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IYTU - How do you describe --fill in the blank here--


This thread is intended to give new ref's the opportunity to ask old-time Traveller hacks about how to describe common tech/items etc ... from a Traveller point of view.

I will get this going by asking the following questions:

How do you descibe dataware?

Transportable computer media in the Traveller age. Are they insertable data chips kind of like flash rom? Are they like holocrystals for storing data (ie data crystals duh)? How do you describe it IYTU?

How do you describe avionic bridges IYTU? Are they huge tables filled with buttons like some sci-fi thing? Do they have controls like some combo or aircraft and ship controls? What are the HUDS like?

The favorite all time description question ever!!

How do you describe jumpspace? Is it a blank gray space? Is it a sparkling field of gray and silver?
Originally posted by ACK:
This thread is intended to give new ref's the opportunity to ask old-time Traveller hacks about how to describe common tech/items etc ... from a Traveller point of view.
Cool idea ACK...

Originally posted by ACK:

How do you descibe dataware?

Transportable computer media in the Traveller age. Are they insertable data chips kind of like flash rom? Are they like holocrystals for storing data (ie data crystals duh)? How do you describe it IYTU?
I recall when we first started playing the main computer programs were called tapes in the book (iirc) and the computers were big enough to easily envision the common big refrigerator sized units with huge wide reel-to-reel magnetic tapes

Don't worry, we never did that, it was too old even then for our group. Instead we accepted that the computers were extremely advanced in ways to account for the size and (back to the data question ;) ) figured the programs (and those handy Jump Nav Tapes) were actually on self contained and very durable cartridges. Pocket sized and able to plug into a hand comp (one at a time) for limited use. Basically a self contained specialty computer in their own right, that you load on a suitable system for interfacing.

Smaller data needs eventually got covered by MT (I think is the first reference) by the use of data crystals. I always had them built into a credit card sized frame for handling purposes and to give you somewhere to lable it. The exterior of the data card is a full color display and you just design your lable or pick one from a list and the card stores it for display at a touch of the hot button corner. Video display is possible if you want to use the memory for it but no audio.
The favorite all time description question ever!! How do you describe jumpspace? Is it a blank gray space? Is it a sparkling field of gray and silver?
I hand the player whose character is looking at jumpspace a note which says
"the visage of the Elder Gods cavorting snaps your puny mind, roll up a new character. This one is now mine!!! and if you tell anyone what is on this note ypur next character will be plagued with misfortune, hint, hint"

And then I tell them that it appears as a featureless grey void. But as you keep looking you keep feeling as though you can see shadows in the gray like(insert name of players most feared insect, spider or whatever)moving on the edge of your vision. As you turn toward the movement it vanishes, only to reappear behind you, above you, below you.

Do you want to keep looking?
Anyone going to try and describe say the bridge of a Type S2 Scout/Courier?

What do bridge layouts look like?

How the heck does is it look in IYTU (In Your Traveller Universe)?

Here is a real stumper!

What is the mess area/kitchen of a small ship like a far trader or a Scout like?
Originally posted by ACK:
Anyone going to try and describe say the bridge of a Type S2 Scout/Courier?

What do bridge layouts look like?

How the heck does is it look in IYTU (In Your Traveller Universe)?

Here is a real stumper!

What is the mess area/kitchen of a small ship like a far trader or a Scout like?
I think the Scout/Courier bridge would just about have to have a layout with the pilot's couch being in reach of EVERY control since so many of these operate with a single crewperson. I think it probably would be the equivalent of a "sports car interior" for a starship, pilot's controls, navigator comp, engineering readouts, commo links, and computer/gunnery links ALL in reach of a single position, almost would have to be a hemispherical display at arm's length of the couch with at least five or six different boards within easy reach, right?

The mess/galley of either ship should be compact with every wall covered in storage or equipment, table and chairs fold away and all the equipment and storage can clear away to make for easy passage if there's an emergency. I picture it like the galley in "Firefly" without the large family dining room table, more like a cardtable affixed to either the ceiling surface or floor that folds up or down to clear away and the chairs/beches would be over- or under-slung fold away jobs connected to the table.

Not really very homey, but then this is an area that might have to serve a number of functions depending upon the time of "day" and on such a small craft area is at a premium.

Originally posted by eiladayn:
I think the Scout/Courier bridge would just about have to have a layout with the pilot's couch being in reach of EVERY control since so many of these operate with a single crewperson. I think it probably would be the equivalent of a "sports car interior" for a starship, pilot's controls, navigator comp, engineering readouts, commo links, and computer/gunnery links ALL in reach of a single position, almost would have to be a hemispherical display at arm's length of the couch with at least five or six different boards within easy reach, right?

