Canon or No, I personally find it unlikely that Aliens, conditioned by other aliens, several sectors away from earth, and 36 Centuries in the future, would adopt a relatively Obscure Terran Cultural Reference... it seems an arrogant assumption that the Terran Culture is the best an Entire Galaxy has to offer... why wouldn't they love Hiver christmas?
Or Wookie Light Day for that Matter?*
The whole thing gives me the feeling I got when I read Rifts: Vampire Kingdoms. Granted, I am first to admit that I hate Vampires and all of their gothy kind, but the only thing I hate more is a Post Apocalyptic Circus, complete with useless "Balloon People" character classes... It was the final straw when it came to Palladium Games with me... an a fine example of just how silly things can get without a sharp-eyed editor at work, or at least someone to tell you, "you've got a bad idea there..."
The author of the Ithklur thing defends it by citing Japanese Kids that Love Elvis, or American Kids that Love Godzilla, but then cross culturalizations make more sense on the same world, than in some very distant place, run totally by non-human Aliens...
I realize that the Hivers themselves hae a bit of "The Terran Bug", for some reason, IE thier adapted names, etc... but has there been any real speculation as to why they are so fascinated by a fairly average group of Humaniti? And why from a particular Time Period?
Such things make the rest of Known Space seem like only so much cardboard...
* yes, its a STAR WARS Christmas Special ('77) Reference...