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In the News today

Spinward Scout

SOC-14 5K

New ‘supercontinent’ could wipe out humans and make Earth uninhabitable, study suggests​

The formation of a new “supercontinent” could wipe out humans and all other mammals still alive in 250 million years, researchers have predicted.

One of today's headlines said that Humans could be wiped out.

Millions dying in moments! Rescue efforts gone completely haywire! Human Sacrifice! Dogs and Cats living together! Mass hysteria!

Has anyone had a Planetary Cataclysm in their game?
Time to start building an Ark. Oh! Wait, 250 million years. I guess it can wait until this weekend. :)
Other news- At the speed the moon is moving away from Earth (3.8 centimeters a year), it would be completely out of Earth's orbit in 50 billion years.
Time to start building an Ark. Oh! Wait, 250 million years. I guess it can wait until this weekend. :)
Other news- At the speed the moon is moving away from Earth (3.8 centimeters a year), it would be completely out of Earth's orbit in 50 billion years.
... or there was that disaster 24 years ago with the exploding nuclear waste... big TV series documentary about it.
True, but it's sufficiently ancient history (-924) that it can hardly be called a "recent" planetary scale cataclysm by 1105+.

Excuse me, but, wihtout denying your point, I don't see the word "recent" in the OP question:

Has anyone had a Planetary Cataclysm in their game?

And, after all, "recent" is relative to the time you're playing. A game based on the post Maghiz Darrian could make an interesting one...
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A game based on the post Maghiz Darrian could m,ake an interesting one...

The Sword Worlds didn't get their first settlement until -399 @ Gram, so the -923 to -900 milieu (smack dab in the middle of the Long Night :eek:) would be a very isolated FEARFUL kind of Hard Times as the Maghiz spreads outwards at light speed, destroying the empire and civilization that the Darrians had built up to that point. 💥
do recall that the OTU 1107 is somewhere around 5600 AD... the Maghiz is still a millennium in the future.
According to the Integrated Timeline, the Star Trigger happened almost 1,000 years before the 3rd Imperium was established.

-925 The Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) Abh project finishes construction of their star probe. Alien Module 8 -
Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 10.
-924 Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) reaches TL 16. JTAS #14, GDW, 1982, p. 16.
-924 Darrian's (Spinward Marches 0627) sun destabilizes; huge flares erupt, killing 80% of the world's population
and many in the system, and destroying its interstellar civilization. JTAS #14, GDW, 1982, p. 16.
-924 Effects of the Maghiz felt throughout Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) space. JTAS #14, GDW, 1982, p.