QUOTE]I'm sorry you feel that way :( . What SJGs does with the mony for the most part is pay the authors of the articals that they post. You tend to get what you pay for. CotI is free and publishes 1 or 2 articals per month and most of them are by in house authors. JTAS is $20 for 52 issues and publishes 8 - 12 articals per month and all are by outside authors.