I noticed over on the Downport website that the last legitimate posting on the TNE-pocket" mail list was by a guy named John Bogan.
I played some Traveller with a guy named John Bogan back in 83-84 at Penn State, but he sort of dropped off the face of the Earth.
If anyone is one of the Traveller mailing-lists, or better yet knows or is in contact with John Bogan would you give him my e-mail
"aveNelso@aol.com" and tell him it's Dave Nelson (Penn State together at least 83-84) I'd like to find out whether it's the same guy
Dave "Dr. Skull" Nelson
I played some Traveller with a guy named John Bogan back in 83-84 at Penn State, but he sort of dropped off the face of the Earth.
If anyone is one of the Traveller mailing-lists, or better yet knows or is in contact with John Bogan would you give him my e-mail
"aveNelso@aol.com" and tell him it's Dave Nelson (Penn State together at least 83-84) I'd like to find out whether it's the same guy
Dave "Dr. Skull" Nelson