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Jatay Patronage LIC, or Free Traders Guild, subsector x


The hardest part of being a merchant in the traveller universe is getting started. Why should there not be companys specifically designed for this.
This system would work in a manner simmilar to the Zhodani method of starting a trader off. A company would provide various services such as capital loans, insurance, consultation and advice, etc for a given fee, profit share etc. It would be like a franchise except the franchisee would be expected to buy his independance eventually. This could also be used as a sideline to a large line. Those who remember the "shotgun tramp" column might remember simmilar ideas.
Another possibility is a "Free Traders Guild"(not to be confused with the Guild in Dune), which would be supported by dues from local Free Traders. The difference between the first metheod and the second is that the first thinks of Jatay Patronage as an overlord, and the other is more an alliance of relative equals. The Free Traders Guild would provide these services to free traders, and might also try to keep some newcomers out of the sector unless they fulfill certain requirements. Which might make life interesting if the PC's are the newcomers.
The point about both these systems is that they address a need not properly addressed in Far Trader. How to get in? A PC who starts with the wealth to buy a ship is hard to imagine as a weary old salt(though there is no logical reason he couldn't become one the GM must take account of stereotype if only to play mind-tricks on the PC's). However it is difficult for someone with the wealth level you would imagine for a weary old space-dog being able to afford a ship.
Possible campaigns:
The players are new traders trying to survive, while secretly breaking the guild rules for newcomers, and avoiding survailence.
Vice-versa the players are detectives hired to prevent the above.
The players are trying to prevent the Imperials, or the Megacorps from getting interfering with the Guild. Or again vice-versa.
The Guild would have some of the qualities of a Megacorps, and some of the qualities of a union. It is geared however to the peculiar qualities of a Free Traders profession which demand more independance.
Some of the guild's rules would have to involve what would be considered fair competition between the members. There would also be a mechanism for one free trader to "sue" another. The guild would have to be large enough to make sure it is taken into account and small enough to avoid annoying to many people.
The Guild would on occasion hire mercs to do whatever seemed necessary(I.E. clearing out Vargr that were picking on them instead of their rivals).
Other arrangments could be made. A local town might raise contributions to put ships in space(Vargrs do this at times with corsairs). A company might specialize in giving short-term leases. Shares could be bought in a ship(a classic method).
However some way must solve the need for getting free traders into the market. The methods provided such as the 40 year installment, need improvement. Or rather there needs to be more options for free traders.
The hardest part of being a merchant in the traveller universe is getting started. Why should there not be companys specifically designed for this.
starship loan agencies could give "cash back" to help jump-start the budding merchant - one or two million credits. 'course any referee will have to consider how this will affect the game.
By the way, toward the end of the ninteeth century, sailing ship men("Beowulf,s" and "Empress Marvara's" )were being ousted by steamers("Tukera's"). Insurance was incredibly high for sailing ships. So they extended their survival by forming alliances among themselves to provide for insurance. Sort of like my "Free Trader's Guild"
Another variation for the Free Traders is that they are a cooperative of Spacers/Merchants who are all related by familial ties -- "Space Gyptsies", in many ways. As "Familiy" they have obligations to help each other out. As a specific "Family" becomes more successful, they upgrade to larger ships, until eventually -- maybe after 5 or 6 "successful" generations -- a "Family" may be operating a "trader" in the area of 3 or 4 hundred kilotonnes.

Of course, genepools being what they are, it would be advantageous for such Free Trader "Families" to incorporate members of other "Families" as space allows. A 100 tonne ship may have members of a single, "nuclear" family on board -- a married pair, just starting out on their own -- while the aforementioned bulk freighter, in the 300Ktonne range, might have members of 4-5 "Families" aboard.

In the latter case, these multi-Family ships would get their members from Free Trader Families that were working together -- a Free Trader "Clan". Any given "Clan" might claim dozens of ships to their name.

So, getting back to the original point of this discussion, a "starting" Spacer or Merchant might get a 100-200 dtonne ship as a "Gift of the Family". The only difference being that, instead of owing lots of money to a souless Bank, they owe money and LOYALTY to "The Family".

They would be expected to make a go of it themselves, but to also contribute to the "wealth" of the Family -- thus, the monthly debt could be higher, or lower, and missed payments might be more easilly "forgiven"; all because the starting PC is "Family", but that is offset by by the Loyalty & Service that they owe to the Family.

Think of it as the same duty a Scout retains to the Scout Service -- but the Recalling agency isn't your old Scout Commander....it's your Grandfather. Who's gonna say no?

And -- remember the genepool problem! -- Free Trader Families might be a bit "clannish", but if they needed extra workers aboard a ship, they would be more than willing to hire on "non-Family" for short term contracts. If these workers get along well with the Family, they might be "adopted", and given permanent jobs. A Free Trader Family wouldn't have the luxury of NOT admitting new blood/genes into their Families, but they would be very choosy about who they let their Sons & Daughters marry. No Groundlings for these folk!
Another variation for the Free Traders is that they are a cooperative of Spacers/Merchants who are all related by familial ties -- "Space Gyptsies", in many ways. As "Familiy" they have obligations to help each other out. As a specific "Family" becomes more successful, they upgrade to larger ships, until eventually -- maybe after 5 or 6 "successful" generations -- a "Family" may be operating a "trader" in the area of 3 or 4 hundred kilotonnes.

Of course, genepools being what they are, it would be advantageous for such Free Trader "Families" to incorporate members of other "Families" as space allows. A 100 tonne ship may have members of a single, "nuclear" family on board -- a married pair, just starting out on their own -- while the aforementioned bulk freighter, in the 300Ktonne range, might have members of 4-5 "Families" aboard.

In the latter case, these multi-Family ships would get their members from Free Trader Families that were working together -- a Free Trader "Clan". Any given "Clan" might claim dozens of ships to their name.

So, getting back to the original point of this discussion, a "starting" Spacer or Merchant might get a 100-200 dtonne ship as a "Gift of the Family". The only difference being that, instead of owing lots of money to a souless Bank, they owe money and LOYALTY to "The Family".

They would be expected to make a go of it themselves, but to also contribute to the "wealth" of the Family -- thus, the monthly debt could be higher, or lower, and missed payments might be more easilly "forgiven"; all because the starting PC is "Family", but that is offset by by the Loyalty & Service that they owe to the Family.

Think of it as the same duty a Scout retains to the Scout Service -- but the Recalling agency isn't your old Scout Commander....it's your Grandfather. Who's gonna say no?

And -- remember the genepool problem! -- Free Trader Families might be a bit "clannish", but if they needed extra workers aboard a ship, they would be more than willing to hire on "non-Family" for short term contracts. If these workers get along well with the Family, they might be "adopted", and given permanent jobs. A Free Trader Family wouldn't have the luxury of NOT admitting new blood/genes into their Families, but they would be very choosy about who they let their Sons & Daughters marry. No Groundlings for these folk!

You know I actually borrowed this idea almost exactlyfor MTU. I don't think I ever noted this entry, either. Curious.
I, too, have done the merchant families... but I also made them Rom...