• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

ISS Ursula

Liam Devlin

SOC-14 5K
In case ye have forgotten, or have been away during the hoidays, the online Live RPG from CoTI's own (once on Lonestar Chat) has moved. We may befound here:


Game nights are usually Mondays..check the calendar on the site.

AKA "Mike" Rourke, mgr
ship's steward, general dogsbody

PS, ya'll check this out!
Hi Liam

I've been skimming over some of your posts in random static and the character dump. I think its just as well that I haven't gotten involved in the online game...my mind is stuck right know on the 'mercenaries from Fulacin' thing. My mind just keeps skipping on that phrase...and when My mind gets past that, it starts skipping again when it hits 'Baron of Fulacin.' I'm sure its just the brain tumor doing that to me, but I can't help feeling a sense of uneaseness about the whole thing :eek:

More seriously, I complement your typing ability..
you have got to be 1000wpm or something...Wow.

post at ya latter dude.
Originally posted by plop101:
Hi Liam

I've been skimming over some of your posts in random static and the character dump. I think its just as well that I haven't gotten involved in the online game...my mind is stuck right know on the 'mercenaries from Fulacin' thing. My mind just keeps skipping on that phrase...and when My mind gets past that, it starts skipping again when it hits 'Baron of Fulacin.' I'm sure its just the brain tumor doing that to me, but I can't help feeling a sense of uneaseness about the whole thing :eek:

without tipping the pot, as it were, (it is a polled military/ intrigue/mercenary/scout/ trade campaign-with shooting involved). The plot is convoluted by the past histories of the PC's, and the backdrop of pre-FFW politics. Many of the NPC's come from campaigns BG and I had in our Sm campaigns...the "BIG NPCs of course, are stock OTU..
On several levels its very "deep", interpersonally, in ROLE-playing. Nuff said on that.
More seriously, I complement your typing ability..
you have got to be 1000wpm or something...Wow.

post at ya latter dude.

Thanks, I am really very slow, and then I edit meself with spellchecker! we'll chat later on this...gotta run