Random Goblin
(not sure if this is the right forum for this)
My PCs have just stumbled onto an abandoned Fat Trader with a halfway full cargo hold in the trojan point of a large moon.
How do Imperial salvage laws apply (we're playing Classic Traveller)?
Imperial law would apply to the system, not planetary law, right?
So, what can the PCs keep and what do they have to give back, and what just requires a good faith effort to return?
The ship itself
Parts of the ship (drives, computer, etc.)
Cargo (shipped as bulk cargo)
Cargo (bought for speculative trade)
Personal items left behind
Ship's equipment
My PCs have just stumbled onto an abandoned Fat Trader with a halfway full cargo hold in the trojan point of a large moon.
How do Imperial salvage laws apply (we're playing Classic Traveller)?
Imperial law would apply to the system, not planetary law, right?
So, what can the PCs keep and what do they have to give back, and what just requires a good faith effort to return?
The ship itself
Parts of the ship (drives, computer, etc.)
Cargo (shipped as bulk cargo)
Cargo (bought for speculative trade)
Personal items left behind
Ship's equipment