The mess/galley of either ship should be compact with every wall covered in storage or equipment, table and chairs fold away and all the equipment and storage can clear away to make for easy passage if there's an emergency. I picture it like the galley in "Firefly" without the large family dining room table, more like a cardtable affixed to either the ceiling surface or floor that folds up or down to clear away and the chairs/beches would be over- or under-slung fold away jobs connected to the table.

Not really very homey, but then this is an area that might have to serve a number of functions depending upon the time of "day" and on such a small craft area is at a premium.

You have a link to pic online of the Firefly galley?

I was thinking central table for a Far Trader but like a booth setup for the Scout. I remember going on board a cramped WWII vessel ( sub I think) that had the cramped galley and a booth I want to say instead of like a table or anything.

What about typical civilian formal suit? What is non-noble formalwear like?

This is getting fun.
Ummmm......no, I don't think I do have an online pic of the galley of the Firefly, sorry. Just picture a bus station locker room with a cook island (stove top, microwave, etc.) and a large rectangular dining room table (wood no less) surrounded by chairs in the center of the room, doors fore and aft, lockers for storage port and starboard.

Clothes are tough because there are so many cultures in our imaginary galaxy. I think clothes probably range from toga-like comfort stuff to tanned leather buckskins to what might be a latex body suit. Moral mores usually dictate how people dress, how much skin and form the clothes reveal or conceal.

How do you descibe dataware?

Transportable computer media in the Traveller age. Are they insertable data chips kind of like flash rom? Are they like holocrystals for storing data (ie data crystals duh)? How do you describe it IYTU?
I always described them as they sounded some sort of crystal formation that one plugged into their computer...the size of a calculator battery.

Then, I got my laptop and I began to conceptualize them as flat wavers that could be inserted into the back any device. Now, I am beginning to think wireless and the inserting of memory is something that is uploaded.

But, with all the talk of the Virus, I think I am going back to my calculator bred with the waffer memory stick, akin to a gameboy port only much much smaller.

How do you describe avionic bridges IYTU? Are they huge tables filled with buttons like some sci-fi thing? Do they have controls like some combo or aircraft and ship controls? What are the HUDS like?
small craft would resemble something like a aircraft but remember HUDS in Traveller allow the com to be completely programmable in which one can choose 1001 different configurations and holographic projectors would do the rest.

I always liked the bridge of Starship Operator's Manual combined with the Traveller book illus.

Bigger capital ships would be visualized like in GT: Starships cover compmbined with that of the one of the issues of Third Imperium

The favorite all time description question ever!!

How do you describe jumpspace? Is it a blank gray space? Is it a sparkling field of gray and silver?
Again I am a bit of a purist here, it is the Han Solo entry with the stars streaking by and the big red void a la Swycaffer,
Originally posted by Kafka47:
small craft would resemble something like a aircraft but remember HUDS in Traveller allow the com to be completely programmable in which one can choose 1001 different configurations and holographic projectors would do the rest.

I always liked the bridge of Starship Operator's Manual combined with the Traveller book illus.

Bigger capital ships would be visualized like in GT: Starships cover compmbined with that of the one of the issues of Third Imperium

Again I am a bit of a purist here, it is the Han Solo entry with the stars streaking by and the big red void a la Swycaffer,
Thanks for the picture links!

A friend of mine had an old Star Frontiers Dark Side of the Moon that had a module where the front cover was plastered with a picture of a two seat crowded bridge with old drink cups and crap all over the bridge area. That was what I always used in my head when I thought of a scout's bridge.

My line of thought is that everything seemed to be crowded and the controls are within reach.

I kind of like the field of streaking endles stars motif for jumpspace and the big red void but I thought I remember reading a couple of TML threads where somewhere in canon it is described as a boring field of grayness reaching out in complete numbness so players won't ask those kinds of questions anymore.
I describe the interior of the S-2 Bridge, when not in ops, as being a comfortable but featureless series of chairs surrounded by panels.

In operation, it depends upon who is where, what they're doing, and which panel config they've called up... most of them "LOOK" either Star Trek TOS or ST TNG-ish, but some have "Virtual Joysticks" at TL 14+ that could almost fool you until your hand is knocked through it by a careless crewman...

TL10+ tend to be very TNE-ish IMTU, but some controls are physical. TL 9 controls are like the modern avionics kits: multiple screens, some essential and/or startup stuff is physical controls, and othhers are touch screen and/or edge button operated, other are keyboard input, etc.
Early TL 10 controls, IMTU, are mmostly TNG. at TL 13, they begin to be incorporating more holographics, and only the panel select, panel on/of, and LS plug-in point controls are manual. At TL14, they seldom even have the "Flat Mode" going. But, for some poor schuck who only knows TL8 style controls, a competent buddy can rig up a holodynamic panel config that would probably fool him, and in any case would negate the penalties for TL diffference, unless he sees it in the "Off" mode, or sees it change mode.

