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Interest check: Traveller shindig in central Maryland?


Just trying to gauge interest here. My FLGS in Glen Burnie, MD (just south of Baltimore) has a fairly large gaming area and the owner is generally pretty accomodating regarding special events. Would anyone be interested in participating in a one-day Traveller fest? Just for grins, let's say a Saturday, sometime in February or March.

In particular, is there anyone interested in running games? Anything from running adventures (any ruleset, slight bias towards CT, GT or T20 since the store could conceivably sell product in those lines), a miniatures game like Striker or Power Projection, an AHL or Snapshot scenario, etc. Perhaps someone to help explain "What is Traveller" to passerby. (The store is self-contained, but people come in to buy a variety of gaming items and often wander back into the playing area.)

And, of course, people who would be interested in coming to play.

The event would either be free, or possibly have a nominal fee which would be donated to a local charity. The store owner does several charity events during the year - a 24-hour RPG-a-thon to benefit the Johns Hopkins Children's Center last August, for example.

Anyway, post here if you're interested in some fashion.


I'm nearby, so definitely interested, and I shouldn't be travelling (no pun intended) then.

Also, I'm unfamiliar with the acronym FLGS. What is it? And if GS is Game Store, which one is it?

"FLGS" = Friendly Local Game Store. In this case, it's Games, Comics & Stuff on B&A Boulevard.

Would you be interested in running something, or just playing?

- John
Probably just playing at this point. Haven't run a game for a while now, so I don't trust my chops. Also, I probably don't have the time to do the prep work that I would like, since the best thing would be running something totally original.

I am actually also pretty interested in the tabletop Traveller games. That is one area (aside from BL) that I never really got into and would like to try them out. I bought a used copy of Striker II recently, but haven't had a chance to read through it yet.
We have a total of three people who have volunteered to run games (counting myself) including a published GT product author, which is enough to go forward with. I'm still looking for ideally one more referee and anyone who would be interested in playing.

Stay tuned for more details.
A trip to MD would be a nice diversion for a weekend. Especially for a chance to 'play' CT.
Have'nt run a game since the late 80's, but have never played before.
I work for an airline, so getting there is no problem.
Keep us posted.

The store owner is amenable, so we're going to start working out the details next week.

FWIW Chuck, the location in question is very close to BWI airport. And the associated Amtrak station as well.

- John
Originally posted by jappel:
The store owner is amenable, so we're going to start working out the details next week.

FWIW Chuck, the location in question is very close to BWI airport. And the associated Amtrak station as well.

- John
Hey, that is good - but I have a question for you. Do you have an idea at this point as to what the referees are going to be running, (i.e., published adventures or homegrown adventures)?

If the former, I may just be a ref and run something simple like Shadows or a basic TNE adventure.

So far I have one GT adventure session confirmed, and another person interested in running a couple of games but no details. I will likely run either a T20 or CT game, home brew, and possibly a Power Projection: Fleet game.

Running a published adventure would be just fine; lots of older Travellers haven't actually played all the published adventures. And I'm hoping we rope in a few people who are new to Traveller.

We're starting to kick around some dates - how does Saturday, March 25th sound?

- John
Originally posted by jappel:

We're starting to kick around some dates - how does Saturday, March 25th sound?

As of now, that date is clear on my calendar. Always a chance it may change, but at least you have first dibs.

I think this would be fine. I think I would like to possibly run a BL session - I think that might be fun, even though I have lost my miniatures. Either that, or a short adventure as I mentioned before. It will be good to get more into real Travelling again!
March 25 sounds too soon (Lots of conventions in march)I'd vote some time in May or June. I know the Maryland area gets busy around July (ShoreLeave, GamesWorkshop's grand tourney, and other conventions,in the area, in July.
March 25th is starting to look very good, as all the folks who have offered to referee are clear that day. Hope to have things firmed up by the end of the week.

Sorry that date doesn't work for you, soloprobe, but whatever date chosen isn't going to work for someone. :(

Ah well! March 25th then I didnt' say it wouldn't work for me I just know there will be many conventions in MD. Another question ,why settle for JUST Saturday when you've got the WHOLE weekend...Not only am I Marking the calander but I'm planning on the weekend......
a) Don't mark the calendar in ink yet. Things are still being finalized.

b) It's one day because in part because it's being held in a store, in part because that's what I can commit to, and in part because it remains to be seen how many people will actually show up.

Just to be clear in the "setting expectations" department: this isn't a con.

- John
The date has been set with the store: March 25th, noon-9 PM. More details to follow. If those who are interested in running games could PM me with contact information and one or two lines about what you'd like to run (i.e., what rule set & adventure vs. miniatures game vs. whatever, perhaps a teaser line), I'd appreciate it!

- John
Too bad we can't get one of these together in Texas for Lone Star Travellers. :( I know there's Traveller gamers here in Austin, in DFW north of us, in Houston southeast of us and in San Antonio south of us. The difficulty seems to be in getting them all together in the same place to play a bit of Traveller together. How'd you get this done?


Well, I have to admit I have no idea how many people will actually show up to play. What is certain is that I have three people besides myself willing to run games which to me seemed to be a minimum viable number - a total of four people running games of some kind, each person running one or two sessions. We'll see how many actually show up. I've got advertising yet to do.

As for how I'm pulling it off - James Earl Jones is standing just off-screen murmuring "If you build it, they will come."
(Reference to the movie "Field of Dreams", for those unfamilar with the line.)

Seriously, I just posted here, on the TML, the ct_starhips Yahoo group and on the SJ Games JTAS forums. Enough interested GMs responded for me to approach the store - Ed Sloman, the owner is a great guy and very supportive. I worked with one of his minions (Matthew) who handles special events and we looked at possible dates. I ran those dates by the people interested in running games and March 25th worked for everyone.

So... we'll see what happens. I'm hoping to get 20 people, will be ecstatic if more come, and will be happy with whatever the final headcount turns out to be.

I would definitely consider attending, depending on my schedule. And I'd vote for CT myself (but am flexable). ;)