Tactile feedback on TL 14+ panels is by microrepulsor/ micro inertial impeller projectors in the panel, and (IMTU) only works to about 10 cm off panel.

TL 13 Holodynaics IMTU have no tactile feedback... except in flat panel mode, where you cn set controls to read at "Panel Contact". Especially things like weapons control....
Scout mess area?
*One (1) TLx autogalley containing one (1) microwave cooker, 600W, 8vl capacity; one (1) Freezer, -20° rated, 600vl capacity (see navspec 4.1 §21c.S for power, dimension, and service requirements).
*One (1) command chair lap tray, detachable, (see navspec 3.9 §15a.S for command chair dimensions and service requirements).
Originally posted by Straybow:
Scout mess area?
*One (1) TLx autogalley containing one (1) microwave cooker, 600W, 8vl capacity; one (1) Freezer, -20° rated, 600vl capacity (see navspec 4.1 §21c.S for power, dimension, and service requirements).
*One (1) command chair lap tray, detachable, (see navspec 3.9 §15a.S for command chair dimensions and service requirements).
I have to use that description!

Do you mind?
Originally posted by Aramis:

TL10+ tend to be very TNE-ish IMTU, but some controls are physical. TL 9 controls are like the modern avionics kits: multiple screens, some essential and/or startup stuff is physical controls, and othhers are touch screen and/or edge button operated, other are keyboard input, etc.
Early TL 10 controls, IMTU, are mmostly TNG. at TL 13, they begin to be incorporating more holographics, and only the panel select, panel on/of, and LS plug-in point controls are manual. At TL14, they seldom even have the "Flat Mode" going. But, for some poor schuck who only knows TL8 style controls, a competent buddy can rig up a holodynamic panel config that would probably fool him, and in any case would negate the penalties for TL diffference, unless he sees it in the "Off" mode, or sees it change mode.

Tactile feedback on TL 14+ panels is by microrepulsor/ micro inertial impeller projectors in the panel, and (IMTU) only works to about 10 cm off panel.

TL 13 Holodynaics IMTU have no tactile feedback... except in flat panel mode, where you cn set controls to read at "Panel Contact". Especially things like weapons control....
Regarding holographic controls, one of the things I liked the most about the movie Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within was the depiction of the various holographic control surfaces. For those that haven't seen it, here are links to a couple of wallpapers that show a couple of the simpler holographic tools in the movie.


IMTU, software media is via datachips. These are sorta like CD's, but more durable. Kinda like the rectangular computer chips seen in Star Trek TOS.

I began playing Traveller in the late '70's, and naturally was heavily influenced by Star Wars. As such, my ship's bridges tend to look cluttered, worn and lived-in, like the Millenium Falcon's interior. Of course, the big government ships look more like Star Destroyers or the Rebel Blockade Runner.

Jumpspace... Again, inspired by Star Wars, Jumpspace looks like alot of long streaks of light passing by the ship, with a bright light directly in front and a dark void behind.
Originally posted by ACK:
Originally posted by Straybow:
Scout mess area?
*One (1) TLx autogalley containing one (1) microwave cooker, 600W, 8vl capacity; one (1) Freezer, -20° rated, 600vl capacity (see navspec 4.1 §21c.S for power, dimension, and service requirements).
*One (1) command chair lap tray, detachable, (see navspec 3.9 §15a.S for command chair dimensions and service requirements).
I have to use that description!

Do you mind?
Knock yourself out. Just remember, there is no milspec for the hip flask, although every Scout swears it is required. ;)
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in that nifty description of the galley, here's where our views differ...
1) there should be a UHP Steam line driven by a water tap to the coolant induction loop, and a steam heat oven... sealed cycle. Better use, and makes use of what would otherwise be waste heat. Also, removes another sourcce of detectable radiation in a generally communication-oriented band. Probably combined with the microwave...

2) the rehydration steam needle... same source of steam... used for unpacking vacc-dry rations skimmed from the gropos...

3) the garbage press... for minimizing garbage volume

4) live UHP Steam dishwasher, just big enouugh to hold 4 sets of utensils, food trays, and beverage containers, or that detatchable tray. Probably has permanent holders, and a moving steam arm. Say, 10cm deep rack 0.9m x 0.5m. , enclosure adds 10 cm depth, .1 m h & .2 m w... spare racks available at the commisarry for nonstandard food containers, clothing, lab equipment, food steaming.

5) the ration-pack rack. More often used for bags of snacks than the requisite 2 weeks emergency/field rations...

Now, the actual eating area, well the "Rec Table" is also the eating table, guest bed, and planning table. IMTU, it's in the fore port corner of the commons. the mess system equipment is aft, right next to the iris to engineering.

And the scouts definitely should not be navspec, but IISS Spec's...
Originally posted by Aramis:
in that nifty description of the galley, here's where our views differ...
1) there should be a UHP Steam line driven by a water tap to the coolant induction loop, and a steam heat oven... sealed cycle. Better use, and makes use of what would otherwise be waste heat. Also, removes another sourcce of detectable radiation in a generally communication-oriented band. Probably combined with the microwave...

4) live UHP Steam dishwasher, just big enouugh to hold 4 sets of utensils, food trays, and beverage containers, or that detatchable tray. Probably has permanent holders, and a moving steam arm. Say, 10cm deep rack 0.9m x 0.5m. , enclosure adds 10 cm depth, .1 m h & .2 m w... spare racks available at the commisarry for nonstandard food containers, clothing, lab equipment, food steaming.

Now, the actual eating area, well the "Rec Table" is also the eating table, guest bed, and planning table. IMTU, it's in the fore port corner of the commons. the mess system equipment is aft, right next to the iris to engineering.

I'd consider having the oven and the washer combined, which shouldn't be too hard to manage. That way the thing can be a bit bigger, allowing it use for washing non-standard items (this is a scout ship, afterall). Yes, that means you can't cook and wash at the same time - you're a scout aren't you? Learn to plan.

In the eating area I'd make the "guest bed" part of the seating arrangements.
Aramis wrote:

"... a UHP Steam line ... rehydration steam ... live UHP Steam dishwasher ..."

Mr. Aramis,

I'm an old steam crank, ran an engineroom, worked on various plants - fossil and nuc, have helped restore a few boilers and 'whizz-bangs', even subscribe to a steam hobby magazine, and I wouldn't want a LIVE STEAM LINE anywhere on my scout/courier.

Steam is dangerous, finicky, tempermental, and ... did I mention dangerous? Steam is also a maintenance hog, your crew will spend more time wrestling with portions of that UHP feed line to the stove than tuning their sensor suite. I don't even want to mention the continual care and feeding your coolant loop driven steam generator will require. (shudder)

Go with something solid state; resistors or microwaves, anything and everything BUT steam.

Of course, inflicting a balky steam heating/cooking system on your PCs would be a nice/nasty GM trick!

Ok, IYTU how do you describe futuristic advertising?

I make it even more annoying than today's standards more like Minority Reports without personalization. That movie gave me a couple of great ideas. Anyway...

Floating holovid ads follow people around in the streets like giant evil 3-D pop-ups in the sky proclaiming things like:

"Gotacola? Wannacola? Drink Havacola!"

"Sale on Hiver Joe's Famous Hot Sauce for a limited time. Burn a permanent hole in your gut in half the time!"

"Astroburger! Better than subsitute immitation recycled protein on a stick. Real meat-like substances in every burger!"
Originally posted by Larsen E. Whipsnade:
Aramis wrote:

"... a UHP Steam line ... rehydration steam ... live UHP Steam dishwasher ..."

Mr. Aramis,

I'm an old steam crank, ran an engineroom, worked on various plants - fossil and nuc, have helped restore a few boilers and 'whizz-bangs', even subscribe to a steam hobby magazine, and I wouldn't want a LIVE STEAM LINE anywhere on my scout/courier.

Steam is dangerous, finicky, tempermental, and ... did I mention dangerous? Steam is also a maintenance hog, your crew will spend more time wrestling with portions of that UHP feed line to the stove than tuning their sensor suite. I don't even want to mention the continual care and feeding your coolant loop driven steam generator will require. (shudder)

Go with something solid state; resistors or microwaves, anything and everything BUT steam.

Of course, inflicting a balky steam heating/cooking system on your PCs would be a nice/nasty GM trick!

And solid state cooking devices SCREAM in waves monitored by pre-stellar racces. I'm talking about a steam system with a few dozen L of total fill volume, all potentially potable pre-use, demand fed. Send the post- dishwasher stuff to the fuel purification plant.

For cleaning dishes, UHP steam is IDEAL stuff. Disinfect and blast simultaneously, after some pressure reduction. What doesn't come off is no longer likely to be infectious. Great for cooking, too. Just don't do it with the door open.

For cleaning clothing, it's not bad.

But that's also for scouts. NOT for all ships. Scouts, who often run the PP low, and shut down all non-essential electronics. And the engine should run he steam for days after shutdown if you are not intentionally chilling for maintenance or storage.

Besides, a steam-line system is also great for ship's defense.

And yes, I know about cutting brooms with steam line cracks. Put a controled valve at the door to engineering, with the switch remoted fromm the bridge and the engineer's seat... As I said, ships defense.